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After extensive trials of the antibiotic, streptomycin, in the treatment of various forms of tuberculosis inihuman patients, most clinicians have come to consider this-new antibiotic as the best available. However, the therapeutic potentialitie.s of this agent are greatly limited and its us''e is-sometimes discarded, because of the relatively short duration of its antibacterial action, and the ease in the development of resistance. The latter is considered undesirable because in the first place, organisms re8istant to streptomycin in vitro have been proven to be also resistant to the action of streptomycin in vivo, and when still virulont, will render further treatment ineffective (1). It must be mentioned that by the term resistance, there may be only as little as ,O.1U/o of the organisms in the culture which is actually not susceptible to the anti- ''oacterial action of a certain dose of streptomycin, usually.placed at 10 gm. per ml. (2). In the second place, the dissemination of resistant organism is a public hazard because there will be lack of response of 11atients infected with these resistant organisms to streptomycin.  相似文献   
Schistosomiasis'' japonica is one of the most important parasitic diseases in China. Ever since its dscovery in this eountry (j) its inCidenee、and extent Of enilemiCity haVe bec0删:e inCreaSlngIy evident With imprOvement Of diagnoStiC methodS and a8 a reSUlt Of inVeStiga- 戗On8 made by VariOU8 W0rkerS. It iS Well knOWn that reglonS watered by the Yan或ze RiVer were rampant w托h this di8ea8e. The vast areas of endemlelty lnclude not only the territories im!mediately traversed by the main stream and its lnnumerable tributarie8 but also districts adjaeent to the mammoth bodies of water such as Great Lake(太湖),Poyanghu t都防湖),and Tung七inghu(洞庭湖). Thus Kiangsu(江袜),、Chekiang 【浙江),Anhwei(安徽),Kiangsi(江西),Hupeh(湖北)and Hunan (湖南) are the proVinees of high endemicity. Rampaney of the infeStation dOes nOt, hoWever, COnfine to reglOnS of tbe Central and lOWer YangtZe Valley aS eaSeS Of SChiStOSOmiaSiS have been reCOrded il土the central plains Of Szechuan(四J”) (2—4)and sou¨thwest parC of Chin可ihcluding Kwangsi(魔西)(5)and Yunnan(雷南)(艿。8).  相似文献   
Sebrell in 1938 (i)五rst suspected that pellagra might be a manifestation of multiple deficiency in which ribofiavin .might play a role. Experiments carrie.d out by him and Butler in the ''same year showed that diets low in ribofiavin content would produce a clinical syndrome, which we now know to'' be char- acteristic of ribofiaviri. deficiency. The w~rk of these authors w.as later confirmed by workers in all partbs of the world. Spies (2)i Sydenstricker (3), Viakil(二), Gopalan (5), Hou (6), (7), etc. a:re important contributors. The disease has been reported in tIhe United States of America,''England, Africa, India, M.alaya and is quite common in China, especially among soldiers, students, coolies, refugees and prisoners. .  相似文献   
铅接触工人自律神经系统功能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了探讨长期低浓度铅接触对自律神经系统功能的影响,对蓄电池厂和工业陶瓷厂铅接触工人进行了自律神经系统功能心电图测试和问卷调查,以公司白领人员为对照组。结果未能显示铅接触与自律神经功能下降有直接关系(P>0.05),反之提示年龄增长是影响自律神经功能的重要因素(P<0.01),问卷调查铅接触组自律神经功能失调症状发生率差异没有显著性(P>0.05)。因此根据本研究结果尚不能认为长期低浓度铅接触对自律神经功能有显著影响。本研究对探讨重金属对自律神经系统的影响进行了有益的尝试。  相似文献   
血糖仪的调码是指不同批号的试纸由于生产条件的不同而产生的批间差异,因此,在使用不同批号的试纸测试血糖时,需要血糖仪根据试纸上的密码校准批间差异。目前市场上的血糖仪大多在更换试纸时必须先手动调整血糖仪的代码或手动插入试纸盒内专用的代码卡。  相似文献   
目的 研究人端粒酶逆转录酶(hTERT)、Ki-67及p27^kipl的表达在嗜铬细胞瘤发生与发展中的作用和作为预测生物学行为标志物的价值。方法 采用免疫组织化学方法检测hTERT、Ki-67及p27^kipl在2000-2004年广西医科大学第一附属医院病理科的45例嗜铬细胞瘤和神经节细胞瘤及9例正常肾上腺组织中的表达。结果 hTERT蛋白的表达在良性(3/31例)和可疑恶性(6/7例)以及良性与恶性肿瘤(5/7例)间的差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。31例良性肿瘤中26例未检测到Ki-67,而恶性肿瘤和可疑恶性肿瘤均为阳性;Ki-67与hTERT的表达呈正相关性(r=0.544,P〈0.01)。恶性和可疑恶性肿瘤中未检测到p27^kipl,5例良性肿瘤为阳性,所有正常肾上腺髓质标本均可检测到p27^kipl的表达。p27^kipl与hTERT的表达无相关性。结论 端粒酶的激活在恶性嗜铬细胞瘤和神经节细胞瘤的发生发展中起着重要作用,在细胞周期调控中端粒酶可能存在不同的激活途径。hTElit和Ki-67的检测可作为鉴别良恶性嗜铬细胞瘤的手段。  相似文献   
