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白花前胡中白花前胡甙和Pd-C-I的分离和鉴定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从白花前胡(Peucedanum,praeruptorum)根中分得7个化合物,经化学方法和光谱分析分别鉴定为Pd-C-I(I),白花前胡甙(II),香草酸(III),没食子酸(IV),nodakenin(V),rutarin(VI)和isorutarin(VII)。II为新化合物,其化学结构为4-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖基-3-甲氧基苯丙酮,命名为白花前胡甙。I为首次从白花前胡中分得的线型二氢吡喃香豆素类化合物,这对前胡属植物化学分类学有一定意义。还利用2DNMR纠正了文献中关于化合物I和VII的个别碳信号归属的错误。  相似文献   


To estimate the global cost of establishing and operating the educational and refractive care facilities required to provide care to all individuals who currently have vision impairment resulting from uncorrected refractive error (URE).


The global cost of correcting URE was estimated using data on the population, the prevalence of URE and the number of existing refractive care practitioners in individual countries, the cost of establishing and operating educational programmes for practitioners and the cost of establishing and operating refractive care facilities. The assumptions made ensured that costs were not underestimated and an upper limit to the costs was derived using the most expensive extreme for each assumption.


There were an estimated 158 million cases of distance vision impairment and 544 million cases of near vision impairment caused by URE worldwide in 2007. Approximately 47 000 additional full-time functional clinical refractionists and 18 000 ophthalmic dispensers would be required to provide refractive care services for these individuals. The global cost of educating the additional personnel and of establishing, maintaining and operating the refractive care facilities needed was estimated to be around 20 000 million United States dollars (US$) and the upper-limit cost was US$ 28 000 million. The estimated loss in global gross domestic product due to distance vision impairment caused by URE was US$ 202 000 million annually.


The cost of establishing and operating the educational and refractive care facilities required to deal with vision impairment resulting from URE was a small proportion of the global loss in productivity associated with that vision impairment.  相似文献   
白花前胡中前胡香豆素D和前胡香豆素E的分离和鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从中药白花前胡(Peucedanum Praeruptorum Dunn)根中分到5个化合物,经理化常数、波谱数据及化学反应分别鉴定为前胡香豆素D(I),Pd-Ib(II),前胡香豆素E(III),nodakenetin(IV)和scopoletin(V)。其中化合物I和III为两个新化合物,与巳知化合物凯林内酯的化学沟通确定了其绝对构型,其化学结构分别为3'(S),4'(S)-二乙酰氧基-3',4'-二氢邪蒿内酯(I)和3'(R)-惕各酰氧基-4'-酮基-3',4'-二氢邪蒿内酯(III)。化合物IV和V为首次从该植物中分离得到。通过DEPT,1H-1HCOSY和13C-1HCOSY等实验归属了II的碳氢信号。  相似文献   
Wolpert  SM; Kwan  ES; Heros  D; Kasdon  DL; Hedges  TR  d 《Radiology》1988,166(2):547-549
A new catheter system was used in ten patients (16 infusions) for infusion of chemotherapeutic agents to the sites of malignant gliomas. Thirteen infusions to the supraophthalmic region were successful, as were three infusions to the posterior cerebral region. There were no complications after the infusions. A neurologic complication occurred in one patient in whom two successful supraophthalmic infusions were previously carried out. In this patient the guide wire separated during catheter placement into the posterior cerebral artery.  相似文献   
To determine the value of sonography in the emergent evaluation of suspected leaking abdominal aortic aneurysms, the authors examined 60 patients in the emergency department using sonography and a protocol involving advance radio notification from the ambulance; arrival of sonographic personnel and equipment in the triage room before patient arrival; and, during other triage activities, rapid sonographic evaluation of the aorta for aneurysm and of the paraaortic region for extraluminal blood. Sonographic findings were correlated with surgical results and clinical outcome. When performed under these circumstances, sonography was accurate in demonstrating presence or absence of aneurysm (98%), but its sensitivity for extraluminal blood was poor (4%). A combination of sonographic confirmation of aneurysm, abdominal pain, and unstable hemodynamic condition resulted in the correct decision to perform emergent surgery in 21 of 22 patients (95%). An abbreviated sonographic examination done in the emergency room can provide accurate, useful information about the presence of aneurysm; this procedure does not significantly delay triage of these patients.  相似文献   
We studied the effect of recombinant human granulocyte colony- stimulating factor (rhG-CSF) administration to pregnant rats upon fetal and neonatal myelopoiesis. Pregnant rats were treated with rhG-CSF twice daily for 2, 4, and 6 days before parturition. rhG-CSF crossed the placenta and reached peak fetal serum concentrations 4 hours after administration. Peak fetal serum levels were 1,000-fold lower than levels detected in the dam. Hematopoietic effects of rhG-CSF were assessed by cytologic analysis of the newborn blood, spleen, bone marrow, thymus, and liver. White blood cell counts were increased twofold to fourfold in newborns. This increase was due to circulating numbers of polymorphonuclear cells (PMN). rhG-CSF induced a myeloid hyperplasia in the newborn marrow consisting of immature and mature myeloid cells in the day-2 and day-4 treated pups. Bone marrow of pups treated for 6 days contained mostly hyper-segmented PMN with little or no increase in myeloid precursors. An increase in the number of postmitotic (PMN, bands, and metamyelocytes) and mitotic (promyeloblasts, myeloblasts, and metamyeloblasts) myeloid cells in the spleen of neonates was observed. No change was detected in splenic lymphocytes or monocytes. No effect of rhG-CSF was noted in the newborn liver or thymus. These results demonstrate that maternally administered rhG-CSF crosses the placenta and specifically induces bone marrow and spleen myelopoiesis in the fetus and neonate. The significant myelopoietic effects of rhG-CSF at low concentrations in the fetus suggest an exquisite degree of developmental sensitivity to this cytokine and may provide enhanced defense mechanisms to the neonate.  相似文献   
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