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In palliative care, outcome measures are increasingly used to aid clinical practice, conduct audit and research. The objective of this study was to elicit professionals' views and experiences of using outcome measures, paying special attention to the Palliative care Outcome Scale (POS). This article presents the results of a qualitative study of 26 professionals, experienced in using the POS, who were invited to participate in semi-structured telephone interviews. Of those invited, 22 people took part. Participants' comments were noted verbatim through the interviews and data subjected to content analysis. Analysis of data identified a number of key themes surrounding outcome measures, notably their reasons for use, application in clinical settings and a range of professionals' attitudes. The article concludes that understanding the process of outcome measures is important for improving their implementation. When undertaking further research, attention should be paid to the wider social, cultural and structural contexts, as factors that can influence the implementation of outcome measures. As the drive towards outcome measures continues, it is essential that measures are not developed in a vacuum. Instead they should always be informed by the needs and experiences of individuals and services.  相似文献   


Body image (BI) is a multidimensional construct that includes perceptual, attitudinal, behavioural components, and feedback from other people''s perception of oneself. The feedback from others and the degree to which one accepts or rejects it can determine self evaluation and perception. Body weight perception is a strong determinant of nutritional habits and weight management among adolescents. One of the barriers to reducing rise in obesity prevalence could be its cultural acceptability in some developing countries.


To explore the gender influences on perception of self- and opposite-sex body images (BI), perceived body weight and the actual body weight categories at which discrepancies occur among the perceived BIs in undergraduates.


This was a survey of perceptual dimension of BI, perceived body weight and actual body weight carried out in 121 undergraduates aged 21–29years.


Discrepancies occurred between self-perceived BI and each of actual body weight (p= 0.00 at 0.00–0.02 confidence interval (CI)), perceived body weight (p= 0.01 at 0.000–0.02 CI) and self-ideal BI (p= 0.03 at 0.000–0.05 CI) of normal-weight males. Self-perceived BI and perceived body weight also differed in normal-weight females (p= 0.02 at 0.000–0.04 CI). Discrepancies (p= 0.02 at 0.00–0.04 CI) occurred between self-perceived BI and self-ideal BI, and between self-perceived BI and desired BI (p= 0.02 at 0.00–0.04 CI) in overweight females. Gender differences occurred for self-ideal BI (p= 0.00 at 0.00–0.02 CI), ideal image for the opposite sex (IBIOS) (p= 0.02 at 0.00–0.04 CI) and desired BI (p= 0.00 at 0.00–0.02 CI).


Normal-weight males perceived their BI differently from their actual body weight, perceived body weight and self-ideal BI whereas normal-weight females perceived their BI differently from only their perceived body weight. Discrepancies occur between self-ideal BI and self-perceived BI, and between self-perceived BI and desired BI in overweight females. There are differential perceptions of self-ideal BI, IBIOS and desired BI between males and females.  相似文献   
WHO生存质量评估简表的等价性评价   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
目的评价WHO生存质量评估简表(WHOQOL-BREF)在13个国家的等价性。方法采用多组验证性因子分析方法,对世界卫生组织生存质量研究小组提供的13个国家的数据进行分析,评价WHOQOL-BREF不同国家的等价性。结果各个国家的各个领域的Cronbachα系数均大于0·7,分布在0·7至0·88之间。除了英国和挪威之外,其它国家的社会关系领域的Cronbachα系数均大于0·65。采用根据世界卫生组织生存质量研究小组研制量表时构建的四因子模型对数据分别进行拟合,拟合优度指数(CFI)均大于0·8,其中德国、西班牙和美国的拟合优度指数大于0·9。多组验证性因子分析发现模型拟合尚可,CFI等于0·88,各个国家的因子负荷不全相等,因子负荷的轮廓相似。结论WHOQOL-BREF在13个国家具有相同的因子结构,且有等价性。  相似文献   
A series of five unsymmetrical platinum(ii) bis-boryl complexes, bearing two distinct boryl ligands, are obtained by the oxidative addition reaction of unsymmetrical diborane(4) derivatives, bearing either two different dialkoxy or one dialkoxy and one diamino boryl moiety, with [(Ph3P)2Pt(C2H4)]. All five complexes were structurally and spectroscopically characterised. The bis-boryl platinum(ii) complexes exhibit slightly distorted square-planar cis-boryl structures with acute B–Pt–B angles, short B⋯B distances of 2.44–2.55 Å and relatively long trans-boryl P–Pt distances around 2.34 Å. The 31P–195Pt NMR coupling constants are indicative for the strongly donating/trans-influencing boryl ligands. Despite the structural and spectroscopic data at hand no finally conclusive order of the donor properties/trans-influence of the boryl ligands can be deduced on the basis of these data. This may be explained by an (residual) interaction of two boryl ligands.

