The influence of viewing time on the detectability of subtle and obvious lung cancers was studied. Frontal chest radiographs of 40 patients with subtle cancers, 40 patients with obvious cancers, and 40 healthy control subjects were shown to four observers for four different viewing times (0.25 second, 1 second, 4 seconds, and unlimited time). Receiver operating characteristic analysis was used to compare the detectability of lesions. Performance was degraded as viewing time decreased. The true-positive fractions for subtle and obvious cancers were 30% and 70% at 0.25 second and 74% and 98% at unlimited viewing time, respectively, for a given false-positive fraction of 20%. Thus, even with unlimited viewing time, the false-negative fraction for subtle cancers was 26%. The difference in detectability between subtle and obvious lung cancers was exaggerated at 1.0 second compared with 4 seconds and unlimited viewing time. The following conclusions were reached: (a) a substantial proportion of subtle lung lesions are missed, even with unlimited viewing time; (b) a large proportion of obvious lung cancers are detected with flash viewing; (c) the detectability of lesions decreases considerably as viewing time becomes less than 4 seconds; and (d) differences in detectability are exaggerated by short viewing times. 相似文献
PURPOSE: To evaluate the intraobserver reproducibility of a software designed to assess retinal blood flow with the Heidelberg Retina Flowmeter (HRF). METHODS: Ten subjects were consecutively recruited, and one eye of each patient was randomly selected for study. Blood flow measurements were analyzed by using an automatic full field perfusion image analysis (AFFPIA) program, which calculates the Doppler frequency shift and hemodynamic variables (flow, volume, and velocity) for each pixel. The resulting perfusion image is processed with respect to underexposed and overexposed pixels, saccades, and retinal vessel tree. Intraobserver reproducibility was calculated for the AFFPIA program. All the optic nerve heads were horizontally divided into three sections (superior, central, and inferior). The retinal blood flow was calculated in the superior and inferior section, and each section was further divided into three areas (temporal, nasal, and rim). The blood flow was evaluated for each area. RESULTS: When the same observer analyzed the same image five times (intraobserver intraimage reproducibility), the AFFPIA coefficient of variation ranged from 0.5% to 5% in the temporal area, from 0.1% to 5.3% in the nasal area, and from 0.5 to 28% in the rim area.When the same observer analyzed three different images of the same section once (intraobserver interimage reproducibility), the AFFPIA coefficient of variation of flow measurements ranged from 1% to 7.3% in the temporal area, from 1.5% to 10% in the nasal area, and from 2 to 30% in the rim area. CONCLUSION: Retinal blood flow measured by HRF and analyzed by AFFPIA had good intraobserver reproducibility. The reproducibility was significantly better in the temporal and nasal areas than in the rim area. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm characteristically arising from the dermis of sunlight-exposed skin. It rarely arises outside the skin. OBJECTIVE: We present a patient with primary Merkel cell carcinoma arising from subcutaneous fat, with no involvement of the overlying skin. We describe the clinical manifestations and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. METHODS: We report a 63-year-old woman with a primary lesion of Merkel cell carcinoma that arose from the subcutaneous fat layer of the left arm. The lesion presented as a subcutaneous nodule with intact overlying skin. MRI showed that the nodular lesion was located entirely in the subcutaneous fat layer, with no involvement of the dermis. Peritumoral infiltration around the lesion and enlarged lymph nodes deep to the lesion were noted. The patient received wide excision of the lesion with dissection of the regional lymph nodes and adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy. RESULTS: Histopathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of Merkel cell carcinoma with local lymphatic metastasis, and the lesion was completely located in the subcutaneous fat, with no involvement of the dermis. These findings were well correlated with MRI findings. CONCLUSION: Primary Merkel cell carcinoma may arise from the subcutaneous fat and present as an entirely subcutaneous lesion with intact skin. MRI is helpful to evaluate the local extension of the lesion and regional lymphatic metastasis. 相似文献
Objectives: To describe the physical growth patterns of infants born to narcotic dependent mothers (INDM) over a 12 months period and, if possible, to relate the growth to drug taking patterns during pregnancy. Methodology: The growth of a cohort of 43 INDM was measured during the first 12 months of life. Weight and length measurements were compared with percentile charts and converted to Z scores. Questionnaire data about drug taking practices, demographic variables and the neonatal period (including withdrawal scores) were obtained. Results: Twenty-four (55.8%) of INDM had evidence of neonatal drug withdrawal requiring treatment with phenobarbitone. At birth, Z scores for weight and length indicated relative intrauterine growth retardation. By 12 months, there had been some catch up growth, but Z scores for weight and length were still below zero. Persistent weight retardation at 12 months was correlated with methadone dosage during pregnancy, but not the need for phenobarbitone therapy. Conclusions: The growth patterns of INDM in the first 12 months of life indicated that at birth there was evidence of intrauterine growth retardation, but by 12 months the growth was little different from the rest of the community. There appears to be some influence of narcotic agents taken while pregnant on subsequent growth of INDM. 相似文献
