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Résumé Notre étude porte sur les toxicomanes en difficulté du fait de leur consommation de drogue dans le canton de Vaud; elle s'étend de 1974 à 1978 et bénéficie du concours de la police cantonale, d'hôpitaux, d'instituts médico-sociaux et de centres sociaux. L'observation porte sur 1519 cas de consommateurs de drogues dures, 1993 consommateurs de drogues douces et 186 cas d'abus chronique sévère de médicaments seuls.Pour les drogues dures, l'effectif annuel des cas nouveaux âgés de moins de 20 ans culmine en 1976. Quant aux «anciens» toxicomanes, leur effectif ne cesse d'augmenter. L'héroïne est la drogue la plus utilisée; elle est associée dans un quart des cas aux amphétamines, elles-mêmes remplacées par la cocaïne dès 1978. Les premières cohortes importantes d'héroïnomanes dans le canton de Vaud auront 28 à 30 ans en 1980.Pour les drogues douces, les effectifs enregistrés diminuent légèrement au cours des cinq ans d'observation. La participation des jeunes est particulièrement élevée, les anciens consommateurs sont beaucoup moins nombreux. L'usage de drogues dures ou douces concerne deux hommes pour une femme.L'abus sévère de médicaments touche un petit groupe plus âgé à prédominance féminine, qui varie peu au cours des cinq ans d'observation.
Drug-addiction in the canton of Vaud, 1974–8
Summary Our study is concerned with drug-addicts in the Swiss canton of Vaud who are in difficulties as a result of their drug consumption. The survey covers the period from 1974 until 1978, and was carried out with the assistance of the cantonal police, hospitals, sociomedical institutes, and social assistance centres. We investigated:1519 cases of consumers of hard drugs (opiates, amphetamines, and cocaine)1993 consumers of soft drugs (haschisch and hallucinogens)186 cases of serious chronic abuse of medicaments only, which were accidentally discovered by our information systemWith hard drugs, the annual number of new cases in the age group below 20 shows a peak in 1976, and remains so far at a level one third below. As far as older subjects are concerned, mostly old drug-addicts, the total number in the age group 20–29 continues to increase year after year. In exchange, in the age group 30 and older, the level of addiction to hard drugs remains constant and low. Heroin is drug number one, and is in 25 % of the cases associated with amphetamines, which are replaced by cocaine since 1977–8. It should be noted that the first bigger group of heroin-addicts in the canton of Vaud will be 28–30 years old in 1980. By the end of 1978, the total number of subjects addicted to hard drugs might amount to at least 830.The total number of subjects recorded as addicted to soft drugs decreased slightly in the course of the five years under observation. The percentage of young addicts is particularly high, while there are much fewer old consumers. Every third addict to hard or soft drugs is a woman.Abuse of medicaments is limited to a small group, which is older, consists predominantly of women, and varies little in the course of the five years under observation.The collected material is discussed in the light of data published in the foreign literature.

