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B Rockstroh M Johnen T Elbert W Lutzenberger N Birbaumer K Rudolph J Ostwald H U Schnitzler 《The International journal of neuroscience》1987,37(3-4):169-182
Autonomic and central nervous indices of the orienting response (OR) were investigated in awake human subjects and sleeping rats. Ten acoustic stimuli of 60 dB and two stimuli of 80 dB were presented for 10 s each with a constant interstimulus interval of 50 s. Responses were averaged across subjects for each single trial. An exponential fit to scores of each physiological variable was used to compare OR, habituation and dishabituation between samples and variables. An OR to the first stimulus, habituation of response amplitude, and dishabituation in response to the change in stimulus intensity were observed for event-related EEG desynchronization, a negative-positive evoked potential complex in humans and rats, as well as for skin conductance in humans. While heart rate did not show systematic changes across the 60 dB tones in both samples, a deceleration was observed in response to the first 80 dB tone. Results suggest comparable patterns of orienting to acoustic stimuli and habituation of the OR in the awake human and the sleeping rat, suggesting the possibility of OR as a unitary response. Species differed with respect to speed of habituation but not with respect to sensitivity towards stimulus change. 相似文献
W Lutzenberger T Elbert B Rockstroh N Birbaumer 《Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology》1980,48(3):302-311
A single trial analysis of slow cortical potentials treating the EEG as a time series was developed. The method was applied to data resulting from an experiment on self-regulation of slow cortical potentials (SCP). Parametric models of the EEG were developed on the basis of autoregressive filter models and a two-component model of SCP (during 6 sec intervals), taking into account ocular influences as a further parameter. Results from different models were compared with each other and with results of averaging SCP data. For the present data time series analysis and traditional analysis provided qualitatively equal results, but fewer trials were necessary for analysis in the single trial approach and more detailed structures of the data became evident. If the EEG was filtered above 5 Hz it could be described by an autoregressive filter model of low order. Ocular influences were estimated as too small in a non-filtered EEG compared to the filtered EEG. 相似文献
Biofeedback of slow cortical potentials. I 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
T Elbert B Rockstroh W Lutzenberger N Birbaumer 《Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology》1980,48(3):293-301
An experiment was performed to investigate the self-regulation of slow cortical potentials (SCP) found in a previous study (Elbert et al. 1979). Seventeen subjects received continuous visual feedback of their actual cortical shift perceptible as a rocket moving across a TV-screen during intervals of 6 sec; subjects had to direct the rocket into one of two goals representing more or less cortical negativity, depending on the pitch of two signal tones. Within two identical experimental sessions feedback trials alternated with test trials without feedback. Highly significant differences of SCP between the two required polarities were demonstrated. The most pronounced differences were observed during test trials without feedback of the second session in which a positive shift below baseline level occurred when positivity (or less negativity) was required. 相似文献
Andreas M. Ray Thiago D. C. Figueiredo Eduardo Lpez‐Larraz Niels Birbaumer Ander Ramos‐Murguialday 《Human brain mapping》2020,41(5):1296-1308
In the present work, we investigated the relationship of oscillatory sensorimotor brain activity to motor recovery. The neurophysiological data of 30 chronic stroke patients with severe upper‐limb paralysis are the basis of the observational study presented here. These patients underwent an intervention including movement training based on combined brain–machine interfaces and physiotherapy of several weeks recorded in a double‐blinded randomized clinical trial. We analyzed the alpha oscillations over the motor cortex of 22 of these patients employing multilevel linear predictive modeling. We identified a significant correlation between the evolution of the alpha desynchronization during rehabilitative intervention and clinical improvement. Moreover, we observed that the initial alpha desynchronization conditions its modulation during intervention: Patients showing a strong alpha desynchronization at the beginning of the training improved if they increased their alpha desynchronization. Patients showing a small alpha desynchronization at initial training stages improved if they decreased it further on both hemispheres. In all patients, a progressive shift of desynchronization toward the ipsilesional hemisphere correlates significantly with clinical improvement regardless of lesion location. The results indicate that initial alpha desynchronization might be key for stratification of patients undergoing BMI interventions and that its interhemispheric balance plays an important role in motor recovery. 相似文献
B. Rockstroh T. Elbert W. Lutzenberger N. Birbaumer H. L. Fehm K. H. Voigt 《Psychoneuroendocrinology》1981,6(4):301-310
Thirty male volunteers, receiving either 40 mg ACTH 4–9 analog (Org 2766) or 40 mg placebo in a double-blind setting, participated in an experiment which investigated cortical evoked potentials, slow cortical potentials, EEG power spectrum, heart rate and response speed within a constant foreperiod reaction time paradigm. EEG was recorded frontally, precentrally and parietally. Subjects receiving Org 2766 responded significantly faster than placebo controls. Larger or advanced evoked potential components, a smaller late slow wave component, a tendency for more activity in lower alpha range and more pronounced decrease in mean heart rate across trials were found in peptide subjects as compared to placebo controls. These results suggest an effect of Org 2766 on cortical processes associated with early stimulus selection and processing. 相似文献