Once the diagnosis of esophageal cancer is established, the decision on treatment will depend on the stage of the disease. Since improvement of prognosis can only be expected in patients with complete removal of their tumor, preoperative staging plays a pivotal role in the decision-making process. Preoperative diagnostic procedures should define the tumor in its relation to the tracheal bifurcation (site), determine the depth of tumor invasion (T status), evaluate regional lymph node metastases (N1 disease) and exclude distant metastases (M1 disease). Endosonography represents currently the most accurate imaging technique for detecting the correct T stage over the correct N stage. A higher accuracy rate may be achieved by combining endosonography with other staging modalities such as computed tomography. Chest x-ray, and percutaneous ultrasonography (abdominal, neck) form the diagnostic basis in staging M1 disease. Computed tomography (neck, chest and abdomen) is currently the best method to detect metastases in the liver and in celiac nodes. Staging laparoscopy when combined with laparoscopic ultrasonography shows a higher sensitivity than ultrasonography and computed tomography in the diagnosis of smaller metastases and peritoneal seedings. En bloc esophagectomy together with the regional lymph nodes remains the treatment of choice in medically fit patients with localized esophageal carcinoma (Stage I-IIB, T1-T2/N0-N1/M0). Due to early involvement of mediastinal structures, curative resection is unlikely to be achieved in patients with locally advanced esophageal carcinoma (Stage III, T3-T4/N0-N1/M0). Most available data indicate that neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy leads in a significant number of patients to downstaging of the tumor, increases the rate of R0 resection, improves local tumor control, and prolongs the recurrence free interval. However, neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy resulted in a marked increase of morbidity and postoperative mortality without improvement of survival. At present, neoadjuvant therapy is still experimental and there is no consensus for an optimal treatment regimen. Its use outside of an investigational setting can not be recommended. Future research must focus on more effective and less toxic neoadjuvant modalities (e.g. new chemotherapy agents, hyperthermia).  相似文献   
目的优选酸枣仁-五味子药对的最佳提取工艺。方法采用正交试验法,以酸枣仁-五味子药对中五味子醇甲含量和水提浸膏得率为指标,采用超高液相色谱法测定五味子醇甲含量,考察加水量、提取时间、提取次数对水提取工艺的影响。结果最佳提取工艺为加10倍药材量的水,煎煮3次,每次1.5 h。结论优选的提取工艺稳定、可行。  相似文献   
银杏浸膏的生物标准化方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文建设用测定抑制血小板激活因子(PAF)引起的血小板聚集作为市售银杏浸膏生物标准化的方法,本法对银杏苦内酯A,B,C和J是专一的,并且不受浸膏中其他成分的影响,银杏苦内酯B的IC50值可用于标定由专门方法提取的各种银杏浸膏中等效银杏苦内酯B的含量,为比较化学分析和生物测定的值,必须计算各银杏浸膏中等效银杏总苦内酯的含量,其计算与气相层析结果一致,所以银杏浸膏制剂除化学标准化外,生物标准化也是可行的。  相似文献   
功能性磁共振探查光明、太冲穴与大脑功能的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
背景:随着功能磁共振成像(fMRI)的引入,其无损伤性的研究手段,为古老针刺方法的研究带来了新的前景,人们从大脑的不同功能着手,尝试着用fMRI来解开经络穴位与大脑的相关性。目的:通过fMRI观察针刺光明、太冲穴位时,大脑不同区域的相关反应。设计:以医学院的健康自愿参加实验的学生为研究对象,随机对照的验证性研究。单位:一所中医药大学医院的针灸科,一所中医药大学的基础医学院及德国弗莱堡大学医学院放射医疗中心。对象:实验于1997-06在德国弗莱堡大学医学院放射医疗中心进行,健康志愿者19例,皆为医学院学生。男4例,女15例。受试者均自愿参加,无针刺经历,无神经及精神病史。按随机对照原则分为视觉刺激加针刺单侧组7例,男2例,女5例。视觉刺激加针刺双侧组6例,男l例,女5例。单纯针刺双侧组6例,男1例,女5例。方法:用fMRI对不同条件的各组学生在针刺光明、太冲穴时,视觉皮质区与相关脑区的反映以及是否诱导其功能进行了观察.针刺用无菌无磁性的不锈钢针(直径为0.25mm,长约30mm,华佗牌,苏州医疗器械公司生产),每穴操作完后,询问其得气情况。针刺的所有例数统一由有多年工作经验的针灸医师完成。主要观察指标:大脑皮质的血氧饱和水平(BOLD)的变化,幅度,响应延迟,时间波动。大脑视觉皮质功能区是否被激活。结果:视觉刺激加针刺单侧组,视觉刺激加针刺双侧组在视觉刺激时以及光明和太冲穴进针时未观察到视区BOLD的相应变化。视觉刺激加针刺单侧组,视觉刺激加针刺双侧组,单纯针剌双侧组在观察其单侧和双侧行针时均观察到视区BOLD的变化。其中6例在岛叶、颞叶顶下小叶、上丘、楔叶、枕中回等出现象数聚集。结论:针刺对单侧和双侧穴位的刺激均能改善大脑相关区域的BOLD,但与进行手法和视觉刺激无关。  相似文献   
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