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Eugenol is a material commonly used in dentistry with few reported side effects. It is not however, a bio-friendly material when in contact with oral soft tissues. It can produce both local irritative and cytotoxic effects, as well as hypersensitivity reactions. Here we report on two cases of adverse local reaction to eugenol, contained within a temporary restorative material and a temporary cementation material respectively, which illustrate these problems.  相似文献   
Hannig M  Balz M 《Caries research》2001,35(2):142-148
The purpose of this study was to investigate the protective effect and ultrastructure of salivary pellicles formed in vivo near the orifices of the ducts of parotid and submandibular/sublingual salivary glands. Pellicles were formed by exposing bovine enamel slabs to the oral environment at the buccal aspect of the upper first molars and at the lingual aspect of the lower incisors in 3 subjects over periods of 24 h. Enamel specimens with and without 24-hour pellicles were immersed in citric acid (0.1 and 1%) for periods ranging from 30 s to 5 min, and processed for measurement of surface microhardness (SMH) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In comparison to uncovered enamel specimen significantly less decrease in SMH due to acid exposure was observed in pellicle-coated enamel specimens. Pellicles formed at the buccal aspect of the upper molars were less effective in protecting the enamel against acid-induced softening as compared to pellicles formed at the lingual aspect of the lower incisors only after 5 min exposure in 1% citric acid. TEM analysis showed that pellicle layers were dissolved continuously due to acid exposure. However, even after 5 min exposure to 1% citric acid, a residual pellicle layer could be detected on the enamel surface. In conclusion, site-dependent differences of buccally and lingually in vivo formed 24-hour pellicles have minor importance concerning the pellicle-induced protection of the enamel surface against erosive changes.  相似文献   
Meta-analytical review of factors involved in dentin adherence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Literature data on adherence tests of dentin-bonding systems (DBS) may differ widely, even for the same DBS. The problem of bond testing is that materials are seldom compared with a standard, and experimental conditions often vary. We sought to identify the parameters that influence this variability. Using inclusion and exclusion criteria, we conducted a meta-analytical review of 75 articles, published between 1992 and 1996 in SCI reviews, that give bond strength data for 15 dentin-bonding agents of the so-called third and fourth generations. Seventeen selected parameters were classified into four groups: Group A includes factors related to the dentin substrate (i.e., nature of teeth); group B, composite and bonding area (i.e., composite stiffness); group C, storage conditions of the bonded samples (i.e., thermocycling); and group D, test design (i.e., crosshead speed). For each report, the experimental features, the bond strength means and standard deviations, and the failure mode were extracted and tabulated. Statistical Analysis System software was used to perform Pearson correlation analysis and analysis of variance, with bond strength as the dependent variable and experimental conditions as the independent variables. The meta-analytical review highlighted the significant influence of various parameters in the different groups: origin of dentin, types of teeth, pulpal pressure, tooth storage temperature, maximum storage time of teeth, and dentin depth in group A; type and stiffness of composite and bonding area in group B; storage of bonded samples (medium, temperature, and time) in group C, and testing mode and crosshead speed in group D. A significant positive correlation was observed between the mean bond strength and the rate of cohesive failure. It can be concluded from this study that some of these parameters should be controlled by the use of a standardized protocol. Unfortunately, the substrate-related variables are more difficult to control, even though their influence is consistent.  相似文献   
Wear behavior of new composite restoratives   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study investigated the wear resistance of recently introduced nanofill (Filtek Supreme [FS], 3M-ESPE) and ormocer (Admira [AM], Voco) composites and compared their wear characteristics to microfill (Filtek A110 [AO], 3M-ESPE]), minifill (Esthet X [EX], Dentsply; Filtek Z250 [ZT], 3M-ESPE) and polyacid-modified (Dyract AP [DY], Dentsply) composites. Six specimens were made for each material. The specimens were conditioned for one week in distilled water at 37 degrees C and subjected to wear testing at 20 MPa contact stress against SS304 counter-bodies using reciprocal compression-sliding wear instrumentation. Distilled water was used as lubricant. Wear depth (microm) was measured using profilometry every 5,000 cycles up to 20,000 cycles. The results were analyzed using ANOVA/Scheffe's test (p<0.05). Wear of the materials was cycle and fatigue dependent. Although no significance in wear was observed between materials after 5,000 cycles of wear testing, significant differences were observed at 10,000 cycles and greater. After 20,000 cycles of wear testing, ranking was as follows: ZT > DY >AM > AO > FS > EX. Wear ranged from 39.90 microm for EX to 113.32 microm for ZT. The wear resistance of ZT and DY was significantly lower than AO, FS and EX In addition, ZT experienced significantly more wear than AM. Under the conditions of this in-vitro study, the wear resistance of nanofill and ormocer composites was comparable or superior to polyacid-modified, microfill and minifill composites.  相似文献   
Modern trends in surgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From 1955 to July 1978, 560 patients suffering from trigeminal neuralgia, who had not responded to medical treatment underwent various alternative procedures. Considering some of these to be out of date, some as showing too high a number of relapses and some as having potentially unjustified risks in an affection in itself not fatal, the authors report only the results observed in a series of 175 patients operated on by retrogasserian rhizotomy according to Frazier (1931), and the results of a series of 184 patients treated by controlled thermocoagulation according to Sweet and Wepsic (1974).  相似文献   
The radioactive microsphere method was used to quantitate preoperative and postoperative blood flows in macaque monkeys when three different surgical approaches for anterior maxillary osteotomy were performed. Despite distinct variations in flap designs among the experimental groups, preoperative and postoperative determinations of blood flow were essentially unchanged. Results of the study suggest that a palatal, labial, or combined mucoperiosteal pedicle should be adequate to preserve the flow of blood to tissues in the osteotomized segment.  相似文献   
The direction of the mental canal was calculated in the horizontal and vertical planes with a view to aiding anaesthetic techniques. Based on our data, it is advisable to give the following approximate inclinations to the needle when penetrating the mental canal in anaesthetic procedures: 55 degrees postero-anteriorly in relation to a horizontal plane and 40 degrees latero-medially in relation to a horizontal line tangent to the body of the mandible at the level of the mental foramen.  相似文献   
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