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A baby with unilateral cleft lip, midline cleft palate and hypertelorism developed meningitis in the first 48 h of life. Examination of the nasopharynx showed a soft tissue mass, which was confirmed as a basal encephalocele by computed tomography. There was also congenital hydrocephalus and the corpus callosum was absent. Surgical treatment included repair of the anterior basal skull defect, repair of the lip and palate, and ventriculo-peritoneal shunt. There is currently evidence of developmental delay and right-sided visual impairment due to Morning Glory syndrome. This case demonstrates that basal encephalocele should be considered in any baby with midline facial deformity who develops meningitis.  相似文献   
Objectives: A prospective study comparing the efficiacy and side-effects of oral sulindac with intravenous indomethacin in clinically stable preterm infants (<1750 g) requiring non-invasive closure of haemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus.
Methodology: As maturity and birthweight are the two major determinants of ductal closure, infants were matched as closely as possible for these parameters. An eligible patient was first assigned to the sulindac group and a subsequent patient with similar gestational age (± 1 week) and birthweight (±100 g) to the previously recruited infant would automatically receive indomethacin. A total of eight infants were enrolled in each group.
Results: The ductus arteriosus was successfully closed in all eight infants receiving indomethacin, and in seven of eight infants receiving sulindac. No significant differences were found with regards to the ductal size between the two groups at diagnosis or on each of the consecutive days of treatment ( P >0.25). More renal adverse effects were encountered in the indomethacin group. Significant differences in changes from baseline value for urine output, plasma sodium, urea and creatinine concentrations were noted at 24, 48 and 72 h after commencement of treatment between the two groups ( P <0.05). All the parameters returned to normal or pre-treatment levels 48 h after stopping therapy. Unexpectedly, severe gastrointestinal complications were encountered in the sulindac group.
Conclusions: Sulindac is capable of promoting ductal constriction in clinically stable preterm infants without compromising the renal function. The spectrum of gastrointestinal complications observed in sulindac treated infants were similar to those described for indomethacin. The use of sulindac for ductal closure in the preterm infant should remain experimental.  相似文献   
Erythromycin treatment for gastrointestinal dysmotility in preterm infants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To report our clinical experience on the use of oral erythromycin for the treatment of severe gastrointestinal dysmotility in preterm infants.


A case series study of seven preterm infants (six were very low birthweight) with severe intestinal dysmotility in a tertiary neonatal centre.


All responded favourably without adverse effects and tolerated full enteral feeding within 1–2 weeks of the commencement of the drug.


As prolonged total parenteral nutrition carries significant risk of complications, this therapy could be considered in selected preterm infants who fail to establish enteral feeding after an extended period, and in whom an anatomically obstructive lesion of the gastrointestinal tract has been excluded. Meanwhile, we would caution against the widespread implementation of this therapeutic approach until formal evaluation by randomized controlled trials have established the exact role of erythromycin, or its analogues, in the treatment of intestinal dysmotility in preterm infants.  相似文献   
Despite safe and efficacious vaccines against peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV), this virus has emerged as the cause of a highly contagious disease with serious economic consequences for small ruminant agriculture across Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. We used complete and partial genome sequences of all 4 lineages of the virus to investigate evolutionary and epidemiologic dynamics of PPRV. A Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of all PPRV lineages mapped the time to most recent common ancestor and initial divergence of PPRV to a lineage III isolate at the beginning of 20th century. A phylogeographic approach estimated the probability for root location of an ancestral PPRV and individual lineages as being Nigeria for PPRV, Senegal for lineage I, Nigeria/Ghana for lineage II, Sudan for lineage III, and India for lineage IV. Substitution rates are critical parameters for understanding virus evolution because restrictions in genetic variation can lead to lower adaptability and pathogenicity.  相似文献   
Widespread vaccination programmes against Bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV-8), using inactivated vaccines, are being carried out across many countries in northern, western and southern Europe. This study investigates the extent and length of colostral antibody protection, as well as the degree of colostral antibody induced interference of the immune response to BTV-8, in sheep. Significantly lower titres of neutralising antibodies were transferred in colostrum to lambs born from sheep vaccinated once as opposed those vaccinated twice (single vaccine in the first year and a booster vaccine in the second year). On BTV-8 challenge, lambs born from sheep vaccinated on two occasions, with the second booster vaccine given approximately 1 month prior to lambing, were protected from clinical disease for up to 14 weeks. BTV-8 was isolated from 5 of the 22 challenged lambs, although only one of these lambs showed a transient rise in body temperature with no other clinical signs. Lambs born from ewes given a second booster vaccine 1 month prior to lambing, are likely to be protected from clinical disease for at least 14 weeks, whereas lambs born from ewes vaccinated once are likely to be protected for a shorter time. Colostral antibodies present in the 13–14-week-old lambs appeared to interfere with the humoral response to challenge virus. These results suggest that colostral antibodies may interfere with vaccination in lambs up to at least 14 weeks of age.  相似文献   
Requirement of the c-mos protein kinase for murine meiotic maturation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
X Zhao  B Batten  B Singh  R B Arlinghaus 《Oncogene》1990,5(11):1727-1730
Anti-sense mos oligonucleotides have been shown to block steps required for meiotic maturation of oocytes. In Xenopus oocytes, the block prevents germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), an early step in oocyte maturation. In mice the block induced by anti-sense mos occurs at a later step in oocyte maturation concerned with the first polar body emission. Here, we show that mouse oocyte maturation is blocked by introduction of anti-mos antibodies into immature functional oocytes. Antibodies that inhibit the mos kinase blocked GVBD. In contrast, anti-mos antibodies that permit the mos kinase to function do not block GVBD, but interfere with polar body formation. Antibodies pre-reacted with excess cognate peptide had no observable effects on maturation. These results indicate that the c-mos kinase function is required for activation of maturation-promoting factor (MPF) during meiosis. These findings are also consistent with our previous studies which show that the mos kinase directly phosphorylates cyclin B2, a component of MPF (Roy et al., 1990).  相似文献   
Strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, isolated from the sputum of relatively fit patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) who had been recently colonized by the organism, showed typical cultural and serologic characteristics. The majority of strains of P. aeruginosa isolated from CF patients with chronic bronchopulmonary infection had 3 distinctive features, loss of 0 serotype reaction, expression of a new somatic antigen, and sensitivity to normal human serum. Patients with organisms with one or two of these features were more severely affected by the disease. The appearance of these variants may represent a critical stage in the progression of CF.  相似文献   
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