Florida has the second highest number of newly diagnosed cases of HIV in the United States. Sociodemographic representation that is reflective of the population is essential in developing evidence based interventions to improve HIV outcomes and reduce disparities. Understanding HIV research trial participation, preferences for types of research, and fair compensation for research will further our understanding of someone’s decision to participate in research. The purpose of this analysis was to identify differences in prior research participation, trust, interests in types of research, and fair compensation between people living with HIV and without HIV in North Central Florida. In this sample of 8340 people interviewed in the community about their health concerns and research participation, 156 reported living with HIV. Only 20.5% of people with HIV reported past participation in research, however 94.2% said they were interested in future research participation. While people with HIV were slightly more interested in higher risk/low convenience research, there were no statistically significant differences in preferences for types of research between those with and without HIV. People with HIV reported no difference in the amount they would request for fair compensation ($78.4 USD) compared with those without HIV ($72.2 USD, p?=?0.69). Community members are interested in participating in research, although few had previously participated. Improving our understanding of research study participation will help improve recruitment efforts and draw stronger conclusions regarding the effectiveness of interventions, as well as enhance implementation of these interventions. 相似文献
Evidence-based policy measures need non-interest-guided information about the health status of a population and the diseases that affect the population the most. In such cases, a national burden of disease study can provide reliable insights at the regional level.
This article presents the potential of the BURDEN 2020 project and its expected outcome for Germany at the national and regional level.
The BURDEN 2020 project uses several indicators including years of life lost (YLL) to cover the impact of mortality and years lived with disability (YLD) to cover morbidity. The sum of both is the measure of population health called disability adjusted life years (DALY).
The study ranks individual diseases and risk factors based on their impact on population health. The burden of disease approach is assumed to be sensitive to subnational differences and may generate immediate benefits for regional planning. The BURDEN 2020 study will pilot a national burden of disease study for Germany that will later be transformed into a continuous data processing and visualization tool. This is done by using, modifying and supplementing the methodology employed by the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study to better fit the needs of health policy in Germany. This study is aimed at calculating the disease burden for up to 17 preselected diseases. Furthermore, the estimates of burden of disease are attributed to a selected set of risk factors.
The Burden 2020 study will provide the results of a new, health-related data processing system to the public. This includes a noninterest-guided presentation of the burden of disease (DALY) in Germany at the national and regional level.
Rats use their vibrissae for a variety of exploratory tasks including location of objects and discrimination of texture. This study examines recovery in vibrissal function following a unilateral ischemic injury to the somatosensory cortex. Vibrissal function was examined in adult food-restricted rats performing on a two-texture discrimination device. Animals were trained and tested until the criteria of >80% correct choices was demonstrated on three consecutive days. Ischemic rats were constrained to use the affected whiskers by clipping the ipsilateral vibrissae. One group was tested after ischemia, a second group was trained before ischemia and then tested, and a third group was pre-trained and received whisker stimulation and tested post-ischemia. Nai;ve animals recovering from ischemia took longer to reach criteria than intact or unilateral trimmed control animals. Pre-trained animals with compression ischemia receiving whisker stimulation with sucrose water completed the task to criteria in the fewest number of trials. The results indicate that recovery of vibrissal function occurs following a unilateral ischemic injury. Histological analysis in animals without whisker stimulation indicates that the number of normal appearing cortical barrels following ischemia was inversely correlated to the number of trials needed to complete the behavioral task. This suggests that the natural recovery of the ability to discriminate textures is related to the degree of damage to the barrel cortex. The relationship between cortical barrels and behavioral recovery did not hold for the ischemic animals receiving whisker stimulation. This latter group demonstrated recovery despite marked anatomical lesions suggesting that the intervention influenced reorganization. 相似文献
PURPOSE: To investigate the phenomenon of epileptic spasms (ESs) associated with other seizure types in a single ictal event and to study the predictive value of this phenomenon regarding etiology and prognosis. METHODS: We selected retrospectively eight female and five male patients, who had ESs and other seizure types within a single seizure event and for whom a video-EEG recording of the phenomenon was performed in at least one situation. RESULTS: The seizure type associated with ESs was a partial seizure in all patients. We identified three groups with different seizure patterns regarding the temporal association of ES and partial seizures (PSs): (a) PS followed by ES; (b) PS appearing during a cluster of ESs without interrupting the cluster; and (c) complex seizure interaction with a succession of ESs and PSs in a close but variable temporal association. Underlying disorders included cortical dysplasia (three patients), complex cerebral malformations (two patients), and perinatal anoxic-ischemic injuries (two patients); four cases were classified as cryptogenic, and in two children, etiology was unknown, but prenatal origin was suspected. Outcome was poor in nine cases with intractable epilepsy; four cases had a favorable outcome, defined as complete cessation of epileptic seizures. CONCLUSIONS: The phenomenon of associated ESs and PSs as a single ictal event can be related to different etiologies and should not be considered distinctive for cortical malformations or severe brain damage. Different seizure patterns of associated ESs and PSs provide no hint for etiology or prognosis. Outcome is prevalently but not constantly unfavorable in patients with the phenomenon. 相似文献
Early maltreatment of children can lead to severe disorders in the regulation of behaviour and affect, alterations in awareness and distorted perception. In development-oriented psychotherapy, therapeutic interventions which are directed to regulating processes, decentration or mentalization, desomatization and symbolization of enacted messages play a central role. The results of early traumatization and of therapeutic interventions are portrayed, examining the multi-dimensional diagnosis and therapy of a dangerously aggressive 12-year-old boy as an example. From this, it becomes clear how, through new experiences with regulating others, he gradually surfaces from a world of annihilation and destruction and learns to survive and to live. 相似文献
Freshly prepared soluble amyloid (Abeta) peptide has been reported to have vascular actions both in vitro and in vivo. This study was designed to examine the in vivo microvascular effects of beta in two skin microvascular model systems that might reflect possible short and long-term vascular effects of this peptide. Short-term vascular effects were examined using freshly prepared soluble Abeta(1-40) peptide superfused over naive rat skin microvasculature for 15 min. Peripheral microvascular functional changes in 9-months-old transgenic (Tg) mice overexpressing soluble beta in the brain, peripheral circulation and other tissues, were also examined. Microvascular responses were monitored using laser Doppler flowmetry from the base of a blister raised on the hind footpad of the animals. Endothelial-dependent and independent vasodilatation responses (VD) were examined using acetylcholine (ACh) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) respectively. The exposure of na?ve rat skin microvasculature to Abeta(1-40) resulted in an immediate vasoconstriction (VC) that prevented ACh but not SNP from inducing a subsequent VD response. The vascular effects of Abeta(1-40) were reversed by antioxidants (superoxide dismutase and catalase) and an endothelin A (ETA) receptor antagonist (BQ-123). Tg mice overexpressing soluble Abeta and C100 showed significant reductions in both endothelial-dependent and endothelial-independent VD that were also reversed by antioxidants and BQ-123. In conclusion, this study provided evidence to support the notion of peripheral vascular effects of Abeta in vivo and present novel evidence for alterations in endothelial and smooth muscle cell function in peripheral skin microvasculature in Tg mice overexpressing Abeta and C100. We suggest that skin microvasculature is a useful model to examine the mechanisms underlying the vascular actions of the Abeta protein. 相似文献