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Cholesterol is an important determinant of cardiac electrical properties. However, underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Here, we examine the hypothesis that cholesterol modulates the turnover of voltage-gated potassium channels based on previous observations showing that depletion of membrane cholesterol increases the atrial repolarizing current IKur. Whole-cell currents and single-channel activity were recorded in rat adult atrial myocytes (AAM) or after transduction with hKv1.5-EGFP. Channel mobility and expression were studied using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and 3-dimensional microscopy. In both native and transduced-AAMs, the cholesterol-depleting agent MβCD induced a delayed (≈7 min) increase in IKur; the cholesterol donor LDL had an opposite effect. Single-channel recordings revealed an increased number of active Kv1.5 channels upon MβCD application. Whole-cell recordings indicated that this increase was not dependent on new synthesis but on trafficking of existing pools of intracellular channels whose exocytosis could be blocked by both N-ethylmaleimide and nonhydrolyzable GTP analogues. Rab11 was found to coimmunoprecipitate with hKv1.5-EGFP channels and transfection with Rab11 dominant negative (DN) but not Rab4 DN prevented the MβCD-induced IKur increase. Three-dimensional microscopy showed a decrease in colocalization of Kv1.5 and Rab11 in MβCD-treated AAM. These results suggest that cholesterol regulates Kv1.5 channel expression by modulating its trafficking through the Rab11-associated recycling endosome. Therefore, this compartment provides a submembrane pool of channels readily available for recruitment into the sarcolemma of myocytes. This process could be a major mechanism for the tuning of cardiac electrical properties and might contribute to the understanding of cardiac effects of lipid-lowering drugs.  相似文献   
Multiple components of cardiac Na current play a role in determining electrical excitation in the heart. Recently, the role of nonequilibrium components in controlling cardiac action potential plateau duration, and their importance in regulating the occurrence of afterdepolarizations and arrhythmias have garnered more attention. In particular, late Na current (late I(Na)) has been shown to be important in LQT2 and LQT3 arrhythmias. Class III agents like dofetilide, clofilium, and sotalol, which can all cause a drug-induced form of LQT2, significantly lengthen action potential duration at 50% and 90% repolarization in isolated rabbit Purkinje fibers, and can initiate the formation of early afterdepolarizations, and extra beats. These actions can lead to the development of a serious ventricular tachycardia, torsades de pointes, in animal models and patients. However, pretreatment with agents that block late I(Na), like lidocaine, mexiletine, and RSD1235, a novel mixed ion channel blocker for the rapid pharmacologic conversion of atrial fibrillation, significantly attenuates the prolonging effects of Class III agents or those induced by ATX-II, a specific toxin that delays Na channel inactivation and amplifies late I(Na) greatly, mimicking LQT3. The Na channel block caused by lidocaine and RSD1235 can be through the open or inactivated states of the channel, but both equivalently inhibit a late component of Na current (I(Na)), recorded at 22 degrees C using whole-cell patch clamp of Nav 1.5 expressed in HEK cells. These protective actions of lidocaine, mexiletine, and RSD1235 may result, at least in part, from their ability to inhibit late I(Na) during action potential repolarization, and inhibition of the inward currents contributing to EAD and arrhythmia formation.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to establish a culture system that can serve as a model to study hypoxic-ischemic mechanisms regulating the functional expression of NPY neurons in the perinatal brain. Using an aggregate culture system derived from the rat fetal cortex, we defined the effects of oxygen and glucose deprivation on NPY expression, using BDNF-induced production of NPY as a functional criterion. NPY neurons exhibited a differential susceptibility to oxygen and glucose deprivation. Although the neurons could withstand oxygen deprivation for 16 hr, they were dramatically damaged by 8 hr of glucose deprivation and by 1-4 hr of deprivation of both oxygen and glucose (N+Glu-). One-hour exposure to N+Glu- led to a transient inhibition ( approximately 50%) of NPY production manifesting within 24 hr and recovering by 5 days thereafter, a 2-hr exposure to N+Glu- led to a sustained inhibition (50-75%) manifesting 1-5 days thereafter, and a 4-hr exposure to N+Glu- led to a total irreversible suppression of BDNF-induced production of NPY manifesting within 24 hr and lasting 8 days after re-supply of oxygen and glucose. Moreover, 1-hr exposure to N+Glu- led to a substantial and 4-hr exposure led to a total disappearance of immunostaining for MAP-2 and NPY but not for GFAP; indicating that neurons are the primary cell-type damaged by oxygen-glucose deprivation. Analysis of cell viability (LDH, MTT) indicated that progressive changes in cell integrity take place during the 4-hr exposure to N+Glu- followed by massive cell death 24 hr thereafter. Thus, we defined a culture system that can serve as a model to study mechanisms by which ischemic insult leads to suppression and eventually death of NPY neurons. Importantly, changes in NPY neurons can be integrated into the overall scheme of ischemic injury in the perinatal brain.  相似文献   
