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We report 8 infants with immediate hypersensitivity reactions to foods (milk, egg, or peanut), occurring at the first-known exposure. Each developed symptoms within the first hour, but these generally settled within 2 hours. Sensitisation to the food concerned was demonstrated by positive immediate allergen skin prick tests in every case. Symptoms experienced included irritability, erythematous rash, urticaria, angio-oedema, vomiting, rhinorrhoea, and cough. Five infants were being followed prospectively and 4 were clinically tolerant of the food by age 16 months. The most likely route of sensitisation was via breast milk. None of the infants experienced similar reactions while being breast fed, suggesting that the reaction was dose dependent. As 5 out of a group of 80 infants being followed prospectively developed an immediate reaction at their first known exposure to a food, this appeared to be a not uncommon presentation of food hypersensitivity in infancy.  相似文献   
Growth retardation is a major complication in children with uremia. Protein restriction, calorie deficit, metabolic acidosis, renal osteodystrophy, and endocrinologic disturbances contribute to the growth failure. The effect of these factors on growth retardation can be attenuated in part by therapy with vitamin D metabolites, adequate nutrition, alkalization, and dialysis. Linear growth in children with uremia is markedly retarded despite normal or increased levels of circulating serum growth hormone. An increased growth hormone level in children with uremia is due to normal growth hormone secretion from the pituitary gland and impaired growth hormone clearance in the kidney. However, the elevated growth hormone level does not lead to a commensurate rise in serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I); the serum IGF-I level is decreased or normal in relation to the degree of renal failure. This discrepancy suggests growth hormone resistance in the liver in uremia. Recent molecular techniques open a new era in studying the gene expression for growth hormone or IGF-I. There is no doubt today that growth hormone treatment has the beneficial effect of growth promotion in children with uremia, which also suggests endogenous growth hormone resistance in target organs or target cells in uremia.  相似文献   


We examined the association of alcohol use disorders (AUD) with adherence to and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) outcomes of antiretroviral treatment (ART) for HIV/AIDS patients.


A cross-sectional multi-site survey was conducted in 468 drug users and 648 non-drug users (age: 35.4 ± 7.0 years; 63.8% male) in 3 epicentres of Vietnam. AUD, ART adherence, and HRQOL were measured using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test - Consumption (AUDIT-C), the self-reported Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), and the World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument (WHOQOL-HIV BREF).


35.0% of drug users were hazardous drinkers, compared to 25.9% of non-drug users. 22.3% of drug users engaged in binge drinking, and 25.9% reported suboptimal ART adherence. Adjusting for propensity scores of AUD, patients who had either at-risk or binge drinking behaviour were about twice as likely to be treatment non-adherent as those who did not have AUD. Hazardous drinkers reported small to medium decrements in the Performance, Physical, Social, Spirituality, and Environment quality of life domains. Binge drinkers had a slightly higher score in Social dimension.


AUD is prevalent and negatively affecting adherence to and HRQOL outcomes of ART services in injection-driven HIV epidemics. Screening and intervention are recommended for AUD, especially during the stable periods of ART. Other social and psychological interventions might also enhance patients’ responses to and outcomes of ART in Vietnam.  相似文献   
The neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine both have a critical role in the underlying neurobiology of different behaviors. With focus on the interplay between dopamine and serotonin, it has been proposed that dopamine biases behavior towards habitual responding, and with serotonin offsetting this phenomenon and directing the balance toward more flexible, goal-directed responding. The present focus paper stands in close relationship to the publication by Worbe et al. (2015), which deals with the effects of acute tryptophan depletion, a neurodietary physiological method to decrease central nervous serotonin synthesis in humans for a short period of time, on the balance between hypothetical goal-directed and habitual systems. In that research, acute tryptophan depletion challenge administration and a following short-term reduction in central nervous serotonin synthesis were associated with a shift of behavioral performance towards habitual responding, providing further evidence that central nervous serotonin function modulates the balance between goal-directed and stimulus-response habitual systems of behavioral control. In the present focus paper, we discuss the findings by Worbe and colleagues in light of animal experiments as well as clinical implications and discuss potential future avenues for related research.  相似文献   
Background: Hypermetabolism is theorized in patients diagnosed with chronic kidney disease who are receiving maintenance hemodialysis (MHD). We aimed to distinguish key disease‐specific determinants of resting energy expenditure to create a predictive energy equation that more precisely establishes energy needs with the intent of preventing protein‐energy wasting. Materials and Methods: For this 3‐year multisite cross‐sectional study (N = 116), eligible participants were diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and were receiving MHD for at least 3 months. Predictors for the model included weight, sex, age, C‐reactive protein (CRP), glycosylated hemoglobin, and serum creatinine. The outcome variable was measured resting energy expenditure (mREE). Regression modeling was used to generate predictive formulas and Bland‐Altman analyses to evaluate accuracy. Results: The majority were male (60.3%), black (81.0%), and non‐Hispanic (76.7%), and 23% were ≥65 years old. After screening for multicollinearity, the best predictive model of mREE (R2 = 0.67) included weight, age, sex, and CRP. Two alternative models with acceptable predictability (R2 = 0.66) were derived with glycosylated hemoglobin or serum creatinine. Based on Bland‐Altman analyses, the maintenance hemodialysis equation that included CRP had the best precision, with the highest proportion of participants’ predicted energy expenditure classified as accurate (61.2%) and with the lowest number of individuals with underestimation or overestimation. Conclusions: This study confirms disease‐specific factors as key determinants of mREE in patients on MHD and provides a preliminary predictive energy equation. Further prospective research is necessary to test the reliability and validity of this equation across diverse populations of patients who are receiving MHD.  相似文献   


