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In the past few years there have been numerous publications which have stressed the value of the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) as a diagnostic marker of endogenous depression. Our own studies in 333 psychiatric inpatients and 121 healthy subjects did not reveal a differential diagnostic use for the DST. This result is in good agreement with other results in the literature. Our data demonstrate that intervening variables such as severity of illness, weight loss, sleep disturbances, situational stress, drug and alcohol withdrawal, and the pharmacokinetics of dexamethasone have an important influence on DST results, regardless of the diagnostic classification.  相似文献   
Influence of subjects' height on the stabilization of posture.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to investigate the influence of subjects' height in stabilization of body sway, postural EMG reactions were analysed following perturbation of posture during stance on a force measuring platform. Perturbing momenta of different strengths were unexpectedly applied at the back (level of the center of gravity) after being matched to the body weight of each subject. EMG activity of the antagonistic leg muscles and head, hip and ankle joint movements were recorded. There was a close correlation between displacement amplitude at the ankle joint and height of the subject, with the largest displacements in small subjects. The consequence of this relationship was that 1) The compensatory reactions consisted of larger gastrocnemius responses and a stronger coactivation of the tibialis anterior; 2) Momenta of increasing strength resulted in a larger increment of both ankle joint displacement and gastrocnemius EMG responses in small compared to larger subjects. In analogy to tip-toeing movements, it is concluded that the coactivation pattern is typical for stance conditions with a restricted area of support in order to reduce body sway. On the basis of latency measurements it is suggested that the response pattern is induced by proprioceptive information from the impact site of the momentum.  相似文献   
We have developed a reliable technique for labeling and examining neural structures in soft tissues associated with articular joints and have tested it in human wrist joints under various specimen-related conditions. The labeling protocol employs an immunohistochemical process with a panneuronal marker (PGP 9.5) as the primary antibody and Alexa Fluor 488 as the fluorescing secondary antibody. Imaging was done using a confocal laser scanning microscope, which produced exceptionally detailed three-dimensional images of nerve endings and transiting nerve fibers from thick sections of wrist joint ligaments obtained from human cadavers. The protocol provided a practical postmortem window for specimen acquisition and processing without significant apparent worsening of image quality. The images produced are resistant to fading with repeated exposure to a fluorescent light source, which gives many opportunities for observation. Background staining is minimal, producing high contrast labeling of target tissues, which, in turn, enhances image analysis.  相似文献   
Multiple myeloma was diagnosed in 3 patients following episodes of pneumococcaemia associated with neutropenia and decreased serum concentration of normal immunoglobulins. Severe pneumococcal infection is commonly encountered during the course of multiple myeloma, but has not been stressed as a presenting feature of the disease.  相似文献   
In spite of extensive investigations of the rat's meso-cortico-limbic system, the dopaminergic (DA) innervation of the hippocampal formation (HF) has not heretofore been visualized by histochemical techniques. However pharmacological and biochemical studies strongly suggested its existence. We used tyrosine-hydroxylase (TH) as an immunocytochemical marker of DA neurons in rats in which the noradrenaline cortical innervation was previously destroyed by neurotoxins. The absence of noradrenergic axons was routinely controlled with dopamine-beta-hydroxylase immunocytochemistry. TH-positive axons, thus DA axons, reach the HF primarily through the fimbria in which they occupy a specific lateral sector. They innervate the ventral and caudal parts of the HF, the subiculum and the adjacent CA1 hippocampal field being the main targets. This DA terminal field in the HF, matches with the area projecting toward the nucleus accumbens. Thus the hippocampo-striatal projections which represent a link of functional importance between the limbic and central motor systems might be modulated by the dopaminergic meso-cortico-limbic pathway. The present immunocytochemical study confirms the very dense innervation of the entorhinal cortex (EC): DA axons are organized in dense fiber islands and occupy primarily the superficial layers (I-II-III). Da innervation predominates in the lateral part of EC, which is the site of multimodal cortical afferences and therefore relays information between the whole neocortex and the hippocampus. Thus the DA system could play an important role of modulation on hippocampal and parahippocampal functions.  相似文献   
Sacral insufficiency fractures develop over a period of time and show time-dependent changes. We report on 15 CT examinations of 5 patients with early-stage insufficiency fractures of the sacrum. In 4 patients only irregular sclerosis without distinct fracture lines was present in 7 of 8 fractures. Of these 4 patients; 3 exhibited intraosseous gas inclusions in a ventral part of a lateral mass; 5 of 8 fractures disclosed a ventral cortical break. When distinct fracture lines had developed in 1 patient, intraosseous vacuum phenomenon had disappeared. Fracture lines evolve over weeks to months and show central bone absorption. The fractures can heal as demonstrated in 4 of 6 fractures in 3 patients, can persist over 1 year without significant changes or can progress to pseudoarthrosis with bone destruction similar to neuropathic joint disease. Intraosseous vacuum phenomena can persist to this stage. Intraosseous vacuum phenomenon is recognized as a potential finding in the early stage of sacral insufficiency fracture, which also is true for irregular sclerosis and ventral cortical disruption. Correspondence to: A. Stäbler  相似文献   
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