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OBJECTIVE: The gastrointestinal (GI) safety of different non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in a real-life setting remains ill defined. The aim of this study was to examine the risk of upper GI events associated with various NSAIDs in a general population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A nationwide, register-based, matched case-control study was carried out in outpatient residents of Finland in 2000-04. Cases with upper GI events (n=9191) were drawn from the Hospital Discharge Register and individually matched to controls (n=41,780) from the Population Register. RESULTS: The semi-selective NSAIDs (nimesulide, nabumetone, meloxicam, etodolac) had the highest odds ratio for upper GI events even after adjusting for various potential confounders (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 3.63; 95% CI 3.08-4.28), followed by non-selective (2.98; 2.70-3.29) and COX-2 selective NSAIDs (2.53; 2.09-3.07). When the current use of semi-selective NSAIDs was compared with that of non-selective and COX-2 selective NSAIDs, the AORs were 1.54 (1.13-2.09) and 1.67 (1.10-2.53), respectively. The AORs for the use of COX-2 selective NSAIDs did not differ statistically from the non-selective NSAIDs (AOR 0.92; 0.65-1.31). The AORs for individual NSAIDs varied across and within categories. CONCLUSIONS: As a group, the GI safety of the COX-2 selective NSAIDs was not demonstrated as definitively superior to non-selective NSAIDs. Semi-selective NSAIDs do not seem to offer any GI advantage over other NSAIDs.  相似文献   
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) is used in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) to prevent Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP). We explored to which extent TMP/SMX influenced methotrexate (MTX)/6-mercaptopurine (6MP) dosage, myelosuppression, and event-free survival (EFS) during maintenance therapy. Of 447 study patients treated by the NOPHO ALL92 protocol, 120 patients received TMP/SMX continuously for 2-7 d/wk (TMP/SMX(2-7) ) and 287 patients never received TMP/SMX (TMP/SMX(never) ). Ten patients (all TMP/SMX(never) ) developed PCP, eight of which occurred within 7 months from the start of maintenance therapy. The TMP/SMX(2-7) group received lower oral 6MP doses than TMP/SMX(never) patients (50.6 vs. 63.9 mg/m(2) /d; P<0.001) but had lower absolute neutrophil counts (ANC) (median 1.7 vs. 2.0 × 10(9) /L; P<0.001). In Cox multivariate analysis, higher ANC levels (P=0.04) and male gender (P=0.06) were related to reduced EFS. ANC had no effect on EFS among TMP/SMX(2-7) patients (P=0.40) but did for TMP/SMX(never) patients (P=0.02). The difference in the effect on EFS between TMP/SMX(2-7) and TMP/SMX(never) patients was not significant (P=0.46). EFS did not differ between TMP/SMX(2-7) and TMP/SMX(never) patients (0.83 vs. 0.83; P=0.82). These results suggest that TMP/SMX is effective in preventing PCP and may have an antileukemic effect. TMP/SMX should be given the entire duration of maintenance therapy.  相似文献   
This study reports a rehabilitation training for unilateral visual neglect combining a visual training programme and arm activation. Four cases of left visual neglect are presented with differing arm use. Neglect impairment was assessed using seven neuropsychological tests at weekly intervals for nine weeks: three weeks before, during and after the treatment period. In addition, one patient was followed over a longer time period. The treatment consisted of both a visual training programme and simultaneous arm activation. Considerable improvement in three of the four patients was observed in article reading. Moreover, all patients showed some improvement on three cancellation tests, whereas there was no improvement on other tests. In particular, the patients who had full hand or shoulder movement showed improvement in their performance. These results point out the usefulness of combined visual training and arm activation in the rehabilitation of visual neglect.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to produce concepts to describe criteria for good quality of support groups for families with children. The research questions were, what is a good support group like according to parents’ experiences and what are the criteria for the good quality from the perspective of families? The study sample consisted of 13 small groups. The study participants consisted of 63 mothers and 14 fathers, who accounted for 63% of the small group attendance. Data were collected in Finland through 13 group interviews. Qualitative content analysis of manifest and latent content was used as the method of analysis. Parents appreciated the availability of information, the ability of the parents to discuss matters, the activities, interaction and good group supervision. As the parental views of the characteristics of a good support group are concrete, they can be easily taken into account with implementing family‐oriented support group programmes. The concepts of the present study can be used in the future to construct instruments to evaluate quality of support groups from the perspective of families. Further studies should pay more attention to the experiences of drop out families and families that are not satisfied with group services.  相似文献   
