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The aim of the study was to compare salivary variables in a group of vegetarians with a group of omnivores. Twenty-nine vegetarians, 19 women and 10 men, mean age 35 yr, and 28 omnivores, 20 women and 8 men, mean age 35 yr, were compared in terms of salivary secretion rate, pH, buffer capacity, mutans streptococci and lactobacilli. The vegetarians had a significantly higher secretion rate, but there were no other significant differences regarding the salivary variables. The difference in secretion rate may have been caused by some lifestyle factor(s) differing between vegetarians and omnivores which probably mainly include nutrient(s), texture and roughness of the food.  相似文献   
Body composition in patients treated with peritoneal dialysis   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Background: Malnutrition is a common complication in uremia and during maintenance dialysis. Several factors contribute to its development. Different modes of dialysis treatment may differ in their effects on nutritional status. Methods: In order to analyse the nutritional consequences of peritoneal dialysis (PD), body composition analyses were performed in PD patients between February 1993 and March 1996. Body cell mass (BCM) was estimated from measurements of total body potassium (TBK) in a whole-body counter. Total body water (TBW) was determined by measurement of tritiated water. Body fat (BF) was calculated from body weight (BW), TBK and TBW. Observed values were related to predicted (o/p) derived from local population studies. Results: Sixty patients were repeatedly investigated during the study period. Of these, 34 were investigated during the first year of PD. At the start of dialysis, TBK o/p was 0.94 and BF o/p 0.76. No change in body composition was seen during the observation period in the group as a whole. However, within the group individual changes in BW were strongly correlated with individual changes in BF (r=0.66, P=0.0001). Twenty-six patients were examined during the second and third year of PD. In this group, BW o/p remained constant over time. However, there was a small but significant decline of TBK o/p and a concomitant increase of BF o/p (P<0.05). No correlation was observed between changes in TBK and changes in serum albumin. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate, that there may be a risk for further reduction of body cell mass during long-term PD treatment, while body energy stores are maintained or even increased.  相似文献   
Summary.  An epidemic of mumps in Lithuania started in December 1998 and continued until May 2000. The total registered number of cases was about 11.000 of a total of 3,7 million inhabitants in Lithuania (29,7 cases/10000). Virus- containing samples were collected from 80 patients treated at the hospital of Kaunas from October 1999 until the end of the epidemic. Out of the 80 patients with parotitis, meningitis was observed in 11 patients and orchitis in 22 of 69 male patients. Twenty-seven virus strains were genotyped by nucleotide sequencing of the small hydrophobic (SH) protein gene, and the 57 amino acid sequences of the gene were deduced. Twenty-five virus strains belonged to the C genotype and two were of the D genotype. By phylogenetic analysis the virus strains causing meningitis grouped in a separate cluster, designated C1, within the C genotype. Another group of ten of the 25 genotype C strains exhibited an amino acid triplet at amino acid positions 28 to 30 of the protein, consisting of valine, alanine and serine, instead of the previously recognised valine, valine and serine combination of genotype C. The amino acid alanine at position 29 was found in combination with the amino acid serine at position 48. This variant was designated C2 and it was associated with parotitis. The amino acid alanine at position 29 and serine in position 48 of the C2 genotype may constitute a marker of low neurovirulence compared to other genotype C strains. Received July 9, 2001 Accepted October 23, 2001  相似文献   
Background Continued haemorrhage remains a major cause of mortality in massively transfused patients, many of whom develop coagulopathy. When reviewing transfusion practice for these patients at our hospital, more than 10% received a suboptimal transfusion therapy and survivors had a higher platelet count than non‐survivors. We therefore speculated whether the blood bank could improve its service and hence improve the outcome. Methods The blood bank introduced monitoring the delivery of blood products and contacted the clinician provided there was an imbalance in the transfusion practice. For massively bleeding patients, transfusion packages, encompassing 5 red blood cells, 5 fresh frozen plasma and 2 platelet concentrates was introduced to improve haemostatic competence. The thrombelastograph (TEG) was implemented, aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of coagulopathy. Results The fraction of suboptimally transfused patients declined from > 10% to < 3%. The transfusion package administered intraoperatively to patients operated for a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm resulted in decreased postoperative transfusion requirements and improved 30‐day survival (66% vs. 44%) compared to controls. Only performing TEG in patients with a significant bleeding as judged by the anaesthetist reduces the number of analyses by ~85%, whereas those patients with coagulopathy remain identified. The TEG showed 97% predictability in identifying a surgical cause of bleeding in postoperative patients. Ten percent of the massively bleeding trauma patients had hyperfibrinolysis as the major cause of bleeding, whereas 45% were hypercoagulable. Conclusion The initiatives from the blood bank has improved the transfusion practice and, hence, survival in massively transfused patients at our hospital.  相似文献   
