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The two serotyping schemes for the detection of heat-stable antigens of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli use the same strains for antiserum production but differ in the detection systems used for identifying agglutination. The Penner method uses passive hemagglutination (PHA) while the Laboratory of Enteric Pathogens method uses the same antisera but in a whole-bacterial-cell direct agglutination (DA) protocol. C. jejuni produces a polysaccharide capsule, which is antigenic, and is the main component detected by the PHA method. The DA method will detect both capsule antigens and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or lipooligosaccharide (LOS) surface antigens. Comparison of both methods by using a selection of isolates from human infection has shown a range of variation in agglutination specificity, reflecting the differences in antigens detected by the two methods. While 27.4% of the 416 C. jejuni isolates reacted with the antisera raised against the same type strains by either method, the majority showed a range of more complex relationships. None of the 37 C. coli isolates reacted with the same antiserum by both methods. Together the two schemes gave a total of 102 distinct combined serogroups for C. jejuni and 16 for C. coli. Thus, while some clonally related isolates share the same capsule and LOS or LPS antigens, other strains appear to have a common capsule antigen but differ in their LPS or LOS structures or vice versa.  相似文献   
Tuberous sclerosis is an autosomal dominant trait in which the dysregulation of cellular proliferation and differentiation results in the development of hamartomatous growths in many organs. The TSC2 gene is one of two genes determining tuberous sclerosis. Inactivating germline mutations of TSC2 in patients with tuberous sclerosis and somatic loss of heterozygosity at the TSC2 locus in the associated hamartomas indicate that TSC2 functions as a tumour suppressor gene and that loss of function is critical to expression of the tuberous sclerosis phenotype. The TSC2 product, tuberin, has a region of homology with the GTPase activating protein rap1GAP and stimulates the GTPase activity of rap1a and rab5a in vitro. Here we show that the region of homology between tuberin and human rap1GAP and the murine GAP mSpa1 is more extensive than previously reported and spans approximately 160 amino acid residues encoded within exons 34-38 of the TSC2 gene. Single strand conformation polymorphism analysis of these exons in 173 unrelated patients with tuberous sclerosis and direct sequencing of variant conformers together with study of additional family members enabled characterisation of disease associated mutations in 14 cases. Missense mutations, which occurred in exons 36, 37 and 38 were identified in eight cases, four of whom shared the same recurrent change P1675L. Each of the five different missense mutations identified was shown to occur de novo in at least one sporadic case of tuberous sclerosis. The high proportion of missense mutations detected in the region of the TSC2 gene encoding the GAP-related domain supports its key role in the regulation of cellular growth.   相似文献   
The present study was designed to determine if male physiology and male reproductive behavior predict reproductive success in Long–Evans rats. Mating behavior was observed in sexually naïve, naturally cycling female rats during behavioral estrous that were given the opportunity to mate with two males simultaneously. DNA analysis of offspring born following these mating encounters was used to identify the paternity of each pup. In order to assess the effect of mate choice during these mating encounters on reproductive success, one male rat in each pair was categorized as the preferred mate if the female spent more time (> 50%) with him during the mating test of the present study. Furthermore, each male in the pairs was categorized as “attractive” or “non-attractive” by computing the number of females that preferred each male across many mating tests. Similar to results reported in Lovell et al. (2007), during 76% of these mating tests the same male rat in each pair was preferred by different female rats. Overall attractiveness of individual male rats predicted reproductive success in the present study. Interestingly, “attractive” males sired significantly FEWER pups than “non-attractive” males. Neither behavioral (e.g., latency to first sexual stimulation, number of sexual stimulations) nor physiological measures (e.g., body weight, urinary testosterone levels) of male rats predicted their reproductive success. In conclusion, the present results indicate that certain features of some males are more attractive to females, but attractive males are at a reproductive disadvantage (as measured by the number of pups sired). Although basal urinary testosterone levels did not differ between males that sired the majority of pups in a litter and males that sired few or none of the pups in a litter, aggression and/or other physiological measures of fertility (e.g., penile reflexes) may differ between males that are attractive to females and those that have a reproductive advantage.  相似文献   
Mucosal tissues are the primary route of transmission for most respiratory and sexually transmitted diseases, including human immunodeficiency virus. We aimed to generate strong mucosal immune responses to simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in rhesus macaques by targeting recombinant adenovirus serotype 5 (rAd5) to the lung. The immunogenicity and efficacy of aerosol (AE) vaccination was compared with intramuscular (IM) delivery in either an intravenous (IV) or intrarectal (IR) SIV(mac251) challenge model. Aerosolized rAd5 induced strong cellular responses in the lung and systemic humoral responses equivalent to IM. Strikingly, all immunization groups controlled acute viremia in the IV challenge model by 1-2 logs. By contrast, after IR challenge, only peak viremia was reduced by immunization, with no significant effect on SIV infection acquisition rate or mucosal CD4(+) T-cell preservation. Improved disease outcome was associated with pre-challenge cellular and humoral responses, while post-challenge T-cell responses were highly correlated with viremia control. The similar outcomes achieved by systemic and airway mucosal immunization support AE delivery as a safe, effective, and less invasive alternative to parenteral vaccination.  相似文献   
