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We previously have characterized a cluster of genes encoding cathepsin G (CG) and two other CG-like hematopoietic serine proteases, CGL-1 and CGL-2, on human chromosome 14. In this report, we clone and characterize a novel, related murine hematopoietic serine protease gene using human CG (hCG) cDNA as the probe. This murine gene spans approximately 2.5 kb of genomic DNA, is organized into five exons and four introns, and bears a high degree of homology to hCG at both nucleic acid (73%) and deduced amino acid (66%) levels. The predicted cDNA contains an open reading frame of 783 nucleotides that encodes a nascent protein of 261 amino acids. Processing of a putative signal (pre) peptide of 18 residues and an activation (pro) dipeptide would generate a mature enzyme of approximately 27 Kd that has an estimated pI of 12.0. Conserved residues at His44, Asp88, and Ser181 form the characteristic catalytic triad of the serine protease superfamily. The gene is tightly linked to the CTLA-1 locus on murine chromosome 14, where the serine protease genes mCCP1-4 are clustered. Expression of this gene is detected only in the bone marrow and is restricted to a small population of early myeloid cells. These findings are consistent with the identification of the gene encoding murine CG.  相似文献   
Despite matching for serologically defined HLA-A, B, DR antigens, acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a major complication contributing to increased morbidity and mortality in patients who undergo marrow transplantation from unrelated donors. The extent to which unrecognized mismatching for alleles that encode DR1-DR18 contribute to the increased risk of acute GVHD and overall survival is unknown. We analyzed 364 patients and their HLA-A, B, DR serologically matched donors to determine whether molecular typing of DRB1 alleles can allow more accurate donor/recipient matching and thereby improve clinical outcome after marrow transplantation. DRB1 alleles were typed by sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe hybridization methods. Selected alleles were confirmed by DNA sequencing. Of the 364 pairs, 305 were matched and 59 were mismatched for DRB1. The probability of moderate to severe acute GVHD was .48 for the matched and .70 for the mismatched patients. Compared with mismatched patients, the estimated relative risk (RR) of GVHD for matched patients was .58 (95% confidence interval [CI], .40 to .85). DRB1 matching decreased the risk of transplant- related mortality (RR, .66; 95% CI, .44 to .97) and was associated with decreased overall mortality (RR, .71; 95% CI, .51 to 1.0). Therefore, matching DRB1 alleles of the donor and recipient decreases the risk of acute GVHD and improves survival after unrelated marrow transplantation. These results indicate that prospective matching of patients and donors for DRB1 alleles is warranted.  相似文献   
Nolta  JA; Smogorzewska  EM; Kohn  DB 《Blood》1995,86(1):101-110
We sought to define optimal conditions for retroviral-mediated transduction of long-lived human hematopoietic progenitors from bone marrow and peripheral blood. CD34+ cells were transduced by the LN and G2 retroviral vectors in the presence or absence of stromal support and with or without cytokine addition. After transduction, a portion of the cells was plated in methylcellulose colony-forming assay, with or without G418, to assess the extent of gene transfer into committed progenitors. The remaining cells from each experiment were transplanted into immunodeficient mice to allow analysis of transduction of long- lived progenitors. Human colony-forming cells contained within the murine bone marrow were analyzed after engraftment periods of 2 to 11 months. Cells were plated in a human-specific colony-forming assay with and without G418 to assess the extent of transduction of primitive progenitors. Individual human colonies were also analyzed by polymerase chain reaction for the presence of provirus. Bone marrow progenitors were efficiently transduced only when stroma was present, whereas mobilized peripheral blood progenitors were effectively transduced in the presence of either stroma or cytokines. Inclusion of the cytokines interleukin-3, interleukin-6, and stem cell factor did not further augment the extent of gene transfer in the presence of a stromal support layer. Additionally, human CD34+ progenitors from bone marrow or mobilized peripheral blood that had been transduced for 3 days in the absence of stroma failed to produce sustained, long-term engraftment of bnx mice. Mice transplanted with the same pools of human progenitors that had been transduced in the presence of stroma for 3 days had significant levels of human cell engraftment at the same timepoints, 7 to 11 months after transplantation. Our data show loss of long-lived human progenitors during 3-day in vitro transduction periods in the absence of stromal support. Therefore, the presence of bone marrow stroma has dual benefits in that it increases gene transfer efficiency and is essential for survival of long-lived human hematopoietic progenitors.  相似文献   
