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Although various genetic factors have been implicated in human male infertility, the causative genes for the different types of idiopathic male infertility have not been elucidated. Protamines, which are the major DNA-binding proteins in the sperm nucleus, package the DNA into the sperm head. Analysis of the human protamine-1 (PRM1) and -2 (PRM2) gene sequences in 226 sterile male patients and in 270 proven-fertile male volunteers revealed four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the PRM1 coding region, which did not cause any amino acid substitutions, and one SNP in the PRM2 gene, which produced translation termination. We also observed one SNP in the 3' non-coding region of the PRM1 gene, and two SNPs within the intron of the PRM2 gene. The prevalence of these SNPs was similar in both infertile patients and in proven-fertile volunteers, except that the c248t alteration in the PRM2 gene induced a nonsense codon under conditions of heterozygosity in one infertile patient. Although the PRM1 and PRM2 genes are highly conserved, the single SNP in the PRM2 gene that induces translation termination may result in male infertility due to haploinsufficiency of PRM2.  相似文献   
We investigated the fine structure and mineral components of 29 stonelike masses obtained from the mesenteries of four adult cadavers, using optical microscopy, backscattered electron imaging, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis, and X-ray diffraction. Although the overall appearance of the stonelike masses measuring about 5–20mm in diameter and 0.06–3.1g in dry weight was roughly grouped into smooth bulb- and uneven bulk-shaped types, all the calcified masses basically consisted of core and mantle regions. The smooth bulb-shaped masses had a broad mantle with many concentric rings, whereas the uneven bulk-shaped masses contained a large core. In their core regions, spherulitic and short bundle-shaped deposits composed of needle-shaped apatite crystals were mainly found among loose collagen fibers. Their mantle regions, on the other hand, showed the concentric structures of dense collagen fibers in the intra- and/or extrafibrous calcification with fine sandy grain-shaped deposits. The mineral elements were mainly Ca and P, and the major crystals were hydroxyapatite. Hexahedral whitlockite containing Mg was a minor component. The fiber-rich mantle regions showed lower calcification and lesser crystallization than the fiber-poor core region. When necrotic or some tumor adipose tissues and necrotic lymphoid tissues that might have been caused by some digestive diseases are recognized as foreign matter, their tissues occasionally will be calcified and grow into stonelike masses. These stonelike masses tend to occur more often in women than in men.  相似文献   
Surfactant protein D (SFTPD) is a lung-specific anti-inflammatory factor that antagonizes inflammation by inhibiting oxidative stress and stimulating innate immunity. Variations in SFTPA2 and SFTPB, genes for other surfactant proteins, have been associated with lung cancer. We therefore investigated associations between SFTPD variations and lung cancer as well as emphysema and interstitial pneumonia, which are characterized by chronic inflammation from which lung cancer often arises. DNA from 1342 autopsy samples, including those from 140 subjects with lung cancer, was investigated. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs721917, which results in methionine being exchanged for threonine at amino acid 11 (the Met11Thr variation), tended to be associated with emphysema and was associated with interstitial pneumonia and lung cancer. A haplotype analysis revealed that the haplotypes associated with emphysema and lung cancer differed from that associated with interstitial pneumonia, suggesting a differential role for SFTPD in the development of these diseases. A mediating analysis did not reveal a mediating effect exerted by emphysema or interstitial pneumonia on lung cancer. Our results suggested that SFTPD plays a role in the development of lung cancer and that the role for lung cancer may differ from that for interstitial pneumonia.  相似文献   
Effective and rapid use of cytological data are issue in Japan. We addressed this problem by development of an ordering system for cytological examinations at Osaka National Hospital. This system is located in the department of pathology and is a client-server system that consisted of 1 server and 6 clients. Five of the 6 clients are related to cytology and there are connections to microscopes with digital cameras. One client is for acceptance of cytological specimens at the department of pathology. Through a local area network, 100 Mbps, this system is connected to the hospital information system, which is of the order-entry type. After a clinician orders a cytological examination, these data are sent to both the Accounts and Pathology departments. A small bar-code label is simultaneously printed out, which is stuck on the form. By checking this label at the department of pathology by using a label reader, relevant clinical information is sent to the pathology server. After the cytological diagnosis has been made by senior cytotechnologist and cytopathologist, data on the diagnosis and microscopic images are sent to the hospital information system. Thus, clinicians can review the cytological diagnosis together with the photomicrographs. This new cytology system has brought great benefits to both cytotechnologist and clinicians with regard to the rapid transfer of cytological examination, and it seems to contribute to more advanced and efficient medical care.  相似文献   
We investigated whether long-term melatonin administration in the drinking water influences oxidative modification of lipids and proteins and antioxidative enzyme activity in brain of senescence-accelerated mice (SAM). Cerebral cortex was obtained in the middle of the dark period of the daily light cycle from SAMP8, a strain of mice prone to accelerated senescence, and from SAMR1, a senescence-resistant strain, at 3, 6, and 12 months of age. Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) and protein carbonyls exhibited significant age-related increases in both strains. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity decreased significantly at 12 months of age in SAMP8. No age effect was found in GPx activity in SAMR1, or in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in either strain. Melatonin administration (2 microg/mL) via the drinking fluid beginning at 7 months significantly decreased neural TBARS content (over 30%) in both strains and lowered the protein carbonyl content in the brain of SAMP8 mice. Furthermore, melatonin significantly augmented GPx activity (over 20%) in both strains. Melatonin had no effect on SOD activity. These results suggest an age-related increase in cerebral tissue vulnerability to oxidation in SAM that can be modified by melatonin, most likely through the ability of melatonin to scavenge oxygen free radicals and to stimulate antioxidant enzyme activity.  相似文献   
