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Laboratory studies suggest that ghrelin is involved in bone metabolism, but studies of ghrelin and bone in humans are limited. We studied sex-specific associations of ghrelin with BMD, NTX, and bone loss. Ghrelin was not associated with BMD or bone loss in either sex. There was a significant inverse association with NTX in men but not in women. INTRODUCTION: Ghrelin is a gastric hormone recently shown to be associated with bone metabolism in animal and in vitro studies. Studies in humans are limited. We investigated the association of ghrelin with BMD, the bone resorption marker N-telopeptide (NTX), and bone loss in older men and women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Participants were 977 community-dwelling men and non-estrogen-using postmenopausal women, 50-91 years of age. Plasma ghrelin was measured by radioimmunoassay from blood obtained between 1984 and 1987. Between 1988 and 1991, BMD was measured at the midshaft radius by single photon absorptiometry and at the femoral neck, total hip, and lumbar spine by DXA. Axial BMD measurements were repeated an average of 4 years later in 544 participants. Bone turnover was assessed by NTX in urine obtained at the same time as the initial BMD. Multiple regression analyses were used to test sex-specific associations of ghrelin with BMD, NTX, and bone loss in both sexes. RESULTS: No significant ghrelin-BMD or ghrelin-bone loss associations were observed in either sex, after adjusting for age and body mass index (BMI). Ghrelin was inversely associated with NTX in men and positively associated with NTX in women, independent of age. After adjusting for both age and BMI, this association reached statistical significance in men and was weakened in women. CONCLUSIONS: Ghrelin may be associated with bone turnover, but there is no evidence for an association with BMD or short-term change in BMD in older adults.  相似文献   


While gastrointestinal problems are common in ICU patients with multiple organ failure, gastrointestinal failure has not been given the consideration other organ systems receive. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of gastrointestinal failure (GIF), to identify its risk factors, and to determine its association with ICU mortality.  相似文献   
Adolescents are at increasing risk for HIV infection in Mexico. Research on gender differences in risk behaviors and determinants is needed to develop effective HIV prevention interventions targeting Mexican adolescents. This study examined gender differences in the likelihood of unprotected sex and theoretical correlates among high school students in the border city of Tijuana. Three hundred seventy high-school students completed a face-to-face interview and a self-administered survey. Differences in sexual initiation, condom use, intentions to use condoms in the future, and attitudes towards condoms in this population were assessed. Although male students initiated sexual practices earlier than females, females were more likely to have unprotected sex. Females perceived themselves as more likely to avoid unprotected sex in the future and held more favorable attitudes about condoms. The results suggest that stereotypical gender roles and communication barriers place Tijuana female high school students at higher risk for HIV infection than their male peers.  相似文献   
Morphometric data based on skin wounding offer important information for the characterization of the phenotype of transgenic mouse models. The goal of this study was the comparison of technical procedures concerning wounding, processing, and evaluation of samples in different mouse strains. The multitissue array technique was used to estimate its adaptability for standardized analysis in wound healing. Skin wounds between days 1 and 14 after wounding were analyzed. The influence of mouse strain (C57BI/6 vs. FVB/N mice), sex, size of the punch biopsies, and preparation of the tissue sections was investigated on 94 mice. The parameters distance between the migration tongues (deltaMT) and surface not covered by epithelium were evaluated to describe the reepithelialization, and the distance between the adnexa was chosen to measure wound contraction. In addition, the techniques to measure the area of granulation tissue (GT) were evaluated. The data illustrate the requirement of standardized conditions for skin wound-healing experiments and demonstrate that histological preparation in serial sections is mandatory to detect slight differences in wound contraction. For the analysis of cellular composition in GT, multitissue arrays are useful tools in wound-healing studies.  相似文献   
The X‐linked McLeod neuroacanthocytosis syndrome strongly resembles Huntington's disease and has been reported in various countries world‐wide. Herein, we report two Chilean brothers with predominant psychiatric features at disease onset including schizophrenia‐like psychosis and obsessive compulsive disorder. Molecular genetic analysis revealed a small deletion in the XK gene (938‐942delCTCTA), which has been already described in a North American patient of Anglo‐Saxon descent and a Japanese family, presenting with seizures, muscle atrophy or chorea yet absence of psychiatric features. These findings argue against a founder effect and indicate a profound phenotypic variability associated with the 938‐942delCTCTA deletion. Our report supports the inclusion of McLeod syndrome in the differential diagnosis of Huntington's disease as well as acute psychosis in male subjects. © 2007 Movement Disorder Society  相似文献   
Background Results from in vitro and animal studies suggest that cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors may reduce the risk of melanoma, but among humans, the evidence remains limited.