We have recently described that after contractions propagate through multicellular cardiac muscle preparations. These propagating contractions are triggered in damaged regions of rat right ventricular trabeculae during relaxation of electrically stimulated twitches. Propagation of triggered contractions has been attributed to calcium ions that diffuse along the preparation, causing calcium-induced calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in adjacent cells. In the present study we have investigated a possible role of the sarcolemma and delayed afterdepolarizations (DADs) in the initiation and propagation of triggered propagated contractions (TPCs) in multicellular preparations. We studied whether 1) TPCs are accompanied by delayed sarcolemmal depolarizations, 2) such depolarizations mediate local contraction, and 3) an intact sarcolemma is required for propagation of contractions. TPCs that remained stable for prolonged periods of time could be induced by trains of 15 stimuli (2 Hz, 15-second intervals) at lowered temperature (19-21 degrees C) of the superfusing Krebs-Henseleit medium and a [Ca(2+)]o of 1.0-1.5 mM. Although TPCs could be induced at 38 degrees C and a [Ca2+]o of 3.0-4.0 mM, they disappeared within 10 minutes. Force was measured with a silicon strain gauge; length and shortening of sarcomeres were measured at two sites of the muscle using laser diffraction techniques. Membrane potential was measured with flexible microelectrodes. Saponin was used to selectively render the sarcolemma permeable to small ions and molecules. Propagation velocity of TPCs in intact trabeculae varied from 1.7 to 13.4 mm/sec at 19-21 degrees C. TPCs were accompanied by DADs that could reach threshold and induce triggered arrhythmias. Changes in latency, duration, and force of TPCs, induced by changing [Ca(2+)]o or the number of conditioning stimuli, were closely matched by changes in latency, duration, and amplitude of DADs; DADs consistently preceded TPCs, on average by 60 msec. Local heating of the muscle, by applying a current through an insulated platinum wire (diameter 100 microns) that touched the muscle, interrupted propagation of TPCs reversibly. DADs were, in the absence of a local contraction, still recorded distal to the heated site. In muscles that were treated with saponin and exposed to solutions approximating the intracellular milieu, spontaneously occurring local contractions that propagated in both directions (at velocities of 70-200 microns/sec) were elicited at a bathing calcium concentration of approximately 0.6 microM. Below this threshold, propagated contractions could be triggered by pressure ejection of a calcium-containing solution from a microelectrode positioned close to the trabecula.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
We have previously shown that extracellular copper stimulates the release of the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) from explants of the median eminence area (MEA), that chelated copper (Cu) but not ionic Cu is the active form of the metal, and that there is a direct correlation between the ligand specificity for67Cu uptake and Cu action. In this study, we examined the possibility that extracellular ATP can serve as a ligand facilitating Cu action on the LH-RH neuron. Hypothalamic slices or MEA explants of adult male rats were used. It was found that ATP facilitates67Cu uptake by hypothalamic slices when Cu:ATP molar ratio was 1:2000 but not 1:2. Keeping the [Cu] constant (150 μM) and varying [ATP], ATP facilitation of Cu stimulation of LH-RH release from MEA explants was found to be a saturable function of [ATP]; maximal facilitation occurred with 2.5 mM ATP. When the nucleotide phosphate specificity for facilitation of Cu action was assessed, ADP, ATP, α,β-methylene-ATP (the non-hydrolyzable analogue of ATP) and GTP were equally effective, whereas AMP and adenosine were ineffective. These results indicate that extracellular ATP can facilitate Cu action on the LH-RH neuron and they are consistent with two mechanisms: (1) ATP facilitating Cu uptake and hence, Cu action and (2) ATP facilitating Cu action via an interaction with a purinergic receptor.  相似文献   
