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BACKGROUND: The British Journal of General Practice (BJGP) is the leading primary care journal in the world. By impact factor, it ranks 24th of all medical journals. However, despite major changes in the journal since its inception in 1954, there have been no published readership surveys since a limited report in 1969. AIM: To canvass members of the Midland Faculty and to add to the debate about the future of the BJGP. METHOD: A postal questionnaire was sent to a random sample of 299 members, fellows and associates of the Midland Faculty asking for their views about the BJGP. RESULTS: Two hundred replies were received (a response rate of 67%). The median year of qualification of responders was 1981, and 32 (16%) held academic posts. Ninety-nine (49%) disagreed with the present format of the BJGP, which compared poorly with the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in simple rank order of importance. Readership was equal to that of the BMJ (93% reading it within 28 days of arrival), but fewer people read it within a week of receiving it. The most popular sections were the editorials, original articles and letters; least popular were the book reviews and the pull-out magazine, Connection. All sections were rated excellent to average. Readers wished for an expansion of the BJGP to include clinical reviews, medical politics and humorous pieces. Most responders felt that Connection should remain separate. There was dissatisfaction with the delay between submission and publication of original articles, particularly among the academic general practitioners (GPs). Academics and fundholders did not differ from other readers in their views of the content or style of the BJGP. Half of the responders stated that the BJGP should be self-financing and should be open to more advertising. Responders' free comments largely related to improving the style of articles and expanding the BJGP. CONCLUSION: There is a view that the present BJGP is not relevant to the non-academic GP. This is probably due to style rather than content. Simple comparisons with a weekly multi-disciplinary journal may not be valid. The style could be updated to improve retention of information and to highlight areas of particular relevance. Readers are satisfied with the core content of the BJGP but want it to expand to include humour, clinical reviews and medical politics, for example. There is no evidence that the BJGP is more appealing to the academic GP. This study supports an expanded BJGP with an improved style.  相似文献   
Treatment of childhood enuresis requires a careful anamnesis, physical examination, urinalysis, and urine culture to determine if a subject is affected with functional or organic enuresis. Functional enuresis (FE) was present in the majority of our patients (168/204). These 168 subjects, aged from 6 to 11 years, were randomly divided into three therapy groups (pharmacological therapy, behavioral therapy, and behavioral therapy with the aid of a personal computer). Our study shows that behavioral therapy gave better results in FE than did pharmacological therapy. We point out the usefulness of combining bladder retention training and behavioral therapy to improve the general maturity and autonomous behavior of the child, and the resultant positive effects on his personality.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of voice therapy in the management of vocal fold polyps and cysts. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective review of vocal fold cysts and polyps undergoing voice therapy in a tertiary care center. Symptom resolution or persistence resulting in surgical intervention was the main outcome measure. RESULTS: Fifty-seven patients were identified, of which 49.1% achieved symptom resolution with voice therapy alone. Patients with complete glottal closure and muscle tension dysphonia did not have a better response than those with incomplete glottal closure and without muscle tension dysphonia (P = 0.1, chi(2), respectively). Patients with translucent polyps more commonly responded to voice therapy than fibrotic, hyaline, or hemorrhagic polyps, 81.8% versus 15.4% and 25.0% response rate, respectively (P = 0.002, chi(2)). CONCLUSIONS: Voice therapy is an effective treatment modality for vocal fold polyps and cysts. SIGNIFICANCE: A multidisciplinary approach including a trial of voice therapy is warranted.  相似文献   
Renal function studies and measurements of in vivo plasma renin activity (PRA), kidney renin content, and renin secretion by isolated, perfused kidneys were performed in spontaneously diabetic and nondiabetic BioBreeding/Worcester (BB/W) rats. Diabetic animals evidenced hyperglycemia, glycosuria, and plasma volume expansion. After dietary sodium deprivation, plasma volume fell to levels equivalent to those of sodium-deprived, nondiabetic rats. Dietary sodium deprivation evoked a larger proportional increase in PRA among diabetic than nondiabetic animals, although PRA before sodium restriction was equivalent in the two groups. Basal renin release (RR) was higher from isolated, perfused kidneys from diabetic rats than from nondiabetic kidneys. Diabetic kidneys, moreover, displayed increased kidney renin content (KRC). By contrast, while isoproterenol (10(-5) M) stimulated a nearly fivefold increment in RR from nondiabetic, perfused kidneys, a negligible effect was observed in diabetic kidneys. The dose-response curve of renin secretion (as a proportion of total renal content) in response to isoproterenol was shifted downward. Hence, while KRC and spontaneous RR by isolated, perfused kidneys were increased, the increment in PRA with salt depletion and the renin-secretory response to isoproterenol in vitro were impaired. We propose that specific defects in renin secretion, in particular, the response to beta-adrenergic stimulation, may be operative in diabetes.  相似文献   
A patient with brachial plexitis associated with disseminated gonococcal infection is presented. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first case to be reported of this association.  相似文献   
Fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator, were exposed to the insect growth regulator diflubenzuron (Dimilin®) at 0.5, 5, and 50 μg/l after multiple autotomy of one chela and five walking legs. Regeneration of the first walking leg was monitored, and time to ecdysis, mortality, and morphology of the regenerated limbs observed. Continuous exposure to the chemical produced a dose-dependent retardation of regeneration. Animals molting in the higher concentrations exhibited significant mortality at ecdysis. Exposure to the pesticide for a single week produced similar but less severe effects. However, if crabs molted while in the pesticide, significant mortality was observed. The presence of sediment in the container with the crab moderated the effects of the pesticide, but did not eliminate them.

The regenerated limbs of the crabs that survived ecdysis were found to have lesions in the form of black areas in which the cuticle was improperly developed. These lesions were seen in crabs that had been in the pesticide for only one week (week 2 or week 3) as well as those that had had continuous exposure. They were also seen in crabs that regenerated in Dimilin with sediment. In addition, the number of setae on limbs was reduced compared to the number on limbs that had regenerated in clean sea water.  相似文献   

Seven systems for the diagnosis of schizophrenia were compared in their ability to predict short-term outcome at follow-up: with each other, with selected specific symptoms, and with a simple additive composite symptom score. None of the systems nor the symptoms predicted strongly, but DSM-III and Schneiderian First Rank Symptoms and the composite score performed somewhat better than the other predictors.  相似文献   
High doses of sodium saccharin, a non-genotoxic chemical, lead to the formation of silicate-containing precipitate and microcrystals in urine of male rats. Differences in urinary protein, pH, sodium and other factors affect silicate-containing precipitate and microcrystal formation as well as the bladder effects of sodium saccharin. Total urinary silicon concentration (mostly soluble) in sodium saccharin-fed rats is similar to or lower than the concentration in control rats. Binding of saccharin to male rat urinary proteins was demonstrated by equilibrium-gel filtration. We propose that by binding to urinary proteins under appropriate conditions, saccharin produces a nidus for the formation of silicate-containing precipitate and crystals. These appear to be cytotoxic to the superficial bladder epithelium, with cell death resulting in regenerative hyperplasia. Factors that influence the formation of these silicate-containing materials might provide a rationale for sex, species, dose and dietary differences in response to sodium saccharin.  相似文献   
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