In the present study, we investigated immunohistochemically the time-course alterations in estrogen receptor alpha (ER) expression and cell proliferating activity in the developing uteri of Donryu rats exposed neonatally to a high dose p-tert-octylphenol (OP), an endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC). OP-treatment (sc injections of 100 mg/kg, every other day from postnatal days 1 to 15) induced an early and enhanced ER expression in the luminal epithelium compared with age-matched controls from postnatal day (PND) 10, and increased proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) positive cells up to PND21. At PND28, ER expression in the luminal epithelium of the OP-treated group was decreased, in association with decline in the luminal epithelial areas. PND14, the second week of life, is coincident with the normal time for differentiation when the luminal epithelium invaginates into the stroma to form uterine glands. OP-treatment, however, delayed and inhibited gland-formation, and suppressed ER expression in the invaginated-luminal and glandular epithelium at this time. These results indicate that ER expression in these sites is strongly linked with cell proliferating activity. In stromal cells, ER was expressed from PND6 in both groups without any PCNA positive cells, but significantly lower values were noted in the OP-treated group up to PND10. Our immunohistochemical investigation did not reveal any abnormalities in expression of the proto-oncogene c-fos, mitotic inhibitor p21, or epidermal growth factor antigen, although the apoptotic index in the luminal epithelium was slightly increased in the OP-treated group. These results demonstrate neonatal effects of a high dose of OP, already detectable at PND10, with early and enhanced ER expression, resulting in increase of cell proliferative activity in the luminal epithelium, though expression in the glandular epithelium was suppressed in relation to inhibited gland-genesis. The present study thus suggests that neonatal exposure to high doses of EDCs with estrogenic activity can induce abnormal differentiation in the developing rat uteri via abnormal ER expression and subsequent alteration of cell proliferating activity.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Endoscopic papillary balloon dilatation may be an alternative to endoscopic sphincterotomy in the treatment of bile duct stones. However, there is a controversy as to the effectiveness and safety of endoscopic papillary balloon dilatation. METHODS: Two hundred eighty-two patients with bile duct stones were enrolled and randomized to an endoscopic sphincterotomy or endoscopic papillary balloon dilatation group. The success rate for duct clearance as well as the frequency and types of complications were evaluated prospectively. Endoscopic sphincterotomy was performed in a standard manner. Endoscopic papillary balloon dilatation was carried out with gradual inflation of a 4-, 6-, or 8-mm diameter balloon. RESULTS: Complete duct clearance was achieved in 100% in the endoscopic sphincterotomy group and 99.3% in the endoscopic papillary balloon dilatation group (not significant). Complications occurred in 11.8% of patients in the endoscopic sphincterotomy group and 14.5% of those in the endoscopic papillary balloon dilatation group (not significant). No complication was severe; there was no mortality. The frequency of acute pancreatitis was higher in the endoscopic papillary balloon dilatation group than the endoscopic sphincterotomy group (respectively, 10.9% vs. 2.8%; p < 0.045). Hemorrhage occurred only in the endoscopic sphincterotomy group. CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic sphincterotomy and endoscopic papillary balloon dilatation were approximately equal in terms of successful clearance of bile duct stones. They were also similar with respect to overall complications. Endoscopic papillary balloon dilatation is an alternative to endoscopic sphincterotomy as a treatment of bile duct stones.  相似文献   
Autonomic imbalance as a property of symptomatic Brugada syndrome.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The autonomic properties in 27 patients with the electrocardiographic morphology of Brugada syndrome were investigated using 24-h Holter monitoring: 10 patients had a history of ventricular fibrillation (VF; Br-VF group) and 17 did not (Br-N group); there were 26 healthy subjects enrolled in this study. All subjects underwent normal Holter data monitoring and power spectral analysis. Few extrasystoles were observed in either group, and the mean heart rate (HR), maximum HR, and total heart beats over 24 h were obtained. All of these measurements were significantly lower in the Br-VF group than in the Br-N and healthy subject groups. The RR interval variability was analyzed over 512 beats every 10 min. The high-frequency component (0.15-0.40 Hz; HF), low-frequency component (0.04-0.15 Hz; LF) and the LF/HF ratio were analyzed over 24 h. The HF was significantly higher and LF/HF ratio lower in the Br-VF group than in the healthy subjects. The HF was also significantly higher than in the Br-N group. During the night (00.00-05.00 h), the HF was significantly higher in the Br-VF group, and the LH/HF lower. During the day (12.00-17.00 h), the HF was significantly higher in the Br-VF group, but there was no difference in the LF/HF. These results indicate that high vagal tone and low sympathetic tone are specific properties of symptomatic Brugada syndrome.  相似文献   
Varicella zoster virus (VZV)-DNA was quantified in peripheral blood of 2 patients with visceral varicella due to endogenous reactivation. An 18-year-old male contracted varicella following the courses of chemotherapy for T cell lymphoma. Another 18-year-old male suffered from varicella 16 months after the complete engraftment of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Both patients had past VZV infection, but no recent contact with the disease. Paralytic ileus and ascites preceded the skin lesions. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed >200 copies of VZV per 1 ml of whole blood before or at the time when cropping vesicles emerged. The viral load reflected their prolonged clinical courses. Similar levels of VZV-DNA were detected in primary varicella patients, but not in herpes zoster patients or immunocompromised children without varicella or zoster. Quantitative monitoring of circulating VZV-DNA may be useful for the diagnosis and assessing the treatment response of visceral varicella in immunocompromized hosts.  相似文献   
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