Drogenabhängigkeit im Kanton Waadt, 1974–1978
Zusammenfassung Unsere Untersuchung bezieht sich auf die Drogenabhängigen, welche zwischen 1974 und 1978 im Kanton Waadt durch ihren Drogenkonsum in Schwierigkeiten gekommen sind. Sie wurde ermöglicht durch die Mitwirkung der Kantonspolizei, von Spitälern, sozialmedizinischen Instituten und sozialen Einrichtungen. Folgende Gruppen von Drogenabhängigen wurden erfasst:1519 Konsumenten von harten Drogen (Opiate, Amphetamine, Kokain)1993 Konsumenten von weichen Drogen (Haschisch, Halluzinogene)186 Fälle von schwerem chronischem Medikamentenmissbrauch, welche zufällig durch unser Informationsnetz erfasst wurdenBei den harten Drogen erreicht die Anzahl der jährlichen neuen Fälle unter 20 Jahren 1976 den Höhepunkt und hält sich seither um einen Drittel unter diesem Niveau. Die Älteren sind meist schon Langzeitkonsumenten. Die Anzahl der 20- bis 29jährigen nimmt mit den Jahren ständig zu, die der 30jährigen und älteren bleibt gering und konstant. Heroin ist die meistgebrauchte harte Droge; in einem Viertel der Fälle wird es kombiniert mit Amphetaminen; diese werden seit 1977/78 durch Kokain ersetzt. Die ersten bedeutenden Kohorten von Heroinabhängigen im Kanton Waadt werden 1980 28 bis 30 Jahre alt sein. Die Gesamtzahl der Konsumenten von harten Drogen im Kanton Waadt dürfte Ende 1978 bei mindestens 830 liegen.Bei den weichen Drogen nimmt die Anzahl der registrierten Fälle im Laufe der fünf Jahre etwas ab. Der Anteil der Jungen ist hier besonders hoch. Langzeitkonsumenten sind hier weniger zahlreich. Der Konsum von harten und weichen Drogen betrifft doppelt so viele Männer wie Frauen.Schwerer Medikamentenmissbrauch wurde vor allem bei über 30jährigen angetroffen, vorwiegend bei Frauen. Im Laufe der fünf Jahre hat sich hier kaum etwas geändert.Die Angaben werden im Lichte der ausländischen Literatur diskutiert.
Health service buildings and lands make up an estate which must be managed in such a way that the future does not suffer from the neglect of the present. Looking to the NHS as it is likely to be in the 1980s, Gordon Brooke, regional works officer, Mersey RHA, suggests an end to a system in which capital is a 'free good' and districts under financial pressure have little incentive to preserve the value of their estates.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the empirical literature on the clinically significant problems found within families containing a member with post-traumatic stress disorder. Recommendations are made regarding specific instruments that can be useful for evaluating marital and familial adjustment. Assessment issues concerning the need to weigh historical relationship factors vis-á-vis the influences of a traumatized family member are discussed. A multiple-gating model is presented for assessing different aspects of family dysfunction, and suggestions for future research and clinical directions are offered.  相似文献   
The sonographic and computed tomographic (CT) findings were reviewed in 17 patients with acute acalculous cholecystitis (AAC) over a 6-year period from 1984 to 1989. Of the six patients in whom both ultrasound and CT were performed, CT revealed marked gallbladder (GB) wall abnormalities, including perforation, and pericholecystic fluid collections in five patients not demonstrated by sonography. Of the total group, five patients had GB wall thicknesses of 3 mm (normal) at pathologic examination, which demonstrated a spectrum of disease ranging from acute hemorrhagic/necrotizing, to gangrenous acalculous cholecystitis with perforation. Sonography was falsely negative or significantly underestimated the severity of AAC in seven of the 13 patients examined by sonography. CT because of its superior ability to assess pericholecystic inflammation may provide additional diagnostic information even after a thorough sonographic study in cases of AAC.  相似文献   
In this study we have analyzed the vascular response induced in the two- stage carcinogenesis model in SENCAR mice. The role of angiogenesis has not been explored in this model, which is the paradigm of multistage carcinogenesis and a model for neoplastic lesions derived from exophytic premalignant lesions (e.g. colon carcinoma, bladder papilloma). We investigated if angiogenesis is involved in the formation of papillomas and in the progression from papilloma to carcinoma. To this end we analyzed the vasculature of normal and hyperplastic skin, focal epidermal hyperplasias that are precursors of papillomas, papillomas at different stages and squamous cell carcinomas. We also analyzed the vascularization of papillomas induced in two strains of mice that differ in their susceptibility to malignant progression. We show here that angiogenesis is turned on in the earliest stages of papilloma formation. In late stages, regardless of state of progression, the predominant response is an increase in the size of blood vessels. Thus, in the SENCAR mouse model, representative of exophytic tumors, the angiogenesis switch is a very early event, probably mechanistically related to the development of the primarily exophytic lesions. Therefore, the density of blood vessels cannot be used as a predictor of malignant progression in this model.   相似文献   
The study objectives were to compare local public health professionals' bioterrorism risk perceptions, the extent of bioterrorism preparedness training, and to describe preferred methods for delivery of preparedness education in the United States. National needs assessments were conducted via a mailed survey to 3,074 local public health departments in October 2000 and November 2001. Compared to a survey conducted in October 2000, the perceived risk of a bioterrorism attack in the United States increased dramatically after September 11 (p < 0.0001); however, 57% of respondents believed one was unlikely to occur within their own community. Public health professionals perceive their own communities to be at low risk for a bioterrorism event. Ongoing, updated, standardized bioterrorism preparedness education is needed.  相似文献   


Adequate vitamin D concentrations during pregnancy are necessary to neonatal calcium homeostasis, bone maturation and mineralization. The aim of study is to evaluate serum vitamin D concentrations in mothers and their newborns and effect of vitamin D deficiency on pregnancy outcomes.


552 pregnant women were recruited from Tehran University educating hospitals in the winter of 2002. Maternal and cord blood samples were taken at delivery. The serum was assayed for 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, calcium, phosphorus and parathyroid hormone.


The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in maternal and cord blood samples were 66.8% and 93.3%, respectively (<35 nmol/l). There was significant correlation between maternal and cord blood serum concentrations of vitamin D. In mothers with vitamin D deficiency, cord blood vitamin D concentrations was lower than those from normal mothers (P = .001). Also, a significant direct correlation was seen between maternal vitamin D intake and weight gain during pregnancy.


Consideration to adequate calcium and vitamin D intake during pregnancy is essential. Furthermore, we think it is necessary to reconsider the recommendation for vitamin D supplementation for women during pregnancy.  相似文献   
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