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Protein–protein association generally proceeds via the intermediary of a transient, lowly populated, encounter complex ensemble. The mechanism whereby the interacting molecules in this ensemble locate their final stereospecific structure is poorly understood. Further, a fundamental question is whether the encounter complex ensemble is an effectively homogeneous population of nonspecific complexes or whether it comprises a set of distinct structural and thermodynamic states. Here we use intermolecular paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE), a technique that is exquisitely sensitive to lowly populated states in the fast exchange regime, to characterize the mechanistic details of the transient encounter complex interactions between the N-terminal domain of Enzyme I (EIN) and the histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein (HPr), two major bacterial signaling proteins. Experiments were conducted at an ionic strength of 150 mM NaCl to eliminate any spurious nonspecific associations not relevant under physiological conditions. By monitoring the dependence of the intermolecular transverse PRE (Γ2) rates measured on 15N-labeled EIN on the concentration of paramagnetically labeled HPr, two distinct types of encounter complex configurations along the association pathway are identified and dissected. The first class, which is in equilibrium with and sterically occluded by the specific complex, probably involves rigid body rotations and small translations near or at the active site. In contrast, the second class of encounter complex configurations can coexist with the specific complex to form a ternary complex ensemble, which may help EIN compete with other HPr binding partners in vivo by increasing the effective local concentration of HPr even when the active site of EIN is occupied.  相似文献   
冠状动脉搭桥术早期并发症及死亡率(附196例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1985年1月~1987年12月作者于荷兰格罗宁根医学科学院心胸外科主做了196例冠状动脉搭桥术。术后早期死亡2例(1.0%)、内出血3例(1.5%)、胸骨裂开2例(1.0%)、心律紊乱40例(20.4%)、围手术期心肌梗塞5例(2.6%),本文就术后早期并发症进行了讨论。  相似文献   
The proximity of child's kidneys from the cutaneous surface allows a particularly sensitive exploration by doppler sonography, which in addition has the major advantage of being a non-invasive, non-irradiating and painless technique. However there are two limitations to this technique: the lack of cooperation of some children and the still limited availability of high quality equipment in intensive care units. Indeed most of the applications described in this paper (ie. pyelonephritis, renovascular hypertension, tumors, acute renal insufficiency and renal vein thrombosis) require, besides an experienced operator, expensive power doppler equipment including high frequency and high resolution probes.  相似文献   
To determine the effect of increased glycogen stores on hepatic carbohydrate metabolism, 15 nondiabetic volunteers were studied before and after 4 d of progressive overfeeding. Glucose production and gluconeogenesis were assessed with [2-3H] glucose and [6-14C] glucose (Study I, n = 6) or [3-3H] glucose and [U-14C]-alanine (Study II, n = 9) and substrate oxidation was determined by indirect calorimetry. Overfeeding was associated with significant (P < 0.01) increases in plasma glucose (4.97 +/- 0.10 to 5.09 +/- 0.11 mmol/liter), insulin (18.8 +/- 1.5 to 46.6 +/- 10.0 pmol/liter) and carbohydrate oxidation (4.7 +/- 1.4 to 18.0 +/- 1.5 mumol.kg-1.min-1) and a decrease in lipid oxidation (1.2 +/- 0.2 to 0.3 +/- 0.1 mumol.kg-1.min-1). Hepatic glucose output (HGO) increased in Study I (10.2 +/- 0.5 to 13.1 +/- 0.9 mumol.kg-1.min-1, P < 0.01) and Study II (11.17 +/- 0.67 to 13.33 +/- 0.83 mumol.kg-1.min-1, P < 0.01), and gluconeogenesis decreased (57.6 +/- 6.4 to 33.4 +/- 4.9 mumol/min, P < 0.01), indicating an increase in glycogenolysis. The increase in glycogenolysis was only partly compensated by an increase in glucose cycle activity (2.2 +/- 0.2 to 3.4 +/- 0.4 mumol.kg-1.min-1, P < 0.01) and the fall in gluconeogenesis, thus resulting in increased HGO. The suppression of gluconeogenesis despite increased lactate and alanine (glycerol was decreased) was associated with decreased free fatty acid (FFA) oxidation and negligible FFA enhanced gluconeogenesis. These studies suggest that increased liver glycogen stores alone can overwhelm normal intrahepatic mechanisms regulating carbohydrate metabolism resulting in increased HGO in nondiabetic man.  相似文献   
