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The Dundee Memory Clinic was established in 1991. This paper reviews the diagnosis of the first 150 attenders and compares the findings with those of other memory clinics.  相似文献   
The use of computer technology for patient education has increased in recent years. This article describes a study that measures the attitudes and perceptions of healthcare professionals and laypeople regarding the effectiveness of a multimedia computer, the Brain Injury Resource Center? (BIRC), as an educational tool. The study focused on three major themes: (a) usefulness of the information presented, (b) effectiveness of the multimedia touch-screen computer methodology, and (c) the appropriate time for making this resource available. This prospective study, conducted in an acute care medical center, obtained healthcare professionals' evaluations using a written survey and responses from patients with brain injury and their families during interviews. The findings have yielded excellent ratings as to the ease of understanding and usefulness of the BIRC. By using sight, sound, and touch, such a multimedia learning center has the potential to simplify patient and family education.  相似文献   
Most prosthetic joint infections (PJI) are due to wound contamination at the time of surgery. Some infections occur due to the hematogenous spread of bacteria from distant sites of infection. A review of the literature fails to associate PJI with transient bacteremias from invasive dental procedures. Several authors have described conditions which, they believe, render patients with prosthetic joints more at risk for infection. Prosthetic joint patients with these "high risk" conditions have the same types of infecting organisms as other patients with PJI. This indicates that the infecting bacteria are from wound contamination or distant sites of infection and not related to dental procedure bacteremias. Based on this review, antibiotic prophylaxis is not indicated for patients with prosthetic joints when receiving invasive dental procedures, since there is no proven benefit and there are known risks involved with the use of antibiotics. However, the American Dental Association (ADA) and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), in an advisory statement, suggest prophylaxis for "high risk" patients. The ADA and AAOS recommend a single dose of amoxicillin, cephradine, or clindamycin when prophylaxis is selected. The dentist is ultimately responsible for making treatment recommendations for his or her patients.  相似文献   
This study examines the relationships between patient characteristics and surrogate decision maker characteristics on surrogates' preferences for life-sustaining treatments. Caucasian and African-American caregivers and noncaregivers (n=110) responded to a vignette involving a medical crisis in a hospitalized older man who suffered cardiac arrest, one of the most common causes of death among older Americans. This man was described as either a cognitively intact or moderately demented family member. Participants made decisions regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), CPR and ventilation, and CPR and tube feeding. Analyses followed a 2 (cognitive status) 2 (caregiving status) 2 (racial background) analysis of covariance design, with education and income used as covariates. In general, participants were less likely to initiate life-sustaining treatments in demented patients. Caucasian caregivers were less likely to initiate CPR and ventilation and CPR and tube feeding. Results indicate that characteristics of the patient and the interplay between cultural issues and experience with caregiving affect surrogate judgements regarding life-sustaining treatments.  相似文献   
summary The aetiology of denture stomatitis is not clear from the literature. Some studies show its aetiology as Candida albicans, while other reports point out the significance of microorganisms. In this study the existence of C. albicans and microorganisms was investigated in subjects with and without denture stomatitis. The results showed that a combination of C. albicans and microorganisms is more likely to be responsible for denture stomatitis.  相似文献   
Piecewise constant incidence models were developed to estimate the force of infection in women from age-and time-specific antenatal or neonatal seroprevalence data. Differential inclusion of infected women in sero-surveys compared to uninfected women was taken into account, with respect to both changes in inclusion rate following infection, and changes in relative inclusion rate over calendar time. These models were applied to anonymous HIV seroprevalence data collected from neonates born to black and Hispanic women in New York City 1988-1992, with incidence and fertility parameters estimated by maximum likelihood. Estimates of inclusion rate parameters accorded well with what is known about the natural history of HIV. The data could not distinguish between additive and multiplicative combination of the effects of age and time on incidence. Incidence was strongly dependent on age with the highest incidence in women aged 20-34 years. There was strong evidence that incidence had been falling in Hispanic women since 1982-1984. The results illustrate the extent to which trends in incidence over time may be confounded by changes in the relative inclusion rate of infected and uninfected women.  相似文献   
Although malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) is the most common soft tissue sarcoma of adult life, it is fairly rare in the head and neck region (3-6%). Between 1983 and 1991 8 patients with MFH in the head and neck region have been observed and treated at the ENT-department of the University of Tübingen. 5 patients have been operated (laryngopharyngeal localization), 2 patients underwent irradiation (unresectable fast growing T4-tumors of the pharynx and thyroid) and one female patient refused further therapy after two resections elsewhere. Operated patients showed no evidence of disease 2-8 years after resection (all margins have been controlled histologically). Both irradiated patients died 4 respectively 2 months after full (70 Gy) and incomplete (17 Gy) radiotherapy without visible positive effects. Both patients developed pulmonary metastasis. Since MFH can grow in thin layers along musculaoponeurotic structures the exact size is not always demonstrable by ultrasound, CT or MR scans. Metastasis occur in up to 40%, preferentially in regionary lymph nodes, in lung, liver and skeletal system. These phenomenon requires a full pretherapeutic staging. Histologically MFH is sometimes hard to distinguish from other tumors as for example various sarcomas and pleomorphic carcinoma. Therefore, immunohistochemical (mesenchymal markers) and electron microscopical investigations are advised. Resection with exact histological controll of all margins is the therapy of choice. We experienced that laryngeal MFH (n = 3) can be resected without laryngectomy under certain circumstances. Although unsuccessfull in our two cases, according to the literature, radiotherapy should be administered in unresectable cases. Depending on localization and size of MFH long survival, in single cases healing, of this disease is possible by surgical treatment.  相似文献   
Of 431 patients with gastric cancer observed in our institution, 23 (5.3%) had early gastric cancer (EGC). Macroscopic presentation, histology, depth of invasion, and lymph node involvement were evaluated in all the cases. All patients underwent surgery and an intensive follow-up was performed. Five of the 23 patients progressed, and the risk factors were examined. Histology seemed to be the main prognostic factor in our study, since intestinal type of EGC was associated to a significantly better prognosis. Total gastrectomy is indicated in the proximal localization of EGC, and should perhaps be performed also in cases presenting undifferentiated histology.  相似文献   
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