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Six patients who injured their wrists had radiographs documenting a dorsal, 5- to 10-mm oblong fragment of bone immediately proximal to the base of the fourth and/or fifth metacarpal bones. The fragment was seen on the pronation oblique and/or lateral projections, but not on the posteroanterior projection. The radiographic appearance of the fragment was remarkably similar in all cases. In the one patient in which it was performed, pluridirectional tomography demonstrated that the fragment originated from the dorsal surface of the hamate. Five of the six patients also had associated posterior dislocation of the fourth and/or fifth metacarpals. We conclude that this fragment represents a coronal fracture through the body of the hamate resulting from posterior dislocation or subluxation of the fourth and/or fifth metacarpal.  相似文献   
This article examines the discussions at the Workshop on MeasuringHealth Behaviour and Health: towards New Health Promotion Indicatorscentred on the main areas of health promotion: reviewing thestate of the art in the field of health promotion indicators,clarifying problems with current health indicators, and helpingto establish a network of institutions and individuals activein health indicator development. The Berne Workshop revealedthe differences in opinions on health promotion indicators andconcluded that the present state of the art in the field wasquite unsatisfactory. The author1 concludes by setting out sixspecific recommendations for the improvement of the currentsituation.  相似文献   
We evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of miconazole (MCZ, Florid-F inj.), a new antifungal agent for parenteral use, in deep-seated fungal infections of respiratory tract system. A daily dose of 400-1,800 mg of MCZ was given intravenously for 12-38 days (mean: 23.4 days) to 7 patients: 2 patients with pulmonary aspergillosis, 1 patient with bronchial aspergillosis, 1 patient with pulmonary candidiasis and 3 patients with candidemia. One additional patient with pulmonary aspergillosis received three instillations of 20 mg of MCZ into the thoracic cavity. The clinical effects were excellent in 1, good in 4 and poor in 3 patients. The efficacy rate was 100% in 5 cases with respiratory fungal infections but 3 cases with candidemia did not respond well to the treatment. Four strains each of Aspergillus sp. and Candida sp. were identified as causative organisms. Seven of the 8 strains were eradicated by administration of MCZ. Side effects observed were irritation and heat in a leg in 1 patient, hyperlipoidemia in 2 patients and eosinophilia in 1 patient. The adverse reactions disappeared after the completion of the therapy. From the above results, we conclude that MCZ is one of the most useful antifungal agents for parenteral use as a first choice on deep-seated fungal infections in the respiratory tract.  相似文献   
. Neutrophil-mediated tissue damage has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diarrhoea-associated haemolytic uraemic syndrome (D+ HUS). This study evaluates priming and activation of the neutrophil oxidative burst in D+ HUS using chemiluminescent techniques. Peripheral blood neutrophils from 11 children with acute D+ HUS were examined. No difference was found in the oxidative burst of neutrophils from patients and controls. Serum elastase levels were measured in 8 patients and found to be significantly elevated. Although elastase results suggest neutrophil activation, chemiluminescence studies do not confirm this in the peripheral blood neutrophil. This does not support a significant role for circulating agents in priming and activating the peripheral blood neutrophil. Received August 17, 1995; received in revised form and accepted November 27, 1995  相似文献   
A prognosis of patients with a curative resected advanced cancer of the lower gastric region was worse than that of the other region of the stomach. The 5 year survival rate was only 47.3%. One of the main reasons was that a rate of lymph node recurrence was higher. In this point of view, we studied on lymphatic flow of the lower gastric region using an activated carbon particle (CH40). Lymph nodes were stained black soon after the injection of CH40 into the lower gastric wall at laparotomy. The black stained rate of an each regional lymph node was as follows. 3. 58%, 4. 17%, 5. 50%, 6. 25%, 1. 21%, 7. 58%, 8. 83%, 9. 58%, 11. 17% and 12. 33% in case of injection into the greater curvature and and 4. 31%, 6. 100%, 8. 25%, 9. 25%, 14V and 56% in case of injection into the lesser curvature. The stained rate was relatively high in 12 and 14V lymph node which we had not routinely dissected. The rates of lymph nodes stained black were related to those of cancer metastasis. The results suggest that lymphadenectomy of 12 for the cancer at the lesser curvature and that of 14V for the cancer at the greater curvature might make a prognosis of lower gastric cancer better.  相似文献   
