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Previous reports indicate that enlarged hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes caused by sarcoid-like reactions may develop after curative resection of cancer, and their presence does not necessarily denote neoplastic recurrence. Reports further suggest that coexisting pulmonary infiltrates in this setting may be related to sarcoidosis. In this study, we describe two patients who had resected lung and gastric cancer and who later developed pulmonary interstitial infiltrate, concurrent with progressive mediastinal lymphadenopathy initially thought to be caused by intrathoracic dissemination of their cancer. These changes were shown by open lung biopsy to be a benign, granulomatous reaction interpreted as sarcoidosis. Thus, it is important to recognize this clinical pattern when pulmonary infiltrates develop after complete treatment of cancer in an otherwise relapse-free patient and to encourage lung or lymph node biopsy in these particular settings in order to confirm a sarcoid-like reaction, thereby avoiding unnecessary chemotherapy for presumed tumor recurrence.  相似文献   
Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis - Dutch type (HCHWA-D) is an autosomal dominant disease caused by deposition of β-amyloid in the leptomeningeal arteries and cortical arterioles, in addition to preamyloid deposits and amyloid plaques in the brain parenchyma.
The disease is due to a point mutation at codon 693 of the amyloid precursor protein (βPP) gene at chromosome 21. Since this point mutation is diagnostic for HCHWA-D, presymptomatic testing is feasible and offered, together with genetic counselling and psychological support, to subjects at risk. HCHWA-D is clinically characterized by recurrent strokes, in addition to dementia, which can occur after the first stroke but also preceding it. Radiological studies revealed focal lesions (hemorrhages, hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic infarctions) and diffuse white matter damage. Diffuse white matter hyperintensities on MRI are an early symptom of HCHWA-D since they have been found on MRI scans of subjects who had not suffered a stroke.
The presence of the diagnostic point mutation makes HCHWA-D a useful model to study the effects of cerebral amyloid angiopathy in vivo. The characteristic pathological abnormalities and its implications for Alzheimer's disease will be discussed in Part II of this article  相似文献   
Summary The artery of the sino-atrial node was studied in 100 normal human hearts after injection of each coronary artery with coloured gelatine containing a radiopaque substance. The hearts belonged to 69 males and 31 females, being 64 Caucasians and 36 non-Caucasians (Negroes and Mulattoes) whose age ranged from 7 to 80 years. Since the individuals had committed suicide or were victims of accidents, their hearts, after pathologists' evaluation, were considered normal. The sinoatrial node of the normal human heart is supplied by the right coronary artery more frequently (58%±4.9% of the cases) than by the left (42%±4.9). The right anterior medial atrial artery, originating from the right coronary at the level of the medial third of the right anterior quadrant of the atrial dome, is most frequently (50%±5) responsible for the blood supply of the sinoatrial node. Among the branches of the left coronary artery, the left anterior medial atrial artery, originating at the level of the medial third of the left. anterior quadrant of the atrial cupola, was the most frequent blood supplier (25%±4.3) of the sinoatrial node. The origin of the artery of the sinoatrial node from the proximal portion or trunk of the left coronary artery was less frequent (12%±3.2) than the origin from the circumflex artery (30%±4.5). Neither sex nor race influenced the variations of the origin of the sino-atrial node.
Variations d'origine de l'artère du noeud sinu-atrial du coeur humain normal
Résumé L'a. du noeud sinu-atrial a été étudiée sur 100 coeurs humains normaux après injection de chaque a. coronaire à la gélatine colorée additionnée d'une substance radio-opaque. Les coeurs provenaient de 69 hommes et 31 femmes, 64 caucasiens et 36 non caucasiens (nègres et mulâtres) âgés de 7 à 80 ans. Ces sujets étant décédés par suicide ou des suites d'accidents, leurs coeurs ont été considérés comme normaux après examen anatomo-pathologique. Le noeud sinu-atrial du coeur humain est vascularisé par l'a. coronaire droite plus fréquemment (58 %±4,9) que par l'a. coronaire gauche (42 %±4). L'a. atriale antéro-médiale droite, issue de l'a. coronaire droite au niveau du tiers médial du quadrant antérieur droit du dôme atrial est l'artère la plus fréquemment en cause (50 %±5) dans la vascularisation du noeud sinuatrial. Parmi les branches de l'a. coronaire gauche, l'a. atriale antéro-médiale gauche, née au niveau du tiers médial du quadrant antérieur gauche du dôme atrial, était la branche la plus fréquemment en cause (25 %±4,3) dans la vascularisation du noeud sinu-atrial. La naissance de l'a. du noeud sinu-atrial à partir de la partie proximale ou du tronc de l'a. coronaire gauche était moins fréquente (12 %±3,2) que son origine à partir du rameau circonflexe (30 %±4,5). Les variations d'origine de l'a. du noeud sinu-atrial n'apparaissaient pas influencées par le sexe ou la race.
