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Background To investigate the relative frequency of localized mucosal swellings of the upper and lower labial mucosa, the clinical-pathological diagnosis agreement and whether patient’s age and gender and tumor’s site and size may raise the suspicion of neoplasm. Material and Methods Retrospective analysis was performed on upper or lower labial mucosal tumors, histopathologically diagnosed between 2009-2018. The diagnostic categories developmental/reactive tumors, benign and malignant neoplasms were associated with patient’s age and gender and tumor’s site and size; clinical-pathological diagnosis agreement was, also, evaluated. Results Overall, 1000 (95.7%) developmental/reactive tumors, 35 (3.3%) benign and 10 (1%) malignant neoplasms were found. Upper/lower lip tumor ratio was 0.14:1. The diagnostic category was significantly associated with age (p<0.0001), site (p<0.0001) and diameter (p<0.0001). Age ≥60 years, tumor’s location on the upper lip and diameter >1cm were independent predictors for neoplasms. Patients presenting 2 or 3 of these variables were 20.2 times (p < 0.0001) or 33.6 times (p <0.0001), respectively, more likely to have a neoplasm. Complete/partial agreement between clinical and pathological diagnosis was seen in 96.3% of the cases. Conclusions Most lip tumors involve the lower lip and are reactive, but upper lip tumors measuring >1cm in patients≥60 years have significantly higher probability to be neoplasms. Key words:Lip, tumor, neoplasm, carcinoma, cyst.  相似文献   
Research on contamination of groundwater and drinking water is of major importance. Due to the rapid and significant progress in the last decade in nanotechnology and its potential applications to water purification, such as adsorption of heavy metal ion from contaminated water, a wide number of articles have been published. An evaluating frame of the main findings of recent research on heavy metal removal using magnetic nanoparticles, with emphasis on water quality and method applicability, is presented. A large number of articles have been studied with a focus on the synthesis and characterization procedures for bare and modified magnetic nanoparticles as well as on their adsorption capacity and the corresponding desorption process of the methods are presented. The present review analysis shows that the experimental procedures demonstrate high adsorption capacity for pollutants from aquatic solutions. Moreover, reuse of the employed nanoparticles up to five times leads to an efficiency up to 90%. We must mention also that in some rare occasions, nanoparticles have been reused up to 22 times.  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate the force values exerted from rectangular wires when combined with conventional labial and fully customized lingual appliances under predefined, idealized activation. Fully customized lingual brackets of two brands Incognito™ (3M Unitek, Monrovia, CA, USA) and WIN (DW Lingual Systems, Bad Essen, Germany) and labial brackets of another brand, discovery® MIM and discovery® smart systems (Dentaurum, Ispringen, Germany), were chosen. Stainless-steel and beta-titanium wires of 0.018” × 0.025” were examined. For IncognitoTM, 0.0182” × 0.025” beta-titanium wires were tested. Intrusion/extrusion and orovestibular movements were performed in a range of 0.2 mm, and the forces were recorded for each 0.1 mm of the movement. Mean values and standard deviations were calculated for all measurements, and ANOVA was performed for statistical analysis. Slight differences were observed between the forces generated from beta-titanium and stainless-steel wires. The same wire generated in some cases 5–53% higher forces with the lingual appliance due to the vertical orientation of the long walls during intrusion/extrusion and increased wire stiffness at the anterior region. Beta-titanium and stainless-steel 0.018” × 0.025” wires can generate similar force values during the final stages of the orthodontic therapy; thus, possibly only one of the two alloys could be used in each orthodontic wire sequence.  相似文献   
The apolipoprotein E receptor 2 (ApoER2), expressed predominantly in forebrain regions including the hippocampus, is 1 of 2 receptors for the extracellular matrix protein reelin, which is critical for cortical development. Previous studies of ApoER2 mutant mice have indicated deficits in synaptic plasticity and learning. The current authors assessed learning and memory of ApoER2 knockout and wild-type mice on the Barnes circular maze. Mice were trained in this task for 22 days, followed by memory recall and reversal tests. ApoER2 knockout mice were initially slower to complete the task, but by Day 22 they were more accurate than wild-type mice on several indices. There were no differences in memory assessed by the recall task, but ApoER2 knockout mice performed significantly worse on the memory reversal task. ApoER2 knockout mice also displayed altered use of specific search strategies and relationship of these strategies to errors made on the maze.  相似文献   
There are two histological types of pyogenic granuloma (PG) of the oral cavity: the lobular capillary hemangioma (LCH) and non-LCH type. The aim of the present study was to examine and compare the clinical features, etiological factors, diameter of vascular elements and immunohistochemical features of LCH and non-LCH histological types of PG to determine whether they are two distinct entities. Thirty cases of LCH and 26 cases of non-LCH PG were retrieved and retrospectively studied. Clinically, LCH PG occurred more frequently (66.4%) as sessile lesion whereas non-LCH PG occurred as pedunculated (77%). Non-LCH PG was associated more frequently (86.4%) with etiological factors. The lobular area of the LCH PG contained a greater number of blood vessels with small luminal diameter than did the central area of non-LCH PG. In the central area of non-LCH PG a significantly greater number of vessels with perivascular mesenchymal cells non-reactive for alpha-smooth muscle actin and muscle-specific actin was present than in the lobular area of LCH PG. The differences found in the present study suggest that the two histological types of PG represent distinct entities.  相似文献   
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