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An animal model has been developed in which implantation cysts have been produced very close to developing teeth within the jaws of Vervet monkeys. Various deciduous teeth were extracted from both the maxilla and the mandible of 6 young Vervel monkeys. After 4 weeks, full thickness mucoperiosteal flaps were raised in these areas, up to 6 recipient sites were prepared in each monkey by drilling holes in the alveolar bone and small pieces of autogenous palatal mucosa were placed in these graft recipient sites. One monkey was killed after 5, 8, 22 and 25 weeks respectively and 2 after 52 weeks. Of the 33 implants placed, cyst formation occurred from 11 (33%). The distribution of the cysts was irregular in that 4 cysts were produced in each of 2 animals while no cysts were found in another 2 animals. The cysts produced were filled with keratin and lined partly by a thick keratinising epithelium and partly by a thin non-keratinising epithelium only a few cell layers thick. In one of the animals killed after 52 weeks, (he follicle of an erupting premolar tooth had collided with one of the cysts resulting in the cyst lining becoming incorporated into the follicle, partly replacing the follicular reduced enamel epithelium and forming now an integral part of the follicle. This observation supports the hypothesis that the follicular odontogenic keratocyst has an extra-follicular origin arising alter the eruption of a tooth into a pre-existing cyst cavity.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE—This study was designed toestablish whether a ratio of three units of Dysport® isequivalent to one unit of Botox® for the treatment ofcervical dystonia.
METHODS—Patients with predominantly rotationalcervical dystonia, and a minimum of four previous Botox treatments,were randomised to receive either the clinically indicated dose ofBotox or three times that dose in Dysport units. Study botulinum toxinwas administered in a double blind fashion, to one or more clinicallyindicated muscles, at one or more sites per muscle. Patients returnedfor assessment two, four, eight, and 12 weeks after treatment.
RESULTS—A total of 73 patients (Dysport, 38;Botox, 35) were entered. The Dysport group received a mean (SD) dose of477 (131) (range 240-720) Dysport units, and the Botox group receiveda mean (SD) dose of 152 (45) (range 70-240) Botox units. The mean(SEM) post-treatment Tsui scores for the Dysport group (4.8 (0.3)) andthe Botox group (5.0 (0.3)) were not statistically different (p=0.66).The study had 91% power to detect a clinically significant differenceof two points. Both groups showed substantial improvement in Tsui scoreby week 2 (mean (SD); Dysport, 46 (28)%; Botox, 37 (28)%), with apeak effect at week 4 (mean (SD); Dysport, 49 (29)%; Botox, 44 (28)%). A similar response profile was seen for other assessments ofefficacy. The duration of effect, assessed by time to retreatment, wasalso similar (mean (SD); Dysport, 83.9 (13.6) days; Botox, 80.7 (14.4)days; p=0.85). During the study 22 of 38 (58%) Dysport patientsreported 39 adverse events, and 24 of 35 (69%) Botox patients reported56 adverse events (p=0.35). A global assessment of efficacy and safetyconsidered that 29 of 38 (76%) Dysport patients and 23 of 35 (66%)Botox patients were treatment successes (p=0.32).
CONCLUSION—Patients with predominantly rotationalcervical dystonia treated with the clinically indicated dose of Botoxor three times that dose in Dysport units show similar improvements anddo not have significantly different safety profiles.

Care of the newborn diagnosed with a congenital malignancy is a challenge for the neonatal intensive-care unit nurse. Malignancies found in infants differ from those found in older children. Nursing care of the neonate suspected or diagnosed with a congenital malignancy includes standard practices and problem identification as well as interventions unique to the patient with cancer. This article reviews the incidence, diagnosis, treatment, and nursing management of neoplasms diagnosed in neonates.  相似文献   
First-year medical students at eight U.S. medical schools were surveyed by written questionnaire in 1983-1985 to determine their attitudes toward cardiovascular diseases prevention at medical school entry. An overall response rate of 92% was achieved (2,654 questionnaires), and 97% of responders provided complete and analyzable survey data. Response rates at five of eight medical schools were 98-100%, and one school each had rates of 67, 84, or 90%. Differences in mean attitude responses from school to school were small, as were differences between men and women or between blacks and whites. This survey found that entering medical students have generally positive attitudes toward the effectiveness of preventive cardiology practice as well as toward the importance of research efforts in cardiovascular disease prevention. Students frequently indicated, however, that it is "extremely difficult" to change patients' unhealthful habits and that "physician encouragement" may not be sufficient to help patients achieve more healthful behaviors. These findings could be helpful in directing educational efforts for medical students. The data suggest that major emphasis should be placed on conveying facts regarding the physicians' efficacy in clinical preventive cardiology and on teaching the skills of preventive cardiology practice. Less emphasis appears to be necessary on encouraging positive attitudes about the importance of prevention since current students' attitudes appear to be already positive in this dimension.  相似文献   
In light of evidence that certain aluminum-based antacids adhere to the gastric mucosa, we modified our previously described "artificial stomach" (AS) model by including a piece of hog stomach and compared the antacid activity of six aluminum-containing antacid products in the model with and without gastric mucosa. The activity of three of these, Maalox, Riopan and Supralox, was not significantly different in the two systems. In contrast, the activity of the other three, Aludrox, Phosphalugel and Simeco, was significantly greater with mucosa. Antacid activity of one product from each set (Supralox, Phosphalugel) was evaluated in two in vivo methods in human volunteers. For both antacids, results in vivo were similar to those obtained with the AS-containing mucosa. Without mucosa, in vivo and in vitro results were dissimilar for Phosphalugel, thus validating the modified AS. The difference between the two sets of antacids can be explained by 1) the fact that the Al:Mg ratio in the set affected by mucosa is greater than that of unaffected antacids, and 2) a weaker antacid load than in unaffected Supralox. We suggest that in an acid milieu, aluminum ions in antacids like Aludrox, Phosphalugel and Simeco are bound to sialic acid residues in mucus glycoproteins, thus retarding the transit of these antacids through both the AS and the real stomach and prolonging their activity in both situations. When the Al:Mg ratio is low or when the amount of antacid salts is large, aluminum ions tend to be buried in complexes, giving them less chance to interact with gastric mucus, so they transit the stomach more quickly.  相似文献   
Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) is the first enzyme in the pathway of mammalian polyamine biosynthesis. "Tumor promoters" appear to induce ODC. In addition, increased ODC activity has been observed in normal appearing colonic mucosa of patients with familial polyposis, an autosomal dominant disorder associated with a high incidence of colon cancer. Ornithine decarboxylase activity was measured in bronchoscopic mucosal biopsy specimens from the noninvolved lung in patients with unilateral lung masses. No correlation could be determined in ODC levels from "normal" mucosa between patients with lung cancer compared to those with benign disease, despite elevated ODC activity in the tumors themselves.  相似文献   
Abstract This article explores the relationship between connectedness and spiritual health. Three forms of connectedness are discussed: connecting with oneself, with others, and with a larger meaning or purpose. Eight connectedness skills are suggested. Combined, these skills may lead to an enhanced sense of spiritual well-being.  相似文献   
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