alpha 1-Adrenoceptor activation can enhance myocardial contractility, and two possible inotropic mechanisms are an increase in myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity and action potential prolongation, which can increase net Ca2+ entry into cells. In adult rat ventricular myocytes (bath Ca2+, 1 mM; stimulated at 0.2-0.5 Hz), the drug 4-aminopyridine and the whole-cell voltage clamp have been used to control Ca2+ entry and differentiate between the two mechanisms. At 22-23 degrees C the specific alpha 1-adrenoceptor agonist methoxamine (100 microM) prolonged action potential duration at 50% repolarization from 55 +/- 2 to 81 +/- 5 msec, delayed time to peak contraction, and increased shortening amplitude from 5.3 +/- 0.6 to 7.8 +/- 1 microns (n = 18). Reduction of the transient outward current and other K+ currents by methoxamine was the major cause of action potential prolongation in rat myocytes with little change in the L-type calcium current. Block of the transient outward current with 2 mM 4-aminopyridine prolonged action potential duration from 52 +/- 6 to 98 +/- 12 msec and increased unloaded cell shortening from 2.9 +/- 0.4 to 6.6 +/- 0.6 microns (n = 4). Subsequently, methoxamine no longer increased cell shortening, although significant potentiation of twitch amplitude was still seen after a brief rest interval. In voltage-clamp experiments, with 70-500-msec pulses, although membrane currents were reduced, methoxamine had no positive inotropic effect and reduced cell shortening from 5.3 +/- 0.7 to 4.97 +/- 0.8 microns at pulse potentials positive to -40 mV. Similar alpha 1-adrenoceptor responses were observed at 35 degrees C during action potential and voltage-clamp experiments, which could be blocked by 10 microM prazosin. In myocytes loaded with the Ca2+ indicator indo-1, alpha 1-adrenoceptor stimulation or 4-aminopyridine both increased cell contraction and intracellular Ca2+ transients by similar amounts. As in unloaded cells, prior exposure to 4-aminopyridine prevented any inotropic effect of methoxamine without changing the systolic intracellular Ca2+ transient. The results indicated that under our experimental conditions positive inotropy in rat cardiomyocytes on exposure to alpha 1-adrenoceptor agonists was strongly correlated with the action potential prolongation that accompanied K+ current reduction. In addition, modulation of K+ channels could occur independent of changes in contractility and/or [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   
P/C-type inactivation of Kv channels is thought to involve conformational changes in the outer pore of the channel, culminating in a partial constriction of the selectivity filter. Recent studies have identified a number of phenotypic differences in the inactivation properties of different Kv channels, including different sensitivities to elevation of extracellular K+ concentration, and different state dependencies of inactivation. We have demonstrated that an alternatively spliced short form of Kv1.5, resulting in disruption of the T1 domain, exhibits a shift in the state dependence of inactivation in this channel, and in the current study we have examined this further to contrast the properties of inactivation from open versus closed states. In a TEA+-sensitive mutant of Kv1.5 (Kv1.5 R487T), 10 m m extracellular TEA+ inhibits inactivation in both full-length and T1-deleted channels, but does not inhibit closed-state inactivation in T1-deleted channel forms. Similarly, substitution of K+ and Na+ with Cs+ ions in the recording medium inhibits inactivation of both full-length and T1-deleted channel forms, but fails to inhibit closed-state inactivation of T1-deleted channels. Collectively, these data distinguish between open-state and closed-state inactivation, and suggest the presence of multiple possible mechanisms of inactivation coexisting in Kv1 channels.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To show the emergency use of preserved homologous sclera for the repair of a perforated cornea in a young child. METHODS: Our case was a 3.5-year-old boy who presented with an acute corneal ulcer and endophthalmitis, which was complicated by a developing corneal melting and perforation of 2.5-mm diameter during pars plana vitrectomy. Because no donor cornea was available, a full-thickness preserved donor sclera was used to close the corneal defect. RESULTS: During the next 8 months, scar tissue formed underneath the scleral graft. The graft was removed, revealing mild opacification at the site of corneal perforation. Three years after surgery, best-corrected visual acuity was 20/60. CONCLUSIONS: In the absence of a corneal button for grafting, preserved homologous sclera may be used for closing a corneal defect.  相似文献   
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