Correlation studies were performed relating iron availability estimated in vitro using a simulated digestion system to the concentration of protein, sugar, fibre, phytate, ascorbate and citrate in 33 different plant foods. Protein, sugar and fibre showed no significant correlation with iron availability. Phytate was significantly negatively correlated with diffusible iron in cereals, legumes and nuts. Both ascorbate and citrate were highly positively correlated with diffusible iron in vegetables and fruits. It is concluded that iron availability may be related on a quantitative basis to certain components of plant foods.  相似文献   
Psychometric data are presented which examine the validity of using the concentration of benzoylecgonine in urine, a major metabolite of cocaine, as a measure of drug use, in studies of drug abuse treatments. In such research the standard biological indicator of drug use is usually a qualitative urine drug test, which merely indicates the presence or absence of a drug or its metabolite. A quantitative (i.e. continuous) outcome measure, such as the concentration of a drug or its metabolite in a biological fluid, has substantially more statistical power than a dichotomous measure and should, therefore, prove a more sensitive measure of drug use when viewed from a measurement perspective. Data from two placebo-controlled clinical trials of fluoxetine as an adjunct to treatment for cocaine abuse are analyzed to address this issue. Results indicate that urine benzoylecgonine level is closely related to self-reports of drug use and is independent of levels of anxiety, depression and hopelessness.  相似文献   
The results of the in vitro fertilisation programme at Tygerberg Hospital for the period April 1983 to January 1988 are presented. Of the 1117 laparoscopies performed, 825 patients reached the transfer stage. A live-birth rate of 9.3% was achieved. The pregnancy rate after transfer of 4 embryos was 25.9% compared with 15.4% after 2 embryos and 10.8% after 3 embryos (P = less than 0.0001). The multiple pregnancy rate was 2.8% in the group receiving 2 embryos and 11.7% and 10.4% in those receiving 3 and 4 embryos, respectively. Of the 77 successful pregnancies (90 babies), 1 baby died at 34 weeks' gestation as the result of abruptio placentae due to preeclampsia and 1 cot death occurred. The only congenital abnormality encountered was a cleft palate.  相似文献   
Corpus cavernosography in a patient with erectile dysfunction revealed absence of communication between the 2 cavernous bodies. No similar case was found in a review of 100 consecutive cavernosograms or in the literature. The abnormality may be a source of error in pressure recordings or in intravenous injection of pharmaceutical agents.  相似文献   
Patients on long-term haemodialysis suffer from dialysis arthropathy due to the deposition of dialysis amyloid. We investigated the use of 99Tc-labelled methylene diphosphonate bone scans in 17 patients as a possible in vivo diagnostic technique. In most clinically affected joints, with the exception of shoulders and hands, there was increased radioisotope uptake consistent with uptake by periarticular bone. In addition, we describe intense soft-tissue uptake around some clinically affected large joints. In contrast, control groups of patients on haemodialysis without arthropathy and patients without renal failure did not have increased uptake. A semi-quantitative scale of uptake was devised, and the following correlations were significant: pain perception and isotope uptake score in the ankles and feet, and the number of radiological lesions and isotope uptake scores in the wrists and knees. The following sites where the radioisotope might bind in the affected joints are proposed: amyloid deposits, areas of soft-tissue calcification, or areas of increased bone turnover. It is concluded that whereas the scanning technique cannot make a definite diagnosis of amyloid and, therefore, cannot be expected to supersede histological diagnosis, it is a useful adjuvant investigation, of particular importance in those patients unable or unwilling to undergo biopsy.  相似文献   
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