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Restriction maps of the rDNA cistron of twelve species of mosquitoes in six genera of the subfamily Culicinae were constructed using eight 6 bp recognition restriction enzymes. Anopheles albimanus was used as an outgroup. The size of the rDNA cistron ranged from 8.5 kb in Aedes katherinensis to 12.9 kb in Ae. polynesiensis. A total of twenty-six sites were scored; eighteen were polymorphic among ingroup taxa. The proportion of polymorphic nucleotide sites (Pnuc) was 0.059 and the heterozygosity per nucleotide site (Hnuc) was 0.028. Wagner and Fitch Parsimony, Dollo Parsimony and Nei-Li distance/neighbour-joining methods were used to construct phylogenetic trees. The rDNA RFLP dataset did not provide a well-supported phylogeny among culicine taxa. The RFLP phylogenies are incongruent with the morphology character based and molecular phylogenies and derived relationships did not correspond with current taxonomic classifications. The lack of resolution was due to homoplasy arising from frequent independent loss or gain of restriction sites among unrelated taxa.  相似文献   
U Chikte  S Naidoo 《SADJ》2000,55(12):661-662
Ductal adenoma of the breast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ductal adenoma is a recently described benign tumour of the breast that can be mistaken for carcinoma in both frozen and paraffin sections. Such a case is presented. Fortunately a mastectomy was not performed, but the patient did undergo axillary node dissection. Surgeons and pathologists should familiarize themselves with this lesion so that patients do not have to undergo unnecessary mastectomies and axillary node dissections.  相似文献   
Based on a consideration of the pathogenesis of os tibiale externum and how it relates to flat foot, the authors discuss the various hypotheses as to how pain is determined. In conclusion, they indicate treatment, and use three cases as examples.  相似文献   
To study the possible influence of colonic diverticula on the risk of peritonitis of enteral (intestinal) origin in patients undergoing continuous peritoneal dialysis, a barium enema was carried out as a pretreatment investigation in 129 consecutive patients starting CAPD over a 9-year period. In this prospective study comprising 3103 patient months, a total of 44 (15% of all) episodes of peritonitis with micro-organisms of enteral origin occurred in 30 of the 129 patients. The estimated probability of developing such an episode was 16% and 24%, respectively, within 1 or 2 years of treatment. Diverticula (greater than or equal to 1) were found in 54 (42%) of all patients. In all cases the following factors: greater than or equal to 10 diverticula, diverticular size of greater than or equal to 10 mm and diverticula in the ascending, transverse, or descending colon, significantly increased the risk of developing peritonitis of enteral origin (P less than 0.05). Neither diverticula in the sigmoid colon nor diverticulitis, as assessed by radiological findings, were identified as risk factors. Enteral episodes (as defined in this study) appear to represent mainly microperformations of existing diverticula; such episodes should probably be regarded as and handled differently from episodes due to major perforations of the colon secondary to diverticulitis. We conclude that diverticular disease of the non-sigmoid colon is a risk factor for peritonitis in CAPD.  相似文献   
The fate of the remaining bladder following supravesical diversion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A retrospective study of 30 adults who underwent supravesical diversion for a variety of benign and malignant conditions was done with special attention to the fate of the residual bladder. Diversion was performed for diverse conditions, including radiation cystitis, cyclophosphamide cystitis, interstitial cystitis, incontinence and trauma. All groups experienced significant morbidity from the remaining in situ bladder. Over-all, 80% of the patients experienced at least 1 complication, chief among which were pyocystis (67%), hemorrhage (23%), severe pain (13%), and unremitting feelings of incomplete emptying and spasm (17%). Complications of sufficient severity to require rehospitalization occurred in 43% of the patients. Several patients required multiple rehospitalizations. Reoperation requiring general or regional anesthesia was necessary in 9 patients (30%) and included 4 cystectomies. Serious consideration should be given to performing primary cystectomy at the time of supravesical diversion in any patient in whom subsequent undiversion is not anticipated.  相似文献   
A 67-year-old man with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus progressively developed, over a 2-year period, lower extremity sensory and motor defects associated with impaired bladder function and perineal and perianal sensation related to a disease of the conus medullaris extending from T12 to S5. The magnetic resonance imaging scan suggested myelomalacia and the diagnosis of progressive necrotic myelopathy was confirmed by surgical intervention.  相似文献   
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