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BACKGROUND. Bypass grafting to arteries of the lower leg has become standard surgical management of advanced peripheral vascular disease. Its success depends on identifying suitable distal vessels. Preoperative preparation includes imaging of the arteries of the lower leg, usually by conventional contrast arteriography. An alternative procedure, magnetic resonance (MR) angiography, has been successfully employed in patients with various cardiovascular diseases, but its possible value in patients with peripheral vascular disease has received little attention. METHODS. We used both conventional and MR angiography in preoperative studies of the lower-leg vessels of 23 patients (25 legs) with peripheral arteriosclerosis and arterial insufficiency, and developed independent therapeutic plans based on the information provided by each technique. When the plans differed, the interventional procedure judged more likely to save the limb was performed. The findings of conventional and MR angiography were verified by intraoperative arteriography, postinterventional arteriography, or direct operative exploration. RESULTS. MR angiography detected all vessels identified by conventional angiography, whereas conventional arteriography failed to detect 22 percent of the runoff vessels identified by MR angiography. The detection by MR angiography of vessels not identified by conventional angiography altered the surgical management of the disorders of four patients (17 percent) and guided successful bypass procedures. CONCLUSIONS. MR angiography is a noninvasive technique with greater sensitivity than conventional contrast arteriography for detecting distal runoff vessels in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease.  相似文献   
We have examined the distribution of phospholipase C-gamma 1 (PLC-gamma 1) between membrane and cytosolic fractions in several cell lines. In MDA-468 cells, which are derived from a human breast tumor, greater than one-half of the total PLC-gamma 1 is associated with the membrane fraction of the cell. Unlike the situation in A-431 cells [G. Todderud, M. I. Wahl, S. G. Ree, and G. Carpenter, Science, 248: 296-298, 1990], epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulation of MDA-468 cells does not result in significantly increased PLC-gamma 1 association with membranes. Immunoblot analysis reveals low levels of phosphotyrosine in PLC-gamma 1 and EGF receptors in unstimulated MDA-468 cells and greatly increased phosphotyrosine levels in these proteins as a result of EGF stimulation of the cells. We conclude that autocrine activation of EGF receptors is not responsible for the elevated association of PLC-gamma 1 with membranes in these cells.  相似文献   
The thesis of this article is that since followup studies of patients with schizophrenia have provided a rich body of informative knowledge, emphasis should now be on hypothesis testing in future studies. The consumer of research needs to have a general appreciation of statistical thinking, design, and methods to make an informed synthesis of results presented. This article presents a brief discussion of relevant statistics and statistical issues, as free of jargon as possible. Given the multivariable nature of psychiatric research, the natural focus is on multivariate statistics. A strong background in statistics is not required to understand the methods described and how and why they might be applied. Reference material for more detailed discussions is provided. It is a truism to say that the highest quality scientific work is dependent on an intimate collaboration with the expert in statistics and the expert in clinical methods, and this merits repeating only because it is so often ignored.  相似文献   
To investigate the effects of training frequency and specificity of training on isolated lumbar extension strength, 72 men (age = 31 +/- 9 years) and 42 women (age = 28 +/- 9 years) were tested before and after 12 weeks of training. Each test involved the measurement of maximum voluntary isometric torque at 72 degrees, 60 degrees, 48 degrees, 36 degrees, 24 degrees, 12 degrees, and 0 degrees of lumbar flexion. After the pretraining tests, subjects were randomly stratified to groups that trained with variable resistance dynamic exercise every other week (1X/2 weeks, n = 19), once per week (1X/week, n = 22), twice per week (2X/week, n = 23) or three times per week (3X/week, n = 21); a group that trained isometrically once per week (n = 14); or a control group that did not train (n = 15). Analysis of covariance showed that all training groups improved their ability to generate isometric torque at each angle measured when compared with controls (P less than 0.05). There was no statistical difference in adjusted posttraining isometric torques among the groups that trained (P greater than 0.05), but dynamic training weight increased to a lesser extent (P less than 0.08) for the 1X/2 weeks group (26.6%) than for the groups that trained 1X/week, 2X/week, and 3X/week (37.2 to 41.4%). These data indicate that a training frequency as low as 1X/week provides an effective training stimulus for the development of lumbar extension strength. Improvements in strength noted after isometric training suggest that isometric exercise provides an effective alternative for developing lumbar strength.  相似文献   
AIM: The aim of this pilot study was an investigation on photodynamic therapy (PDT) whether it is a good alternative for treating periungual and subungual warts of the hands. STUDY DESIGN: Twenty patients (mean age: 30.5 years) with a total of 40 periungual and subungual warts were treated with PDT. A photosensitizer, 20%delta-aminolevulinic acid was applied on the warts. After a mean incubation time of 4.6 h (SD: 1.2), the warts were irradiated with the VersaLight for 5-30 min (15.2 +/- 4.3 min). RESULTS: After a mean of 4.5 treatments a mean clearance of 100% was achieved in 90% of the patients. One patient (5%) showed a clearance of 50% and another showed no improvement. The subungual or periungual location of the wart had no influence on the number of treatments or end result (P > 0.05). There were two recurrences during the mean follow-up period of 5.9 months (SD: 7.6). Besides mainly pain and hyperpigmentation, most treatments had no side-effects. CONCLUSION: PDT can offer a good alternative for treating periungual warts of the hands. Larger studies are indicated.  相似文献   
DBNP (2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-nitrophenol) has been reported as a potential contaminant in submarines. This yellow substance forms when lubrication oil mist containing the antioxidant additive 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol passes through an electrostatic precipitator and is nitrated. Percutaneous absorption of 14C-DBNP was assessed in the isolated perfused porcine skin flap (IPPSF). Four treatments were studied (n=4 flaps/treatment): 40.0 microgram/cm(2) in 100% ethanol; 40.0 microgram/cm(2) in 85% ethanol/15% H(2)O; 4.0 microgram/cm(2) in 100% ethanol; and 4.0 microgram/cm(2) in 85% ethanol/15% water. DBNP absorption was minimal across all treatment groups, with the highest absorption detected being only 1.08% applied dose in an aqueous ethanol group. The highest mass of 14C-DBNP absorbed was only 0.5 microgram. The majority of the applied dose remained on the surface of the skin. This suggests that there is minimal dermal exposure of DBNP when exposed topically to skin.  相似文献   
Regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) was studied with O(15)-water positron emission tomography and anatomic region-of-interest analysis on co-registered magnetic resonance in patients with idiopathic (n = 12) and secondary (n = 5) normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). Mean CBF was compared with values obtained from healthy volunteers (n = 12) and with clinical parameters. Mean CBF was significantly decreased in the cerebrum and cerebellum of patients with NPH. The regional analysis demonstrated that CBF was reduced in the basal ganglia and the thalamus but not in white matter regions. The results suggest that the role of the basal ganglia and thalamus in NPH may be more prominent than currently appreciated. The implications for theories regarding the pathogenesis of NPH are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary— Experiments were designed to determine whether or not indapamide, an antihypertensive agent with vasodilator properties, inhibits endothelium-dependent contractions. Rings of aortae with and without endothelium from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were suspended in conventional organ chambers for the measurement of isometric force. Acetylcholine and adenosine diphosphate-β-S in the presence of a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, caused endothelium-dependent contractions, which were inhibited by indapamide. The compound (10−4M) also slightly reduced the contractions of rings without endothelium evoked by U-46,619, which activates thromboxane-endoperoxide receptors. These results demonstrate that indapamide inhibits endothelium-dependent contractions in the SHR aorta, and suggest that the inhibition is due, at least in part, to the action of the drug on the hypertensive vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   
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