The adaptive response is a phenomenon by which cells exposedto low, non-cytotoxic doses of a genotoxicant become significantlyresistant to a subsequent higher dose of the same or anothergenotoxic agent. Induction of the adaptive response has beenmainly studied using ionizing radiation and alkylating agentsas genotoxic agents. However, other mutagenic agents may warrantfurther study, since the adaptive response as a whole may bean important general biological mechanism to maintain geneticintegrity and thus could prevent carcinogenic initiation ofcells. The exposure to mutagenic agents present, or formed,in the diet is considered an important factor in the etiologyof human tumors and a considerable number of these agents havenot yet been identified or characterized. Flavonoids are a largegroup of polyphenolic quinoids found in a wide variety of ediblefruits and vegetables and a few, such as quercetin, presentgenotoxic activity in vitro. The mechanisms of mutagenicityof quercetin involve the production of oxygen radicals throughan autoxidation process dependent on pH value and the presenceof oxygen. Although there are few doubts regarding the mutagenicityof quercetin invitro, carcinogenicity of this flavonoid is stillcontroversial. In view of these conflicting results and theradiomimetic nature of the mutagenicity of flavonoids, we addressedthe question of cell exposure to quercetin at the low levelspresent in the diet leading to adaptation to further exposureto mutagens or carcinogens. The work reported here concernsinduction of an adaptive response by low doses of quercetinto challenging doses of quercetin and other compounds, namelyhydrogen peroxide and mitomycin C, using induction of chromosomalaberrations in V79 cells as the end point. 4To whom correspondence should be addressed: Tel: +351 1 3610290; Fax: +351 1 3622018; Email: jose.rueff{at}gene.unl.mailpac.pt  相似文献   
The larynx is the third most commonly involved organ in paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM). While a few studies have evaluated laryngeal sequelae, there have not been any investigations of voice abnormalities in PCM patients. To evaluate persistent dysphonia and laryngeal lesions, we studied 15 normal subjects and 30 post-treatment PCM patients, i.e., 15 with only pulmonary and 15 with both laryngeal and pulmonary involvement. Perceptual and acoustic voice analysis were performed with all patients, while endoscopic studies were also conducted with the 15 laryngeal patients. Voice analysis showed instability by perceptual analysis (P<0.01) in both groups, but more severe dysphonia was noted in the laryngeal group (P<0.01). The dysponia, seen in 66.7% of these patients (dysphonia index < 7.0), was characterized by roughness and breathness. The Dr. Speech (Tiger Electronics) analysis program did not accept five voices from the laryngeal group due to the severe dysphonia. Jitter was elevated in five laryngeal lesion patients. Endoscopy showed that 80% of patients with laryngeal lesion had two or more laryngeal structures involved. Vocal fold alterations were seen in all laryngeal lesion patients, which included involvement of the arythenoids, epiglottis, and vestibular folds. This first functional study of laryngeal sequelae in PCM revealed frequent and severe dysphonia that may have important social consequences for patients.  相似文献   
Cytokine levels were compared between schistosomiasis patients affected by intense fibrosis defined by ultrasound examination and graded from F-0 to F-3. The concentrations of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13, gamma interferon, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of serum samples. Levels of IL-4, IL-5, and TNF-alpha in the sera of F-3 patients were significantly higher than those found in F-0 individuals, while levels of IL-13 were lower. Levels of IL-4, IL-5, and TNF-alpha in serum were significantly higher in F-3 males than in F-0 males or F-3 females. Conversely, levels of IL-13 were significantly lower in F-3 females than in F-0 females and males.  相似文献   
Endemic pemphigus foliaceus (EPF) is an autoimmune disease characterized by blister formation with a loss of cohesion and infiltration of inflammatory cells. We observed that supernatants of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients produced significantly more interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) than those from stimulated healthy controls. Furthermore, a Th2 bias was observed in EPF patients when the IL-5/gamma interferon ratio was analyzed. These results indicate that cells from pemphigus patients react with a vigorous proinflammatory response.  相似文献   
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