Five unsymmetrical platinum(ii) bis-boryl complexes are reported, the spectroscopic and structural data allow the first comparative study on these complexes.  相似文献   
CONTEXT: Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) mainly exerts indirect action via downstream conversion toward sex steroids within peripheral target cells including immune cells. In vitro DHEA has been shown to enhance IL-2 release from T lymphocytes, whereas it inhibits IL-6 secretion. Conversely, aging is associated with a decline in both DHEA and IL-2, whereas IL-6 increases. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to investigate age-related differences in expression and functional activity of steroidogenic enzymes involved in downstream conversion of DHEA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). DESIGN: This study was cross-sectional. PARTICIPANTS/SETTING: Healthy young men (n = 8; age range, 23-29 yr) and healthy middle-aged men (n = 8; age range, 52-66 yr) were studied in an academic setting. MEASURES: mRNA expression of steroidogenic enzymes in PBMCs was measured by qualitative and quantitative RT-PCR analysis and enzyme activity assays after incubation of PBMCs with radiolabeled DHEA, 4-androstene-3,17-dione (androstenedione), and testosterone. RESULTS: RT-PCR analysis showed expression of all enzymes required for DHEA conversion toward active androgens and to the immune-stimulatory metabolite androstenediol. Steroid conversion patterns indicated a particularly increased activity of 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 5 (17beta-HSD5) in the older men, demonstrated by significantly higher conversion rates of DHEA to androstenediol and of androstenedione to testosterone (all P < 0.05). By contrast, conversion of DHEA to androstenedione via 3beta-HSD occurred at a similar rate. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed increased expression of 17beta-HSD 5 mRNA in PBMCs from the older men. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide evidence for significant changes in sex steroid metabolism by human PBMCs with aging, which may represent an endocrine link to immune senescence.  相似文献   


The ethnic usage of exotics and indigenous problem plants is a highly debated topic, as legislative requirements over-shadow their potential medicinal value, particularly to treat sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Limited information exists regarding their medicinal value among the Bapedi.


To ascertain the importance of exotics and indigenous problem plants in the treatment of STIs, a major global primary health care challenge.


A field observation and semi-structured questionnaire focussing on species diversity, types of STIs treated and medicinal preparation as well as application was used to collect data from 34 traditional healers.


Seven exotics and three indigenous problem species were identified. These species were used to treat four STIs; with Catharanthus roseus illustrating its dominance in the treatment of gonorrhoea. Some medicinal species used by Bapedi traditional healers have been validated through scientific research or through their extensive use by various cultures in South Africa and other parts of Africa. To the best of our knowledge Alternanthera pungens, Caesalpinia decapetala, Cinnamomum verum, and Citrullus lanatus are reported for the first time in the treatment of the investigated STIs.


Exotic and indigenous problem species constitute an important component of the STIs treatment protocol. Their utilization by Bapedi cautions against the narrow-minded approach of indiscriminate eradication, as these species can play a significant role in the primary health care needs of socio-economic vulnerable people.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate the significance of the inflammatory markers on admission in the isolation of a causative pathogen in patients with spinal infection. Spinal infection is treated frequently at spinal units and can encompass a broad range of clinical entities. Its diagnosis is often delayed because of the difficulty of identifying the responsible pathogen.