The mammalian tooth pulp becomes innervated by nociceptive and sympathetic axons relatively late during development, when part of the root has formed. In the adult, regenerating axons from an injured tooth nerve or sprouting axons from uninjured nerves in the vicinity rapidly reinnervate denervated tooth pulps. These observations indicate that tooth pulp tissue can use molecular factors to attract pulpal axons from local nerve trunks. The present study examines the hypothesis that these factors include nerve growth factor (NGF), brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). Explants of trigeminal ganglia from neonatal rat pups showed a distinct neurite outgrowth when co-cultured with pulpal explants collected from molar teeth of 12-day old pups, or after application of a pulpal extract. Control cultures, containing single ganglionic explants, or explants co-cultured with heat-treated pulpal tissue, exhibited a sparse neurite outgrowth. Exogenous NGF and/or GDNF, but not exogenous BDNF, stimulated neurite outgrowth from ganglionic explants. Unexpectedly, application of antibodies against NGF, BDNF and/or GDNF to co-cultures of ganglionic and pulpal explants did not inhibit neuritogenesis. Control experiments showed that IgG molecules readily penetrate the gel used for culture and that even very high concentrations of NGF and GDNF antibodies in combination failed to block neurite growth. On the basis of these data we suggest that other as yet unknown neurite-promoting factors might be present and active in TG/pulpal co-cultures.  相似文献   
The gene of the p85alpha regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase gives rise to several splice variants. We hypothesized that the expression of p85alpha splice variants may be altered in skeletal muscle from subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Skeletal muscle biopsies were obtained from nine type 2 diabetic and eight healthy men, matched for age, body mass index (BMI) and physical fitness. PI 3-kinase activity in skeletal muscle following in vitro insulin stimulation was reduced in subjects with type 2 diabetes. p85alpha mRNA was elevated fourfold in type 2 diabetic as compared to healthy control subjects ( P<0.05). p85alpha mRNA abundance was positively correlated with plasma insulin concentration ( P<0.01) and serum glucose concentration ( P<0.01). Despite this, protein levels of p85alpha, p55alpha, and the novel human p50alpha were not altered in type 2 diabetic subjects. Thus, although gene expression of full-length p85alpha is increased in skeletal muscle from type 2 diabetics, this is not reflected by increased protein levels. Therefore, defects in PI 3-kinase activity are likely due to impaired activation of the enzyme rather than changes in protein expression of the isoforms of the regulatory subunit.  相似文献   
To assess the general effects of protein kinase C (PKC) activation on cell membrane receptor mobility in human neutrophilic polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs), the lateral diffusion of fluoresceinated succinylated wheat germ agglutinin (S-WGA-FITC)-labeled membrane glycoconjugates was measured using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). Activation of PKC was achieved by incubating the PMNLs with different concentrations (5–100 nM) of phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). The membrane effects of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), another possible membrane perturbant, were also studied. We found that PMA treatment ( 10 nM) increased the glycoconjugate diffusion coefficient (D) 2–2.5-fold. The mobile fraction (R) remained constant, around 30%. With DMSO, no effect on the diffusion was seen. The increase in lateral mobility due to cell stimulation with PMA was totally inhibited by catalase (200 units/ml) but only partly with superoxide dismutase (2000 units/ml). Exogenous hydrogen peroxide (0.01–5 mM) had no effect on glycoconjugate mobility in unstimulated cells. We therefore propose that activation of PKC mediates augmented mobility of glycoconjugate receptors in PMNL, a reaction that seems to be critically dependent on formation of reactive oxygen metabolites. The results indicate that endogenous formation of reactive metabolites upon receptor stimulation may have a general effect on receptor mobility.  相似文献   
Bj&#;rck  S.  Dahlstr&#;m  A.  Johansson  L.  Ahlman  H. 《Inflammation research》1992,36(1):C60-C72
A new paradigm for the treatment of ulcerative colitis has recently been presented: Treatment of the mucosa with lidocaine (2%) enemas for prolonged periods. This therapy was introduced based on the hypothesis that hyperreactive autonomic nerves may play a pathogenetic role in the disease. One hundred consecutive patients have now been treated and the results presented. Theproctitis patients all responded to the treatment, despite previous therapeutic failures in more than two-thirds of the cases. They were treated for 3–12 weeks, but 68% had a relapse (observation period 20 months). Of the 49 patients withproctosigmoiditis, two-thirds had chronic symptoms resistant to previous therapy. One of these patients did not respond to lidocaine, but developed fulminant total colitis. The other patient had therapeutic failure with lidocaine but responded well to subsequent cortisone enemas. The patients were treated until the subsets of T-lymphocytes\((OKT_{4^ + } and OKT_{8^ + } )\) disappeared from the mucosa. This occurred in parallel with symptomatic relief and eventual healing in 83% of the patients after treatment for 6–34 weeks. Of all the patients with proctosigmoiditis, 42% presented with recurrent symptoms (observation period 16 months). Of the 17 patients withleft-sided colitis, all went primarily into remission within 2–4 months, but 23% had a relapse (observation period 13 months). The 6 patients withtotal colitis had symptomatic relief and improvement of histology when treated over 3–8 months. One patient had recurrence after 12 months. Treatment with a local anaesthetic in ulcerative colitis is a new approach to mucosal inflammation. The beneficial effects may be due to blockade of certain neural effects, such as epithelial proliferation and shedding and congestion of the mucosal vasculature, with actions on cells of the immune system.  相似文献   
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