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We report a patient with Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) with asthma, eosinophilia, nasal polyposis and ANCA-associated multisystem vasculitis, who's skin eruption started with erythematous urticarial-plaques followed by haemorrhagic bullae. Histology of the plaques revealed 'flame figures' in the dermis with no granulomatous or vasculitic process, consistent with the diagnosis of eosinophilic cellulitis or Wells' syndrome. The association of CSS and Wells' syndrome observed in this patient may have a common pathogenesis. CSS may induce Wells' syndrome by an unknown factor.  相似文献   
Total seminal zinc concentration, seminal zinc fraction bound to high molecular weight proteins (HMW-Zn%) and zinc content in spermatozoa were assayed in the ejaculates of 90 asthenozoospermic patients subdivided into two study groups: normoasthenozoospermics (group I: n = 50) and oligoasthenozoospermics (group II: n = 40). The zinc concentrations of patients were compared with those of a control group of donors showing normal semen parameters. All samples were also investigated for their sperm membrane functional integrity by the hypo- osmotic swelling test (HOS). The results showed normal total zinc concentrations but very low HMW-Zn% values (P < 0.001) in seminal plasma of the two groups of asthenozoospermic patients compared to the controls. Furthermore higher zinc amounts (P < 0.001) were measured in spermatozoa of oligoasthenozoospermic patients compared to group I and to the control group. Oligoasthenozoospermics also displayed a lower HOS score (P < 0.001) compared to the other two groups. These data suggest that the increased unbound seminal zinc could contribute to the decrease of sperm motility in normoasthenozoospermic and oligoasthenozoospermic patients. A further impairment in sperm motility could occur in the oligoasthenozoospermic patients where the increase of seminal free zinc was followed by a major zinc uptake by spermatozoa. The higher intrasperm zinc content in these patients could be a reflection of their low sperm membrane functionality.   相似文献   
韦明芬  张建平 《医学争鸣》2005,26(9):857-857
1 临床资料 2004-04以来收治肩周炎20(男8,女10)例;年龄42~55岁19例,70岁1例;右侧16例,左侧4例;病史7 d~1.5 a,均无外伤史,患侧肩部活动受限,手臂上提小于40°,肩关节外展,外旋活动受限,不能自如穿、脱衣和梳理头发及摸背. 分型与药物组方见表1.  相似文献   
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