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The complement system (CS) has recently been recognized as a bridge between innate and adaptive immunity that constitutes a very complex mechanism controlling the clearance of pathogens, cellular debris, and immune complexes. Out of three known pathways of complement activation, the alternative pathway (AP) plays a critical role in host defense by amplifying the complement response, independently of initiation pathway and continuously maintaining low-level activity in a process called ‘thick-over.’ A key molecule of the CS is C3, in which the AP is constantly activated. To prevent host cell destruction, a group of the AP regulators tightly controls this pathway of the CS activation. Acquired and genetic abnormalities of the CS may alter the delicate balance between enhancing and inhibiting the AP cascade. These can lead to the uncontrolled CS activation, inflammatory response, and subsequent tissue damage. Since complement components are locally produced and activated in the kidney, the abnormalities targeting the AP may cause glomerular injury. C3 glomerulopathy is a new entity, in which the AP dysregulation has been well established. However, recent studies indicate that the AP may also contribute to a wide range of kidney pathologies, including immune-complex-mediated glomerulonephritis (GN), pauci-immune GN, and primary membranous nephropathy (PMN). This article provides insight into current knowledge on the role of the AP in the pathogenesis of glomerular diseases, focusing mainly on various types of primary and secondary GN and PMN.  相似文献   


Although the mechanisms underlying AD neurodegeneration are not fully understood, it is now recognised that inflammation could play a crucial role in the initiation and progression of AD neurodegeneration. A neuro-inflammatory network, based on the anomalous activation of microglial cells, includes the production of a number of inflammatory cytokines both locally and systemically. These may serve as diagnostic markers or therapeutic targets for AD neurodegeneration.


We have measured the levels of the inflammation-related cytokines and receptors of the IL-1 family in serum of subjects with AD, compared to mild cognitive impairment (MCI), subjective memory complaints (SMC), and normal healthy subjects (NHS). Using a custom-made multiplex ELISA array, we examined ten factors of the IL-1 family, the inflammation-related cytokines IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-18, and IL-33, the natural inhibitors IL-1Ra and IL-18BP, and the soluble receptors sIL-1R1, sIL-1R2, sIL-1R3, and sIL-1R4.


The inflammatory cytokines IL-1α and IL-1β, their antagonist IL-1Ra, and their soluble receptor sIL-1R1 were increased in AD. The decoy IL-1 receptor sIL-1R2 was only increased in MCI. IL-33 and its soluble receptor sIL-1R4 were also significantly higher in AD. The soluble form of the accessory receptor for both IL-1 and IL-33 receptor complexes, sIL-1R3, was increased in SMC and even more in AD. Total IL-18 levels were unchanged, whereas the inhibitor IL-18BP was significantly reduced in MCI and SMC, and highly increased in AD. The levels of free IL-18 were significantly higher in MCI.


