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Thirty patients with chronic pancreatitis were treated by pancreatojejunostomy, six caudal and twenty-four longitudinal anastomoses. Follow-up data up to twenty years are reported and the early and long-term results compared. There were no deaths. Long-term results with caudal pancreatojejunostomy were 50 per cent excellent or improved and with longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy, 70 per cent excellent or improved. The best results were obtained when intraductal calcification was present. Longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy is recommended as the initial treatment of choice for chronic pancreatitis in patients with ductal obstruction, particularly when calcification is present.  相似文献   
Taraxer-14-en-3beta-ol ( 1) was shown to be the active ingredient in the leaves of Sterculia foetida L. The alcohol 1, its acetate and ketone showed anti-inflammatory activity against TPA induced mouse ear oedema with inhibition ratios of 60.0, 58.57 and 40.57 at 0.5 mg/ear, respectively. The percentage inhibition of inflammation increased with dose for each compound.  相似文献   
Eight patients with Fanconi's anemia were given cyclophosphamide alone (seven patients) or combined with procarbazine and antithymocyte globulin (one patient) followed by marrow grafts from HLA-identical siblings. All patients had engraftment. Seven developed acute and three chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Three patients died with GVHD and infectious complications (days 19, 56, and 82) and one with an intracerebral hemorrhage (day 540). Four patients are surviving 647- 3435 days after grafting, two are well, and two have chronic GVHD that is improving. These results show that Fanconi's anemia can be treated successfully by allogeneic marrow transplantation.  相似文献   


A survey was developed to assess experience and opinions about Lyme disease and post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) among faculties in public health. No previous surveys of public health faculties have been found in the literature.

Study design

This is a cross sectional study of public health school faculty members designed to measure knowledge and experience with Lyme disease and PTLDS using an internet survey instrument.


Participants were recruited using all the publicly available e-mail addresses of faculty members in all the 50 accredited Schools of Public Health in the United States.


A 15% response rate was seen for the survey. 50% of respondents were from Lyme endemic states. Less than 5% of faculty members consider themselves expert in Lyme or PTLDS. Many faculty members had known someone with Lyme disease or PTLDS, but few had been diagnosed themselves. Most believe that PTLDS can be severe and chronic, is not easy to treat, and does not resolve on its own, but were uncertain about its aetiology. Most respondents also felt that the incidence of Lyme disease will increase and that more education is needed.


The need for further understanding and communication presents an opportunity for public health research and education in Lyme disease and the sequelae of PTLDS.  相似文献   
美国约有30%的糖尿病患者(约620万人)被漏诊。超过25%的新诊断糖尿病患者已经患有糖尿病视网膜病变或出现微量白蛋白尿,这意味着患者在2型糖尿病发病和确诊之间被“忽视”了7年。有时发现在糖尿病前期,即空腹血糖(FPG)略有偏高(IFG,空腹血糖受损)或口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)略有偏高,甚至已存在微血管和大血管并发症。  相似文献   
Background: Enteral nutrition (EN) supports many older and disabled Americans. This study describes the frequency and cost of acute care hospitalization with dehydration and/or malnutrition of Medicare beneficiaries receiving EN, focusing on those receiving home EN. Methods: Medicare 5% Standard Analytic Files were used to determine Medicare spending for EN supplies and the proportion and cost of beneficiaries receiving EN, specifically home EN, admitted to the hospital with dehydration and/or malnutrition. Results: In 2013, Medicare paid $370,549,760 to provide EN supplies for 125,440 beneficiaries, 55% of whom were also eligible for Medicaid. Acute care hospitalization with dehydration and/or malnutrition occurred in 43,180 beneficiaries receiving EN. The most common principal diagnoses were septicemia (21%), aspiration pneumonitis (9%), and pneumonia (5%). In beneficiaries receiving EN at home, >one‐third (37%) were admitted with dehydration and/or malnutrition during a mean observation interval of 231 ± 187 days. Admitted patients were usually hospitalized more than once with dehydration and/or malnutrition (1.73 ± 1.30 admissions) costing $23,579 ± 24,966 per admitted patient, totaling >$129,685,622 during a mean observation interval of 276 ± 187 days. Mortality in the year following enterostomy tube placement was significantly higher for admitted compared with nonadmitted patients (40% vs 33%; P = .05). Conclusion: Acute care hospitalizations with dehydration and/or malnutrition in Medicare beneficiaries receiving EN were common and expensive. Additional strategies to reduce these, with particular focus on vulnerable populations such as Medicaid‐eligible patients, are needed.  相似文献   
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