Earlier pregnancy discovery is important in the context of prenatal and abortion care. We evaluated characteristics associated with later pregnancy discovery among women seeking abortion care.

Study design

Data come from a survey of women seeking abortion care at four family planning facilities in Utah. The participants completed a survey during the state-mandated abortion information visit they are required to complete prior to having an abortion. The outcome in this study was pregnancy discovery before versus after 6 weeks since respondents' last menstrual period (LMP). We used logistic regression to estimate the relationship between sociodemographic and health-related independent variables of interest and pregnancy discovery before versus after 6 weeks.


Among the 458 women in the sample, 28% discovered their pregnancy later than 6 weeks since LMP. Most (n=366, 80%) knew the exact date of their LMP and a significant minority estimated it (n=92, 20%). Those who estimated the date of their LMP had higher odds of later pregnancy discovery than those who knew the exact date (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 1.81[1.07–3.07]). Those who used illicit drugs weekly, daily, or almost daily had higher odds of later pregnancy discovery (aOR=6.33[2.44, 16.40]).


Women who did not track their menstrual periods and those who frequently used drugs had higher odds of discovering their pregnancies later.


Women who estimated the date of their LMP and who frequently used drugs may benefit from strategies to help them recognize their pregnancies earlier and link them to care when they discover their pregnancies later.  相似文献   


Clomiphene citrate (CC) is first line treatment in women with World Health Organization (WHO) type II anovulation and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Whereas 60% to 85% of these women will ovulate on CC, only about one half will have conceived after six cycles. If women do not conceive, treatment can be continued with gonadotropins or intra-uterine insemination (IUI). At present, it is unclear for how many cycles ovulation induction with CC should be repeated, and when to switch to ovulation induction with gonadotropins and/or IUI.


We started a multicenter randomised controlled trial in the Netherlands comparing six cycles of CC plus intercourse or six cycles of gonadotrophins plus intercourse or six cycles of CC plus IUI or six cycles of gonadotrophins plus IUI.Women with WHO type II anovulation who ovulate but did not conceive after six ovulatory cycles of CC with a maximum of 150 mg daily for five days will be included.Our primary outcome is birth of a healthy child resulting from a pregnancy that was established in the first eight months after randomisation. Secondary outcomes are clinical pregnancy, miscarriage, multiple pregnancy and treatment costs. The analysis will be performed according to the intention to treat principle. Two comparisons will be made, one in which CC is compared to gonadotrophins and one in which the addition of IUI is compared to ovulation induction only. Assuming a live birth rate of 40% after CC, 55% after addition of IUI and 55% after ovulation induction with gonadotrophins, with an alpha of 5% and a power of 80%, we need to recruit 200 women per arm (800 women in total).An independent Data and Safety Monitoring Committee has criticized the data of the first 150 women and concluded that a sample size re-estimation should be performed after including 320 patients (i.e. 80 per arm).


The trial will provide evidence on the most effective, safest and most cost effective treatment in women with WHO type II anovulation who do not conceive after six ovulatory cycles with CC with a maximum of 150 mg daily for five days. This evidence could imply the need for changing our guidelines, which may cause a shift in large practice variation to evidence based primary treatment for these women.

Trial registration number

Netherlands Trial register NTR1449
钱氏的《小儿药证直诀》中贯穿了顾护脾胃的思想,本文从病理、生理特点、辨证论治、剖析遣方用药特点,调剂制方、饮食护理等方面阐述了钱乙在治疗小儿多种疾病时不忽视调理小儿脾胃这一指导思想,此理论可为今天的临床实践提供了诸多借鉴,值得深究。  相似文献   
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