A prospective, randomized study was undertaken to compare the use of Earle's balanced salt solution (EBSS) prepared 'in house' with that produced commercially, in 448 cycles of therapeutic in-vitro fertilization. Outcome was assessed in terms of fertilization and cleavage rates, embryo morphology, and implantation rates following embryo transfer. The only differences that were found between the two media in any of the outcome parameters were in the number of cycles with failed fertilization (1/218 in 'in house' medium compared with 10/230 in commercially prepared medium; P = 0.0186), and in the rate at which embryos cleaved. Thus, while the median number of blastomeres per embryo was no different in the two groups at 46-49 h post insemination (three in embryos cultured in 'in-house' medium, compared with four in those cultured in commercially prepared medium; P > 0.1), the number of embryos per cycle that had cleaved to the 4-cell stage by 46-49 h post insemination was significantly greater in the Medi-Cult than in the EBSS medium (P < 0.001).  相似文献   
Experimental lesions in rats corresponding to advanced human asbestosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rats inhaling chrysotile asbestos developed a progressive interstitial fibrosis similar in most respects to human asbestosis. The earliest lesions were focal deposits of fibrous tissue in the walls of respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts. Later alveolar septa between adjacent bronchioles became progressively thickened to produce lesions with similarities to human honeycombing. The thickened septa between alveoli or "micro-honeycomb" spaces were mainly surfaced with cuboidal epithelial cells although some spaces lined by ciliated columnar epithelium were also found. Transmission electron microscopy of these advanced lesions showed that the cuboidal epithelial cells retained most of the characteristics of type 2 pneumocytes but that they frequently exhibited apical cytoplasmic blebs normally associated with the apocrine secretion of Clara cells. Columnar cells exhibited all stages from fully cilitated to cells with only an occasional cilium among the normal cell surface microvilli. Alveolar or micro-honeycomb spaces frequently contained clusters of pulmonary macrophages with their surface processes interdigitated but with no signs of fusion to giant cells. At more than 18 months after the end of dust inhalation these macrophages contained no chrysotile asbestos. The basement membranes beneath the epithelial layers of thickened septa were irregular and often convoluted as well as being much thicker than normal. Microscopic deposits of calcification were frequently found within the basement membrane material. Some thickened septa were relatively acellular, consisting mainly of masses of collagen fibrils but others were cellular and contained many macrophages, fibroblasts, plasma cells and mast cells. In these advanced lesions extremely little chrysotile asbestos was found and this was present in two sites only. Some chrysotile, always as individual fibrils and usually of short length, was present among collagen fibrils in areas of fibrosis and some was present within the thickened basement membranes.  相似文献   
The organization of collateral axons projecting from neurones in the pontine laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDTg) has been examined using combinations of retrograde neuronal tracers with immunocytochemical markers for the acetylcholine-synthesizing enzyme choline acetyltranferase (CHAT), focussing on projections to the midline, mediodorsal and parafascicular thalamic nuclei and the ventral tegmental area. 25–59% of LDTg neurones projecting to the mediodorsal nucleus provided collaterals to the midline nuclei. Virtually all (87–96%) of these double retrogradely labelled neurones appeared cholinergic. 9–18% of LDTg neurones projecting to the parafascicular nuclei also provided a collateral to the midline nuclei and 50–78% of these double retrogradely labelled neurones stained for CHAT. 26–29% of the single LDTg neurones which projected collaterals to both the mediodorsal and midline nuclei, were found to project a third collateral to the ventral tegmental area. These anatomical findings, taken together with functional evidence, suggest that cholinergic terminals arising from LDTg are involved in coordinating thalamic mechanisms of brain state control; and in regulating dopaminergic pathways, both directly and via the thalamus.  相似文献   
Experimental studies of the T cell requirement for rejection of class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-disparate grafts have generated controversy over both the autonomy of CD8+ T cells and the mechanism whereby CD4+ T cells are able to independently mediate rejection. In this study of rejection of RT1Aa class I MHC-disparate rat cardiac and skin allografts by high-responder PVG RT1u recipients, we show that elimination of CD8+ T cells [by anti-CD8 monoclonal antibody (mAb) administration in vivo] fails to prolong graft survival, whereas partial depletion of CD4+ T cells (by anti-CD4 mAb treatment) markedly delays rejection of class I-disparate heart grafts, and marginally prolongs survival of skin grafts. Anti-CD4-treated PVG-RT1u athymic nude rats reconstituted with CD8+ T cells failed to reject class I-disparate skin grafts for several weeks and eventual rejection correlated with re-emergence of a small number of donor derived CD4+ T cells. Conversely, anti-CD8-treated nude rats reconstituted with CD4+ T cells alone rapidly rejected class I-disparate skin grafts. Passive transfer of anti-class I immune serum to anti-CD4-treated euthymic recipients promptly restored their ability to specifically reject a class I-disparate heart graft. Similarly, passive transfer of immune serum to PVG-RT1u nude rats bearing skin allografts caused destruction of class I-disparate but not third-party grafts. These results demonstrate that CD4+ T cells are both necessary and sufficient to cause rejection of class I-disparate heart and skin grafts in this model and that CD4+ T cell-dependent alloantibody plays a decisive role in effecting rejection.  相似文献   
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