Objective In a pilot retrospective cohort, to determine the relationship between the use of COX inhibitors and the incidence, recurrence, and metastases of melanoma in high-risk patients.
Methods Reviewing computerized records at the Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center, we retrospectively examined the association between COX inhibitor use and melanoma incidence, recurrence, and metastases in high-risk subjects: white subjects previously diagnosed with melanoma (1996–2003). We evaluated three potential outcomes: new melanoma diagnosis, recurrence of a previous melanoma, and melanoma metastasis.
Results Eighty-three subjects with melanoma were included. There was one metastasis among 28 subjects prescribed COX inhibitors, whereas four new melanomas (7.3%), two melanoma recurrences, and six metastases (10.9%) occurred among 55 patients not prescribed COX inhibitors. Although no individual outcomes measures reached statistical significance, combining the three measures, these were significantly lower in users of COX inhibitors compared with nonusers (1 vs 12;  p = .05  ). After adjustment for age and tumor depth of invasion, COX inhibitor users had significantly lower rates of melanoma outcome measures (odds ratio 0.08; 95% confidence interval 0.01–0.77;  p = .03  ).
Conclusion Potential exists for chemoprevention of melanoma among high-risk patients.  相似文献   
Wilson's disease is a hereditary autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism. The corresponding gene locus has been localized on the long arm of chromosome 13. Three different clinical variants of the disease can be distinguished: hepato-cerebral, abdominal/hepatic, and central nervous type. The heterogeneity of symptoms can cause problems in differential diagnosis, especially when another concordant disorder can also explain the pathogenesis of symptoms. The case report of a young man who suffered from brainstem contusion demonstrates the possibilities of misinterpretation because presenting symptoms could be attributed either to traumatic brain injury followed by adjustment disorder or Wilson's disease. Clinical signs included leftsided hemiparesis, bilateral gaze direction nystagmus, marked dysarthria with consecutive pervasive mutism, choreo-athetoid movements, spasmodic torticollis and diplopia dependent on gaze direction. Slit lamp examination showed Kayser-Fleischer's corneal ring. EEG- and computer assisted tomography investigations revealed non-specific findings. The patient was treated with D-Penicillamine. Alternative treatment with oral zinc preparations is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Beim Morbus Wilson handelt es sich um eine autosomal rezessiv vererbte Störung des Kupferstoffwechsels. Der Genort konnte auf dem langen Arm des Chromosoms 13 lokalisiert werden. Klinisch können aufgrund ihrer Symptomatik drei Verlaufsformen (hepato-zerebraler, abdominalhepatischer und zerebraler Typ) unterschieden werden. Die Vielfalt der Symptome kann differentialdiagnostische Schwierigkeiten bereiten. Das Beispiel eines jungen Mannes mit einer traumatischen Hirnstammkontusion zeigt, wie die Diagnose der hepato-lentikulären Erkrankung dadurch erschwert wurde, daß die Pathogenese der Symptome durch die Hirnstammkontusion und darauf folgende Anpassungsstörungen erklärt worden war. Die Symptomatik bestand aus linksseitiger Hemiparese, lateralem Blickrichtungsnystagmus, Dysarthrie mit nachfolgendem universalem Mutismus, choreo-athetodischen Bewegungsstörungen, Torticollis spasmoidicus und blickrichtungsabhängigem Auftreten von Doppelbildern. Bei der Spaltlampenuntersuchung stellte sich der Kayser-Fleischer Ring dar. EEG- und computertomographische Untersuchungen erbrachten nur unspezifische Befunde. Die Behandlung erfolgte mit D-Penicillamin. Die alternative Behandlung mit oraler Gabe von Zinksalzen wird diskutiert.