Patients with spinal infection treated in our institution over a period of eight years were identified and their notes studied retrospectively. Admission C-reactive protein (CRP), white cell count (WCC) as well as co-morbidities and mode of pathogen identification were recorded. Overall, 96 patients were included in the study.


The CRP levels on admission were correlated significantly with the overall potential for isolation of a pathogen (p<0.0001) and positive biopsy cultures (p=0.0016). Admission WCC levels were associated significantly with the overall potential for isolation of a pathogen (p=0.0003) and positive biopsy cultures (p=0.0023). Both CRP and WCC levels were significantly negatively correlated with the duration of the preceding symptoms (p=0.0003 and p<0.0001 respectively). Delay in presentation was significantly negatively correlated with organism isolation (p=0.0001). Multivariate analyses identified the delay in presentation as the strongest independent variable for organism isolation (p=0.014) in cases of spontaneous spinal infection when compared with the admission CRP level (p=0.031) and WCC (p=0.056).


In spontaneous spinal infection, delay in presentation is the strongest independent variable for organism isolation. High inflammatory marker levels on admission are a useful prognostic marker for the overall potential of isolating a causative organism either by blood cultures or by biopsy in patients with negative blood cultures. Furthermore, the admission inflammatory marker levels allow for treating surgeons to counsel their patients of the likelihood of achieving a positive microbiological yield from biopsy.  相似文献   
Drescher KM  Tracy SM 《Virology》2007,359(1):233-242
Demyelination of the human peripheral nervous system (PNS) can be caused by diverse mechanisms including viral infection. Despite association of several viruses with the development of peripheral demyelination, animal models of the condition have been limited to disease that is either autoimmune or genetic in origin. We describe here a model of PNS demyelination based on direct injection of sciatic nerves of mice with the cardiovirus, Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV). Sciatic nerves of FVB mice develop inflammatory cell infiltration following TMEV injection. Schwann cells and macrophages are infected with TMEV. Viral replication is observed initially in the sciatic nerves and subsequently the spinal cord. Sciatic nerves are demyelinated by day 5 post-inoculation (p.i.). Injecting sciatic nerves of scid mice resulted in increased levels of virus recovered from the sciatic nerve and spinal cord relative to FVB mice. Demyelination also occurred in scid mice and by 12 days p.i., hindlimbs were paralyzed. This new model of virus-induced peripheral demyelination may be used to dissect processes involved in protection of the PNS from viral insult and to study the early phases of lesion development.  相似文献   


An individual’s genetic background plays a significant role in his or her chances of developing an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). This risk is likely to be due to a combination of multiple small effect genetic factors acting together, resulting in considerable difficulty in the identification of these factors.


Methods for the identification of genetic factors associated with disease are usually based on the analysis of genetic variants in case-control studies. Over the last decade, owing to advances in bioinformatics and laboratory technology, these studies have progressed from focusing on the examination of a single genetic variant in each study to the examination of many millions of variants in a single experiment. We have conducted a series of such experiments using these methods.


Our original methods using candidate gene approaches led to the initial identification of a genetic variant in the interleukin-10 gene associated with AAA. However, further studies failed to confirm this association and highlighted the necessity for adequately powered studies to be conducted, as well as the need for confirmatory studies to be performed, prior to the acceptance of a variant as a risk for disease. The subsequent application of genomic techniques to our sample set, in a global collaboration, has led to the identification of three robustly verified risk loci for AAA in the LRP1, LDLR and SORT1 genes.


Genomic studies of AAA have led to the identification of new pathways involved in the pathogenesis of AAA. The exploration of these pathways has the potential to unlock new avenues for therapeutic intervention to prevent the development and progression of AAA.  相似文献   
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