Purpose: To determine the independent effect of visual acuity on individual activities of daily living (ADL), instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) and mobility. Methods: Cross-sectional survey on a sample representing the Finnish population aged 55 years and above. Of the 3392 eligible people, 3185 (93.9%) were interviewed, 2870 (84.6%) attended a comprehensive health examination, and 2781 (82.0%) had distance visual acuity (VA) assessed. A home interview included assessment of ADL, IADL and mobility, demographic variables and chronic conditions. Mobility measurements and binocular VA were assessed during the examination. Results: Prevalence of ADL, IADL, and mobility limitations increased with decreasing VA (p < 0.001). Visually impaired persons (VA ≤ 0.25) had ADL disabilities four times more likely than those with good VA (VA ≥ 0.8) after adjustment for socio-demographic and behavioral factors, and chronic conditions (OR 4.36, 95%CI 2.44–7.78). Limitations in IADL and measured mobility were five times as likely (OR 4.82, 95%CI 2.38–9.76 and OR 5.37, 95%CI 2.44–7.78, respectively), and self-reported mobility limitations were three times as likely (OR 3.07, 95%CI 1.67–9.63) as in persons with good VA. Conclusions: Decreased VA is strongly associated with functional limitations, and even a slight decrease in VA was found to be associated with limitations in functioning.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Few studies in Europe have investigated home smoking bans and their association with child smoking. METHODS: A nationwide survey of 12 to 18-year olds in 2005 (n = 6503, response rate 66%) was used to study home smoking bans in Finland. Multinomial logistic regression analyses were used to study association of home smoking bans and child smoking. RESULTS: Of the respondents, 58% reported a total ban, 27% a partial ban, 4% reported no ban and 10% chose the option 'I cannot say'. The lack of total ban was strongly associated with living in non-intact families, parents' lower educational level, parental smoking and parents' permissive attitude towards child smoking. Moreover, partial or no ban increased the likelihood of being a daily smoker. In the multinomial logistic regression model, the odds ratios (ORs) for children's daily smoking, adjusted for sociodemographic factors, parental smoking and their permissive attitude, were OR 2.9 [95% confidence interval (CI) 2.3-3.6] for partial ban and OR 14.3 (8.6-23.7) for no ban. In families where both parents smoked, the adjusted ORs were correspondingly 1.5 (95% CI 0.7-3.0) and 2.9 (95% CI 1.1-7.8). CONCLUSIONS: Home smoking bans will contribute towards a reduced risk of child smoking even when parents smoke. Tobacco control legislation needs to be enhanced with measures promoting awareness of the benefits achievable through strict home smoking bans. Families characterized by lower socioeconomic status and smoking parents are particular target groups.  相似文献   
Familial resemblance and diversity in bone structure and strength in adulthood are determined in part during growth. Whether these characteristics are established during gestation or shortly after birth is not known. Total‐body, lumbar spine, and femoral neck size and mass and indices of tibial bending strength and distal radial compressive strength were measured using bone densitometry and quantitative computed tomography in 236 girls at 18.5 years of age. Among them, 219, 141, and 105 girls had crown‐heel length (CHL) and weight recorded at birth and at 6 and 12 months of age, and then height and weight were recorded at 3, 5, 10, 13, and 15 years of age in 181, 176, 127, 111, and 228 girls, respectively. Of these girls, 101 and 93 girls also had bone structure assessed at 11 and 13 years of age, respectively. Similar bone measurements were made once in 78 mother‐father pairs. CHL and weight at birth did not correlate or did so weakly with bone traits in girls at 18 years of age. By contrast, CHL at 6 months correlated with the height, bone traits, and strength at puberty and at 18 years of age (r = 0.24–0.56, p < .001) in girls and with their parents' height and bone traits (r = 0.15–0.37, p < .05). When the girls' CHL at 6 months was stratified into quartiles, the absolute and relative differences in bone traits observed at puberty (~11.5 years) were maintained as these traits tracked during the ensuing 7 years. Similarly, weight at 6 months correlated with the girls' bone traits at puberty and 18 years of age (r = 0.22–0.55, p < .05). During puberty and at 18 years of age, the girls' bone traits correlated with the corresponding traits in their parents (r = 0.32–0.43, p < .01). It is concluded that familial resemblance in bone structural strength and the position of an individual's bone traits relative to others in adulthood are likely to be established during the first year of life. Thus susceptibility to bone fragility late in life has its antecedents established early in life. © 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research  相似文献   