Processing of biological motion represented solely by a set of lights on the joints of a human body is traditionally viewed as largely independent of attention. Here, by manipulating attention-related task demands, we assess changes in the neuromagnetic cortical response to a point-light walker. Irrespective of task demands, biological motion evokes an increase in oscillatory gamma activity over the left parieto-occipital region at 80 ms post-stimulus. Only an attended walker, however, yielded further peaks over the right parietal (120 ms) and temporal (155 ms) cortices. By contrast, the magnetoencephalographic (MEG) response to an ignored walker is restricted to the left parieto-occipital region. In addition, peaks in oscillatory activity occur in response to both attended (canonical and scrambled) configurations at 180-200 ms from stimulus onset over the right fronto-temporal regions, most likely reflecting maintenance of the target configuration in working memory. For the first time, we demonstrate that the time course and topographic dynamics of oscillatory gamma activity in response to biological movement undergoes top-down influences and can be profoundly modulated by the withdrawal of attention. 相似文献
Nicola Neumann Anna M. Dubischar-Krivec Fritz Poustka Niels Birbaumer Sven Bölte Christoph Braun 《Neuropsychologia》2011,49(11):3011-3017
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) demonstrate intact or superior local processing of visual-spatial tasks. We investigated the hypothesis that in a disembedding task, autistic individuals exhibit a more local processing style than controls, which is reflected by altered electromagnetic brain activity in response to embedded stimuli and enhanced activity of early visual areas. Ten autistic and ten matched control participants underwent 151-channel whole-head magnetoencephalography. Participants were presented with 400 embedded or isolated letters (‘S’ or ‘H’) and asked to indicate which of the two letters was shown. Performance was equal in both groups, but event-related magnetic fields differed between groups in an early (100–150 ms) and a later (350–400 ms) time window. In the early time window, autistic individuals differed from control participants in the embedded, but not in the isolated condition, reflecting reduced processing of the irrelevant context in autistic individuals. In the later time window, amplitude differences between the embedded and isolated conditions were measured in control participants only, suggesting that “disembedding” processes were not required in autistic individuals. Source localisation indicated that activity in individuals with ASD peaked in the primary visual cortex in both conditions and time windows indicating an effortless (automatic, bottom-up) local process, whereas activity in controls peaked outside the visual cortex. 相似文献
The cerebrocortical response to hyperinsulinemia is reduced in overweight humans: a magnetoencephalographic study

Tschritter O Preissl H Hennige AM Stumvoll M Porubska K Frost R Marx H Klösel B Lutzenberger W Birbaumer N Häring HU Fritsche A 《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》2006,103(32):12103-12108
Animal studies have shown that the brain is an insulin-responsive organ and that central nervous insulin resistance induces obesity and disturbances in glucose metabolism. In humans, insulin effects in the brain are poorly characterized. We used a magnetoencephalography approach during a two-step hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp to (i) assess cerebrocortical insulin effects in humans, (ii) compare these effects between 10 lean and 15 obese subjects, and (iii) test whether the insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 Gly972Arg polymorphism in the insulin-signaling cascade modifies these effects. Both spontaneous and stimulated (mismatch negativity) cortical activity were assessed. In lean humans, stimulated cortical activity (P = 0.046) and the beta and theta band of spontaneous cortical activity (P = 0.01 and 0.04) increased with insulin infusion relative to saline. In obese humans, these effects were suppressed. Moreover, the insulin effect on spontaneous cortical activity correlated negatively with body mass index and percent body fat (all r < -0.4; all P < 0.05) and positively with insulin sensitivity of glucose disposal (theta band, r = 0.48, P = 0.017). Furthermore, insulin increased spontaneous cortical activity (beta band) in carriers of wild-type IRS-1, whereas, in carriers of the 972Arg allele, this insulin effect was absent (P = 0.01). We conclude that, in lean humans, insulin modulates cerebrocortical activity, and that these effects are diminished in obese individuals. Moreover, cerebrocortical insulin resistance is found in individuals with the Gly972Arg polymorphism in IRS-1, which is considered a type 2 diabetes risk gene. 相似文献
Furdea A Ruf CA Halder S De Massari D Bogdan M Rosenstiel W Matuz T Birbaumer N 《Journal of neuroscience methods》2012,203(1):233-240
The goal of the current study is to find a suitable classifier for electroencephalogram (EEG) data derived from a new learning paradigm which aims at communication in paralysis. A reflexive semantic classical (Pavlovian) conditioning paradigm is explored as an alternative to the operant learning paradigms, currently used in most brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Comparable with a lie-detection experiment, subjects are presented with true and false statements. The EEG activity following true and false statements was classified with the aim to separate covert ‘yes’ from covert ‘no’ responses.Four classification algorithms are compared for classifying off-line data collected from a group of 14 healthy participants: (i) stepwise linear discriminant analysis (SWLDA), (ii) shrinkage linear discriminant analysis (SLDA), (iii) linear support vector machine (LIN-SVM) and (iv) radial basis function kernel support vector machine (RBF-SVM).The results indicate that all classifiers perform at chance level when separating conditioned ‘yes’ from conditioned ‘no’ responses. However, single conditioned reactions could be successfully classified on a single-trial basis (single conditioned reaction against a baseline interval). All of the four investigated classification methods achieve comparable performance, however results with RBF-SVM show the highest single-trial classification accuracy of 68.8%. The results suggest that the proposed paradigm may allow affirmative and negative (disapproving negative) communication in a BCI experiment. 相似文献