Long-term culture-initiating cells (LTC-IC) are hematopoietic progenitors able to generate colony-forming unit-cells (CFU) after 5 to 8 weeks (35 to 60 days) of culture on bone marrow (BM) stroma and represent the most primitive progenitors currently detectable in vitro. We have recently reported that long-term cultures initiated with CD34+CD38- cells from BM or cord blood are able to continue generating CFU for at least 100 days, ie, beyond the standard LTC-IC period. In this report, single-cell cultures from cord blood and retroviral marking of cord blood and BM were used to study whether the subpopulation of CD34+CD38- cells able to generate CFU beyond 60 days ("extended long-term culture-initiating cells" or ELTC-IC) are functionally distinct from LTC-IC in terms of timing of initial clonal proliferation and generative capacity. All cord blood LTC-IC formed clones of greater than 50 cells by day 30. In contrast, cord blood ELTC- IC proliferated later in culture, 50% forming clones after day 30. Although efficient retroviral marking of LTC-IC was seen (25% to 45%), marking of ELTC-IC was inefficient (< 1%), consistent with a more quiescent progenitor population. There was a positive correlation between time of clonal proliferation and generative capacity. ELTC-IC generated threefold to fourfold more progeny than did LTC-IC (P < .002). These studies show that there is a functional hierarchy of progenitors in long-term culture which correlates with their level of quiescence. By extending the LTC-IC assay, a more primitive progenitor may be studied that may be functionally closer to the human long-term repopulation stem cell in vivo.  相似文献   
Eight laboratories in six countries cooperated to clarify several issues concerning the phenotypes of heterozygous carriers of hemophilia "A." Plasma levels of factor VIII (F.VIII:C, formerly VIII:C) and von Willebrand factor (VWF:Ag, formerly VIIIR:Ag) of carriers and normal women were determined by various "in-house" methods; a single lyophilized plasma standard was used for all assays. Analysis of the collated data from 336 carriers (296 obligatory carriers and 40 sporadic carriers) and 137 normal women showed that there was no difference in the F.VIII:C levels of "paternal" carriers (women who had obtained the abnormal gene from their fathers) and "maternal" carriers. Neither was there a difference in the VWF:Ag levels of normal women and either type of carrier. Age was found to have a significant effect on both F.VIII:C and VWF:Ag, values being higher at very young and very old ages, the minima occurring in the 25- to 30-year range. ABO blood type had a striking effect. Women of types A, B, and AB (designated non- O in the study), both normals and carriers, had significantly higher levels of both factors than did women of type O. Analysis by laboratories showed that differences in mean levels of both factors between laboratories were highly significant. It was concluded that age, ABO blood type, and laboratory variation should be taken into account in carrier detection.  相似文献   
High-dose intravenous gammaglobulin (IVIgG) was given to 12 children and adults with chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) to avoid splenectomy or because they either failed to respond to or required maintenance with high doses of steroids and/or immunosuppressives. The average platelet count increase to initial therapy was 239,500/microliters (range 23,000-790,000). A concomitant IgG Fc receptor blockade, measured by IgG-sensitized 51Cr-labeled autologous erythrocytes, was seen in 11 of 11 patients tested, both splenectomized and not splenectomized, lasting 3-4 wk. Six or more months after treatment, 2 children are in remission, 2 children and 2 adults are stable requiring no therapy with platelet counts of approximately 50,000 and 30,000, respectively, 3 children require maintenance IVIgG therapy at 2-10-wk intervals, and 1 child and 2 adults have become refractory to further IVIgG. Splenectomy was not performed in 4 children. Two adults were able to discontinue daily prednisone. The 3 patients who became unresponsive to Swiss Red Cross gamma-globulin (IgSRK) therapy did so in conjunction with a markedly elevated platelet-associated IgG and IgM. Serum IgM increased an average of 103 mg/dl after the IVIgG infusions. No significant side effects were seen.  相似文献   
Faioni  EM; Esmon  CT; Esmon  NL; Mannucci  PM 《Blood》1988,71(4):940-946
Protein C has been purified from the plasma of a patient with thrombotic diathesis. Both before and after isolation, the protein showed reduced capacity to hydrolyze synthetic substrates and to anticoagulate plasma. Proteolysis with the soluble thrombin- thrombomodulin complex proceeded normally and to completion as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blotting. Approximately one-third of the protein is functional, indicating a heterozygous defect. Indirect studies suggest that the abnormal component can bind to protein S and phospholipids. Both forms of activated protein C can also incorporate radiolabeled diisopropylfluorophosphate.  相似文献   
Insertion of a screw biopsy stylet into a thin-walled biopsy needle greatly enhances detection of the needle during ultrasound-guided percutaneous biopsy. This technique is helpful when precise needle-tip localization is needed for biopsies of small lesions.  相似文献   
Methods of preoperative radiologic localization of insulinoma were compared in 52 patients, 44 of whom had solitary tumors. Examinations performed in these 44 patients were preoperative ultrasonography (US) in 28, angiography in 26, and computed tomography in 23. Prospective sensitivities were 61%, 54%, and 30%, respectively. Imaging sensitivities were lower for the eight patients with multiple insulinomas. In 28 of the 44 patients, intraoperative US was performed without the examiner being aware of the surgical findings. The sensitivity was 84%. Four insulinomas were not palpable but were visualized sonographically. The combined sensitivity of intraoperative US and surgical palpation for detecting solitary insulinomas was 100%. High-frequency intraoperative US is valuable for detecting occult solitary insulinomas and considerably useful for determining the proximity of insulinomas to the pancreatic and bile ducts.  相似文献   
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