Patients with solid tumors are increasingly being treated by autologous bone marrow transplantation (BMT). Although response rates appear to be increased, disease recurrence is the commonest cause of treatment failure. Whether relapse is entirely due to residual disease in the patient or arises also from infiltrating malignant cells contained in the autologous marrow transplant has not been resolved. If the latter explanation is correct, then purging would be required as part of the transplantation procedure. We used retrovirally mediated transfer of the neomycin-resistance gene to mark BM harvested from eight patients with neuroblastoma in clinical remission. The marked marrow cells were subsequently reinfused as part of an autologous BMT. At relapse, we sought the marker gene in malignant cell populations. Three patients have relapsed, and in each the marker gene was detected by phenotypic and genetic analyses of resurgent malignant cells at medullary and extramedullary sites. Analysis of neuroblast DNA for discrete marker gene integration sites suggested that at least 200 malignant cells, each capable of tumor formation, were introduced with the autologous marrow transplant and contributed to relapse. Thus, autologous BMTs administered to patients with this solid tumor may contain a multiplicity of malignant cells that subsequently contribute to relapse. The marker-gene technique we describe should permit evaluation of the mechanisms of relapse and the efficacy of purging in patients receiving autologous marrow transplantation for other solid tumors that infiltrate the marrow.  相似文献   
The nucleocapsid (NC) protein NCp7 of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is important for encapsidation of the virus genome, RNA dimerization, and primer tRNA annealing in vitro. Here we present evidence from gel mobility-shift experiments indicating that NCp7 binds specifically to an RNA sequence. Two complexes were identified in native gels. The more slowly migrating complex contained two RNA molecules and one peptide, while the more rapidly migrating one is composed of one RNA and one peptide. Further, mutational analysis of the RNA shows that the predicted stem and loop structure of stem-loop 1 plays a critical role. Our results show that NCp7 binds to a unique RNA structure within the psi region; in addition, this structure is necessary for RNA dimerization. We propose that NCp7 binds to the RNA via a direct interaction of one zinc-binding motif to stem-loop 1 followed by binding of the other zinc-binding motif to stem-loop 1, stem-loop 2, or the linker region of the second RNA molecule, forming a bridge between the two RNAs.  相似文献   
Impaired gut barrier function has been reported in a wide range of diseases and syndromes and in some functional gastrointestinal disorders. In addition, there is increasing evidence that suggests the gut microbiota tightly regulates gut barrier function and recent studies demonstrate that probiotic bacteria can enhance barrier integrity. Here, we aimed to investigate the effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus CNCM I-3690 on intestinal barrier function. In vitro results using a Caco-2 monolayer cells stimulated with TNF-α confirmed the anti-inflammatory nature of the strain CNCM I-3690 and pointed out a putative role for the protection of the epithelial function. Next, we tested the protective effects of L. rhamnosus CNCM I-3690 in a mouse model of increased colonic permeability. Most importantly, we compared its performance to that of the well-known beneficial human commensal bacterium Faecalibacterium prauznitzii A2-165. Increased colonic permeability was normalized by both strains to a similar degree. Modulation of apical tight junction proteins expression was then analyzed to decipher the mechanism underlying this effect. We showed that CNCM I-3690 partially restored the function of the intestinal barrier and increased the levels of tight junction proteins Occludin and E-cadherin. The results indicate L. rhamnosus CNCM I-3690 is as effective as the commensal anti-inflammatory bacterium F. prausnitzii to treat functional barrier abnormalities.  相似文献   
The prototypical chaperonin GroEL assists protein folding through an ATP-dependent encapsulation mechanism. The details of how GroEL folds proteins remain elusive, particularly because encapsulation is not an absolute requirement for successful re/folding. Here we make use of a metastable model protein substrate, comprising a triple mutant of Fyn SH3, to directly demonstrate, by simultaneous analysis of three complementary NMR-based relaxation experiments (lifetime line broadening, dark state exchange saturation transfer, and Carr–Purcell–Meinboom–Gill relaxation dispersion), that apo GroEL accelerates the overall interconversion rate between the native state and a well-defined folding intermediate by about 20-fold, under conditions where the “invisible” GroEL-bound states have occupancies below 1%. This is largely achieved through a 500-fold acceleration in the folded-to-intermediate transition of the protein substrate. Catalysis is modulated by a kinetic deuterium isotope effect that reduces the overall interconversion rate between the GroEL-bound species by about 3-fold, indicative of a significant hydrophobic contribution. The location of the GroEL binding site on the folding intermediate, mapped from 15N, 1HN, and 13Cmethyl relaxation dispersion experiments, is composed of a prominent, surface-exposed hydrophobic patch.Chaperone networks have evolved to correctly fold native proteins and protect against the damaging effects of misfolding and aggregation on protein homeostasis (1, 2). The chaperonins, a ubiquitous subclass of chaperones, are barrel-shaped, multisubunit assemblies composed of two ring cavities, transiently capped by either an extrinsic cochaperone or a built-in