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10 patients with CLL and 2 with CML were treated with gradually increasing doses of 1 alpha(OH)D3, up to 4 micrograms daily during 6 wk. 3 patients with preleukemia and 1 with myelofibrosis were treated with 2 micrograms daily of 1 alpha(OH)D3 for a prolonged period up to 17 wk. The treatment with 1 alpha (OH)D3 did not result in changes of disease parameters in any of the patients under study. Receptor studies for 1,25(OH)2D3 were performed in 8 CLL patients and revealed only 1 patient with increased specific receptor binding capacity. The maximum tolerable dose of 1 alpha(OH)D3 varied individually, but was in the range of 2-4 micrograms daily.  相似文献   
The effects of two promoters of hepatocarcinogenesis--phenobarbital and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)--on five hepatic biochemical parameters were examined in adult female rats. Phenobarbital given orally in two doses each of 110 mg/kg 21 and 4 hr before the rats were killed caused large increases in hepatic ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity and cytochrome P-450 content. Extending the number of phenobarbital treatments to five increased the hepatic enzyme induction and also caused a minor decrease in hepatic glutathione and a small increase in serum alanine aminotransferase activity. Two oral doses of 700 mg BHT/kg (20% of the LD50) caused hepatic DNA damage and induction of both ODC activity and cytochrome P-450 content. When the dose of BHT was reduced from 700 to 140 mg/kg no significant effects on the biochemical parameters were found. Both promoters of hepatocarcinogenesis were identified by their induction of ODC, a marker for promotional potential, but only BHT showed a potential for carcinogenic initiation. The biochemical parameters examined, particularly the alkaline elution technique for DNA damage, ornithine decarboxylase activity and serum alanine aminotransferase, may constitute a useful assay system for examining a compound's potential for carcinogenic initiation, carcinogenic promotion and cellular toxicity.  相似文献   
In 1983, 1623 primary and secondary schoolchildren took part in a health survey which was organized by the Busselton Population Studies Group. Age, sex, weight, height and country of birth were recorded for each child. Where possible, the country of birth of parents and the occupation of the father were extracted from previous Busselton surveys of adults. Compared with Perth schoolchildren, the difference in the attained weight and height of Busselton children at any age was small. This was so even though the two communities differ in location (rural compared with metropolitan), in ethnic origin (mainly British compared with diverse origins) and, probably, in social-rank distribution. Data from the two communities showed that a similar small secular increase in height had occurred since 1970/1971. This increase averaged at 1.2 cm for children at each year of age in Busselton and 1.5 cm to 1.6 cm for children in Perth.  相似文献   
Free choline and ATP contents were measured in Mongolian gerbil hippocampal slices (tissue) and incubation media (media) during exposure to 30 min of aglycemia, high potassium, anoxia, or ischemia. Changes in choline levels reflected the degree of energy reduction, lower ATP levels being associated with high choline (4-fold increase during exposure to high potassium and anoxia, and 11-fold increase during ischemia). Media (extracellular) choline was particularly affected and increased about twofold during relatively mild energy depletion (e.g., aglycemia), but tissue choline content was less sensitive to energy reduction. A plot of choline vs. ATP levels indicated a nonlinear correlation, and the sharp increase in choline occurred when ATP values fell to about 2.5 nmol/mg of protein. Inhibition of acetylcholine sterase by 10 microM physostigmine during ischemia did not prevent an increase in choline contents but rather enhanced them, indicating that acetylcholine hydrolysis was not the source of free choline. Formation of free choline was Ca2+ independent. These findings suggest the involvement of phospholipase D and phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis in free choline formation during energy stress. The extent of choline formation may be an indicator of the degree of membranal damage, which in turn reflects damage to the metabolic machinery of the cell.  相似文献   
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