Aim : To compare the neuromuscular function and balance of blind prepuberty- and puberty-aged boys to those with normal sight. Methods : Thirty-three prepubertal (aged 9–13 y) and pubertal (aged 15–18 y) blind and sighted boys were tested for muscle mass thickness, electromyography and maximal isometric strength, dynamic explosive actions, and balance. Results : There was no difference in the muscle mass thickness, maximal strength or vertical jump between the blind and sighted boys. However, fitness-ball throwing and five-jump distances were significantly shorter in both blind groups compared to the sighted groups. One-leg stance of the prepuberty-aged sighted boys was 109 (67) s and in blind boys 32 (12) s, and in the puberty-aged boys 120 (57) s and 31 (8) s, respectively. When vision was blocked in the sighted boys, differences between the blind and sighted boys disappeared.
Conclusion : The results showed comparable performance between prepubertal and pubertal blind and sighted boys in the static physical fitness tests. However, balance and performance in dynamic multi-joint tests did not improve similarly in the blind groups compared to sighted groups, indicating that maturation, learning and experience by themselves cannot compensate for the loss of sight.  相似文献   
Aim: The aim of the study is to describe the relationships among thermal environment, skin temperatures and infants’ daytime outdoor sleep duration in northern winter conditions. Methods: This study is a cross‐over observational study. Skin temperatures of three‐month‐old infants were recorded from seven skin sites continuously throughout outdoor (n = 34) and indoor sleep (n = 33) in the families’ homes. The duration of the sleep was observed, and temperature and the air velocity of the environment were recorded. Results: Skin temperatures increased towards the end of indoor sleeping, whereas they decreased during outdoor sleeping. The cooling rate of mean skin temperature (Tsk) increased in lower outdoor temperatures (rs = 0.628, p < 0.001) in spite of increased clothing. On some occasions, cold extremities were observed, suggesting slight deviations from thermoneutrality. Sleep time was 92 min longer in outdoors than in indoors. However, outdoor sleep duration was shortened when the cooling rate of Tsk increased (rs = 0.611, p < 0.001). Conclusion: The longest sleep was recorded outdoors when the cooling rate of Tsk was minimal. Restriction of movements by clothing probably increases the length of sleep, and a cold environment makes swaddling possible without overheating. A decrease in ambient temperature increased the cooling rate, suggesting that the cold protection of the clothing compensated only partly for the increased heat loss.  相似文献   


Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors (IMTs) are neoplasms that are highly vascularized, have an intermediate prognosis, and are associated with infiltration, obstruction, local recurrence, and rare metastasis. Resection of large IMTs can lead to substantial morbidity and even mortality. Anecdotal experience suggests that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may eradicate large IMTs or shrink them to a more readily resectable size and configuration. To support the hypothesis that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are antiangiogenic for IMTs by interfering with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling via cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibition, IMT specimens were immunohistochemically examined for expression of COX-2 enzyme and VEGF.


The diagnosis of IMT was confirmed in all 18 cases comprising the study. Intensity of COX-2 and VEGF staining was graded, and staining uniformity was examined. ALK-1 protein expression, found in up to two thirds of IMTs, was also determined.


COX-2 and VEGF expression were identified in all tissue examined, with staining intensity varying independently. ALK-1 protein expression was identified in 33% of specimens. Its presence was not related to the intensity of COX-2 or VEGF staining.


Our data suggest that the mediators of angiogenesis, VEGF and COX-2, are present and may play an important role in the growth of IMTs.  相似文献   
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