Résumé La maladie de Wilson est une affection héréditaire autosomale recessive concernant le métabolisme cuivré. Le locus du gène a été situé sur le bras long du chromosome 13. Du point de vue clinique on distingue trois formes symptomatologiques: le type hepato-cérébral, hepato-abdominal et cérébral. La diversité des signes cliniques peut poser des problèmes de diagnostic différentiel, car d'autres affections peuvent se présenter avec cette même Symptomatologie. Nous rapportons ici l'exemple d'un homme jeune, porteur d'une maladie de Wilson et victime d'une contusion traumatique du tronc cérébral, dont les signes cliniques ainsi que les troubles du comportement pouvaient été autant rapportés à la contusion du tronc cérébral qu'à l'affection métabolique.La Symptomatologie comprenait une hemiparesie gauche, un nystagmus lateralisé, une dysarthrie avec mutisme secondaire universel, des mouvements choréo-athétosiques, un torticolis spasmodique et une diplopie dépendante de la direction du regard. L'examen à la lampe à fente permettait à mettre en evidence un anneau de Kayser Fleischer. L'EEG et le scanner cérébral ne montraient pas d'anomalies specifique.Le traitement a consisté en l'administration de D-Penicillamine. Traitment alternative avec les sels de zinc est discuté.
We investigated non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep in patients with newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease (PD) who had never previously received dopaminergic medication. There were no significant differences in the conventional sleep parameters between de novo patients with PD and a healthy control group, but the length of stage 1 sleep and the number of awakenings increased significantly upon administration of dopaminergic drugs. Analyzing the quantitative electroencephalogram (EEG), we observed a significant reduction in the low-delta frequency range and a nonsignificant increase in the sigma frequency range in de novo patients with PD. The dopaminergic medication also nonsignificantly reduced the low-delta and sigma frequencies, the latter to the level of the controls. Possible mechanisms that may account for the observed differences are discussed. It is suggested that Parkinson's disease as well as the application of dopaminergic drugs exerts a desynchronizing effect on the sleep EEG that is reflected in a disruption of sleep continuity.  相似文献   
We have investigated the ontogeny of MHC class I, class II, CD45, and macrophage antigens in wholemounts of normal human fetal retina at 10–25 weeks gestation (WG) using monoclonal antibodies and immunogold histochemistry. MHC class I antigens were expressed on retinal vascular endothelial cells and provided a useful marker of vessel organization from 14–25 WG. Microglial cells expressed immunoreactivity to MHC class I, class II, and CD45 antigens from 10 WG (pre-vascularization) and macrophage S22 (Mac S22) antigen from 14 WG (post-vascularization), although none of the antigens tested were detected on neuronal or macroglial elements. Microglia expressing MHC, CD45, and macrophage antigens occurred in both ramified and rounded forms with no close correlation being observed between morphology and antigenicity. The numbers of immunoreactive cells labeled with each of the four markers increased steadily throughout gestation in all specimens studied. Equivalent numbers of microglia expressed MHC class I, class II, and CD45 antigens in retinae at similar gestational ages; however, our data indicate that microglia expressing Mac S22 antigen comprise approximately 40% or less of the population of MHC and CD45-immunoreactive cells during development. Topographical analyses suggest that MHC class I, class II, and CD45-positive microglia enter the retina from both the peripheral retinal margin and the optic disc from at least 10 WG; Mac S22-positive cells appear in association with the development of the retinal vasculature and enter the retina via the optic disc after 14 WG. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We studied the relationship between Osgood-Schlatter disease and torsional abnormalities of the lower limb in 21 boys with this condition and 20 age- and sex-matched controls. 3 groups of knees (20 control knees, 21 symptomatic and 21 asymptomatic or less symptomatic knees) were subjected to clinical, radiographic and CT evaluation. We found no statistically significant differences between patients and controls, as regards femoral anteversion, patellar congruence angle, patellar tilt angle and anterior tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove distance, but the condylomalleolar angle and tibial torsion angle were greater in patients. We found no differences between symptomatic and asymptomatic or less symptomatic knees in any of the parameters. All the symptomatic knees were on the side preferentially involved in jumping and sprinting. This increase in external tibial torsion may play a role as a predisposing mechanical factor in the onset of Osgood-Schlatter disease in male athletes.  相似文献   
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