OBJECTIVES: To calculate the incidence of type 1 diabetes in Scottish children aged less than 15 years between 1984 and 1993; to examine changes in incidence; and to calculate the prevalence of diabetes at the end of this period. DESIGN: Three data sources were used to construct the Scottish Study Group for the Care of Young Diabetics register: active reporting of all new cases; reports from the Scottish Morbidity Register 1; and local registers. SUBJECTS: All children resident in Scotland diagnosed with primary insulin dependent diabetes mellitus when less than 15 years of age between 1984 and 1993. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Annual incidence and prevalence rate for Scotland; time trend in incidence over the 10 years; differences in incidence between the three different age groups; and completeness of the register. RESULTS: The average annual incidence for Scotland was 23.9/100,000 children. The prevalence rate was 1.5/1000 in 1993. A total of 2326 cases was identified from the three sources. Capture-recapture analysis suggests a case ascertainment of 98.6%. The annual incidence rates increased at a rate of 2% each year (rate ratio = 1.02, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01 to 1.03). The incidence was higher in boys than girls (rate ratio = 1.08, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.18), and the incidence rates increased with age: 15.3/100,000/year for age 0-4 years, 24.4/ 100,000/year for age 5-9 years, and 31.9/ 100,000/year for age 10-14 years. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of type 1 diabetes in Scotland is increasing and the prevalence is relatively high. These findings have important implications for health service resource allocation. The Scottish Study Group for the Care of Young Diabetics' register provides a base for monitoring and research. 相似文献
A baby with unilateral cleft lip, midline cleft palate and hypertelorism developed meningitis in the first 48 h of life. Examination of the nasopharynx showed a soft tissue mass, which was confirmed as a basal encephalocele by computed tomography. There was also congenital hydrocephalus and the corpus callosum was absent. Surgical treatment included repair of the anterior basal skull defect, repair of the lip and palate, and ventriculo-peritoneal shunt. There is currently evidence of developmental delay and right-sided visual impairment due to Morning Glory syndrome. This case demonstrates that basal encephalocele should be considered in any baby with midline facial deformity who develops meningitis. 相似文献
After ingesting or inhaling laundry detergent powder, eight children required hospital admission. The predominant symptoms were stridor, drooling, and respiratory distress. All but one patient underwent endoscopy of the airways and the esophagus, five children were admitted to the intensive care unit, and four children required endotracheal intubation. Laundry detergent ingestions are generally considered to have minor consequences, and there exists a paucity of literature on the subject. Evidence of significant morbidity incurred because of ingestion or inhalation of sodium carbonate-containing laundry detergent powder is presented, together with a review of the existing literature. 相似文献
Background contextLow back pain (LBP) is associated with high health-care utilization and lost productivity. Numerous interventions are routinely used, although few are supported by strong evidence. Cost utility analyses (CUAs) may be helpful to inform decision makers.PurposeTo conduct a systematic review of CUAs of interventions for LBP.Study designSystematic review.MethodsA search strategy combining medical subject headings and free text related to LBP and health economic evaluations was executed in MEDLINE. Cost utility analyses combined with randomized controlled trials for LBP were included. Studies that were published before 1998, non-English, decision analyses, and duplicate reports were excluded. Search results were evaluated by two reviewers, who extracted data independently related to clinical study design, economic study design, direct cost components, utility results, cost results, and CUA results.ResultsThe search produced 319 citations, and of these 15 met eligibility criteria. Most were from the United Kingdom (n=8), published in the past 3 years (n=12), studied chronic LBP or radiculopathy (n=13), and had a follow-up >12 months (n=13). Combined, there were 33 study groups who received a mean 2.1 interventions, most commonly education (n=17), exercise therapy (n=13), spinal manipulation therapy (n=7), surgery (n=7), and usual care from a general practitioner (n=7). Mean baseline utility was 0.57, improving to 0.67 at follow-up; the mean difference in utility improvement between study groups was 0.04. Based on available data and converted to US dollars, the cost per quality-adjusted life year ranged from $304 to $579,527, with a median of $13,015.ConclusionsFew CUAs were identified for LBP, and there was heterogeneity in the interventions compared, direct cost components measured, indirect costs, other methods, and results. Reporting quality was mixed. Currently published CUAs do not provide sufficient information to assist decision makers. Future CUAs should attempt to measure all known direct cost components relevant to LBP, estimate indirect costs such as lost productivity, have a follow-up period sufficient to capture meaningful changes, and clearly report methods and results to facilitate interpretation and comparison. 相似文献
Metabolic surgery dramatically improves type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). In 2017, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommended metabolic surgery as the optimal treatment for patients with T2DM and Body Mass Index (BMI) > 40. We sought to evaluate whether or not that recommendation is being implemented. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the trend of bariatric surgery 2 years prior and 2 years following the ADA statement.
Materials and Methods
A retrospective analysis of primary bariatric procedures on patients with class III obesity (BMI > 40 kg/m2) and T2DM performed between 2015 and 2018, using the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation Quality and Improvement Project (MBSAQIP) database.
From 2015 to 2018, 164,535 patients with T2DM underwent bariatric surgery. The majority had a BMI > 40 kg/m2 (n = 117,422, 71.4%) and most were not using insulin. Majority of the patients with T2D and class III obesity were female (72.1%), Caucasian (71.5%), and mean age (SD) 48.5 (11.5). Although the numbers of patients with T2DM and class III obesity increased during this time period, there was not a significant change in the overall percentage of patients who were treated with surgery: from 25.99% in 2015 to 24.96% in 2018. In addition, this group is associated with higher rates of complications and mortality compared to patients with BMI > 40 kg/m2 without T2DM.
Utilization of metabolic surgery in patients with obesity and T2DM has not improved following the updated 2017 ADA guidelines. There is a clear need for more awareness of these guidelines among providers, patients, and the public.