AD is characterised by a significant alteration in the circulating levels of the cytokines and receptors of the IL-1 family. The elevation of sIL-1R4 in AD is in agreement with findings in other diseases and can be considered a marker of ongoing inflammation. Increased levels of IL-1Ra, sIL-1R1, sIL-1R4, and IL-18BP distinguished AD from MCI and SMC, and from other inflammatory diseases. Importantly, sIL-1R1, sIL-1R3, sIL-1R4, and IL-18BP negatively correlated with cognitive impairment. A significant elevation of circulating sIL-1R2 and free IL-18, not present in SMC, is characteristic of MCI and disappears in AD, making them additional interesting markers for evaluating progression from MCI to AD.
The development of new medical devices, such as aortic valves, requires numerous preliminary studies on animals and training of personnel on cadavers before the devices can be used in patients. Postmortem circulation, a technique used for postmortem angiography, allows the vascular system to be reperfused in a way similar to that in living persons. This technique is used for postmortem investigations to visualize the human vascular system and to make vascular diagnoses. Specific material for reperfusing a human body was developed recently. Our aim was to investigate whether postmortem circulation that imitates in vivo conditions allows for the testing of medical materials on cadavers. We did this by delivering an aortic valve using minimally invasive methods. Postmortem circulation was established in eight corpses to recreate an environment as close as possible to in vivo conditions. Mobile fluoroscopy and a percutaneous catheterization technique were used to deliver the material to the correct place. Once the valve was implanted, the heart and primary vessels were extracted to confirm its position. Postmortem circulation proved to be essential in several of the cadavers because it helped the clinicians to deliver the material and improve their implantation techniques. Due to the intravascular circulation, sites with substantial arteriosclerotic stenosis could be bypassed, which would have been impossible without perfusion. Although originally developed for postmortem investigations, this reperfusion technique could be useful for testing new medical devices intended for living patients. Clin. Anat. 556–562, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Endogenous levels of glucocorticoids rise during pregnancy to warrant development and maturation of the fetal organs close to birth. However, during most of the gestation, the fetus is protected from excessive biologically active endogenous glucocorticoids by placental and fetal expression of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (11β-HSD2). Maternal stress, which may overwhelm placental 11β-HSD2 activity with high glucocorticoid levels, or administration of synthetic glucocorticoids to improve the survival chances of the premature newborn, are associated to postnatal increased risk for immune diseases. Fetal exposure to excessive glucocorticoids may underlie this altered postnatal immunity. Here, we revise the role that placental and fetal 11β-HSD2, fetal glucocorticoid exposure, and programming of the offspring’s the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis play on concerted steps in immune fetal development. We could identify gaps in knowledge about glucocorticoid-induced programming of immune diseases. Finally, based on current evidence about glucocorticoid and HPA axis-mediated immune regulation, we hypothesize on mechanisms that could drive the enhanced risk for atopies, infections, and type I diabetes in offspring that were prenatally exposed to glucocorticoids.  相似文献   
Until now, over 30 loci have been identified by linkage analysis of affected families that segregate non-syndromic and dominantly inherited forms of hearing impairment (DFNA). A German family with a non-syndromic progressive hearing impairment transmitted in autosomal dominant mode was linked to 19q13.3-q13.4 by a genome-wide scan. Due to the low lod-score (1.85 at theta=0.05) for APOC2-locus we extended the fine mapping attempt with further markers in the same chromosomal region. This resulted in significant evidence for linkage to the markers D19S246 and D19S553 (two-point lod-score of 4.05 and 3.55 at theta=0.0) and a candidate critical region of 14 cM between markers D19S412 and D19S571. This region shows partial overlap with the previously reported DFNA4 critical region. The human gene BAX is orthologous to the rodent Bcl2-related apoptosis gene that is temporally expressed during the postnatal period in the developing inner ear of the mouse. BAX, mapping at a distance of no more than 0.73 cM distally to marker D19S553 appeared a likely candidate in our pedigree but genomic sequencing of coding regions and exon/intron boundaries excluded disease-related mutations. However, additional ESTs in the same region remain to be tested.  相似文献   
Hypothyroidism remains a common late effect after irradiation of the neck/mediastinum for Hodgkins lymphoma (HL). We evaluated the protective effect of TSH suppression during neck/mediastinum irradiation. From 1998 to 2001, 14 consecutive euthyroid children were given, before and until the end of their radiotherapy on neck/mediastinum, L-thyroxine at TSH-suppressive doses. The 14 patients had adequate TSH suppression during irradiation in 8, inadequate in 6. The 8-year hypothyroidism-free-survival after irradiation was 75 ± 15% for the former group, 0% for the latter (P = 0.009). TSH suppression could have a protective effect on thyroid function as shown in a small group of patients with HL.  相似文献   
Conditioned saccharin avoidance (CSA) can be produced when either lithium chloride (LiCl) or a reinforcing drug, such as morphine, is administered following exposure to the taste of saccharin. In this study we investigated the involvement of dopamine (DA) transmission in the acquisition of morphine and LiCl-CSA. CSA was evaluated in a two-bottle choice paradigm with two conditioning pairings between saccharin and morphine or LiCl as unconditioned stimulus (US). Morphine hydrochloride (7.5 mg/kg s.c.) or LiCl (40 mg/kg i.p.), administered 45 and 120′ respectively after saccharin-drinking session, induced strong CSA. The DA D1 receptor antagonist, SCH 39166 (0.1 mg/kg s.c.), impaired morphine-CSA if administered 15′ and, to a lesser extent, 30′ but not 45′ before the drug (i.e immediately after saccharin drinking). In contrast SCH 39166 reduced LiCl-CSA when administered 45′ before the drug and even more so when administered 105′ before LiCl i.e. immediately after saccharin drinking. Therefore SCH 39166 impaired morphine-CSA when given shortly before the drug, while it impaired LiCl-CSA when given shortly after saccharin. Raclopride, a specific antagonist of D2 receptors, failed to affect LiCl- and morphine-CSA. These results are consistent with the idea that DA, acting on D1 receptors, plays a differential role in morphine- and LiCl-CSA. In LiCl-CSA DA is necessary for the processing (consolidation) of the short-term memory trace of the saccharin taste to be associated with the lithium-induced aversive state, while in morphine CSA contributes to mediate the appetitive properties of the drug.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Human respiratory coronavirus (hCoV) HKU1 infections were reported for the first time in 2005 in Hong Kong. OBJECTIVE: To investigate epidemiological, clinical, and diagnostic features of HKU1 infections. STUDY DESIGN: Longitudinal, prospective study from November 2005 through May 2006 in a hospitalised patient population. RESULTS: Overall, 48/426 (11.3%) patients were found to be infected by hCoV acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI). Of these, 10 (19.2%) were caused by HKU1 (6 single infections and 4 coinfections) during the period January-May 2006. Diagnosis was made by using RT-PCR for all four hCoVs, and in parallel, in-house developed group-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) for HKU1 and 229E. HKU1-specific MAb was able to retrospectively identify 8 of 10 HKU1 strains detected by RT-PCR. Phylogenetic analysis showed that four HKU1 strains were genotype A and six genotype B. In HKU1-infected patients, the predominant clinical symptom was rhinorrhea (nine patients). Within group II hCoV, HKU1-infected patients had a significantly lower rate of lower ARTI compared to OC43-infected patients. CONCLUSION: HKU1 hCoV strains circulated in northern Italy during the winter-spring season 2005-2006. Both HKU1 genotypes were detected. HKU1-specific MAb may contribute to the rapid diagnosis of HKU1 infections currently performed by RT-PCR.  相似文献   
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