lid domain, which assist protein folding in an ATP-dependent manner (36). Although the encapsulation mechanism and accompanying allosteric transitions driven by ATP have been extensively studied, the details of how chaperonins fold proteins remain elusive (3, 6, 7). Further, encapsulation does not appear to be an absolute requirement for successful re/folding (8). Moreover, hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments on several protein substrates (912) and fluorescence-based refolding experiments (13) suggest that the prototypical chaperonin GroEL may possess intrinsic unfoldase activity. Here we take advantage of a monomeric, nonaggregating, well-defined system—a triple mutant of the Fyn SH3 domain that exists in dynamic equilibrium between the major native state and a sparsely populated folding intermediate (14, 15)—to directly demonstrate, using NMR relaxation-based methods (16), the ability of apo GroEL to accelerate the interconversion between these two states by almost three orders of magnitude. Simultaneous analysis of lifetime line-broadening (17), dark state exchange saturation transfer (DEST) (18), and Carr–Purcell–Meinboom–Gill (CPMG) relaxation dispersion (19) data permitted us to determine the catalytic rate constants and ascertain the location of the GroEL binding site on the folding intermediate under conditions where the population of GroEL-bound native and intermediate states is less than 1%. Further, GroEL unfoldase/foldase activity is modulated by SH3 deuteration, indicating that catalysis of the exchange reaction between folded and intermediate states involves direct interaction of the substrate with the walls of the GroEL chambers. These results provide a basis for how chaperonins, in the absence of cofactors and encapsulation, may be able to passively protect the cell from the deleterious effects of misfolded protein accumulation.  相似文献   
Askew  DS; Ihle  JN; Cleveland  JL 《Blood》1993,82(7):2079-2087
The inappropriate expression of c-myc in cells deprived of growth factors has recently been implicated in the activation of programmed cell death (apoptosis). The studies described here examine the ability of interleukin-3 (IL-3) or erythropoietin (Epo) to suppress apoptosis that occurs in association with enforced myc expression during cell cycle arrest of a murine IL-3-dependent myeloid progenitor cell line, 32D. G1 arrest was observed when culturing 32D cells to high density in medium supplemented with IL-3, or at subconfluent densities in medium supplemented with Epo. Under both conditions, endogenous c-myc expression was downregulated and viability was maintained. In clones of cells in which c-myc is constitutively expressed from a retroviral vector, enforced c-myc expression was associated with the activation of apoptosis at high cell densities. Similarly, enforced c-myc expression was deleterious to cell survival when these cells were cultured in Epo, as apoptosis was evident within 6 hours. The results support the concept that inappropriate c-myc expression activates apoptosis and that neither IL-3 nor Epo can suppress this program under these conditions.  相似文献   
The fatty acid composition of skeletal muscle cell membrane phospholipids (PLs) is known to influence insulin responsiveness in man. We have recently shown that the fatty acid composition of phosphatidylcholine (PC), and not phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), from skeletal muscle membranes is of particular importance in this relationship. Efforts to alter the PL fatty acid composition in animal models have demonstrated induction of insulin resistance. However, it has been more difficult to determine if changes in insulin sensitivity are associated with changes in the skeletal muscle membrane fatty acid composition of PL in man. Using nicotinic acid (NA), an agent known to induce insulin resistance in man, 9 normal subjects were studied before and after treatment for 1 month. Skeletal muscle membrane fatty acid composition of PC and PE from biopsies of vastus lateralis was correlated with insulin responsiveness using a 3-step hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. Treatment with NA was associated with a 25% increase in the half-maximal insulin concentration ([ED50] 52.0 +/- 7.5 to 64.6 +/- 9.0 microU/mL, P < .05), consistent with decreased peripheral insulin sensitivity. Significant changes in the fatty acid composition of PC, but not PE, were also observed after NA administration. An increase in the percentage of 16:0 (21% +/- 0.3% to 21.7% +/- 0.4%, P < .05) and decreases in 18:0 (6.2% +/- 0.5% to 5.1% +/- 0.4%, P = .01), long-chain n-3 fatty acids (1.7% +/- 0.2% to 1.4% +/- 0.1%, P < .01), and total polyunsaturated fatty acids ([PUFAs] 8.7% +/- 0.8% to 8.0% +/- 0.8%, P < .05) are consistent with a decrease in fatty acid length and unsaturation in PC following NA administration. The change in ED50 was significantly correlated with the change in PUFAs (r = -.65, P < .05). These studies suggest that the induction of insulin resistance with NA is associated with changes in the fatty acid composition of PC in man.  相似文献   
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