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BACKGROUND: Most researchers have devoted to study the control-release system in spinal tuberculosis focus and implant material for bone defects, but the effective combination to obtain a novel implant material and its treatment outcomes are rarely reported. OBJECTIVE: To observe the histological change of the implant-bone interface after implantation of the calcium sulfate/polyaminoacid artificial bone carrying triple-anti-tuberculosis drugs including isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide in a rabbit model of spinal tuberculosis, and to assess the fusion ability of the material. METHODS: Thirty-six New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into experiment, control and blank control groups (n=12 per group). Models of spinal tuberculosis were established in the rabbits and randomly assigned into either experiment or control groups, followed by implantation with the calcium sulfate/polyaminoacid artificial bone carrying triple-anti-tuberculosis drugs including isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide, or the calcium sulfate/polyaminoacid artificial bone, respectively. Healthy controls received the implantation with calcium sulfate/polyaminoacid artificial bone only. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Hematoxylin-eosin staining showed that the artificial bone was covered by fibers and tightly adhered to the wound in each group at 2 weeks after implantation, the graft started to degrade obviously at the 4th week, degraded mostly at the 8th week, and disappeared completely at the 16th week. There was obvious callus formation at 4 weeks after implantation in the experiment group, but the bone healing was later than that of the blank control group. The bone healing ended in the control group. In the blank control group, callus formation and early osteogenesis appeared at the 4th week, and healed completely at the 16th week. Transmission electron microscope and scanning electron microscope revealed that osteoblasts could crawl through the gap of materials to form new bone. These results suggest that the calcium sulfate/polyaminoacid artificial bone carrying triple-anti-tuberculosis drugs can be used as a scaffold, and osteocytes in the bone defect area can crawl through the gap of materials, thereby promoting bone osseointegration at the bone-implant interface.  相似文献   
年龄相关性黄斑变性(age-related macular degeneration, AMD)所致地图状萎缩(geographic atrophy, GA)目前仍缺乏有效的治疗方法。越来越多的证据表明,AMD所致GA的发生和发展与补体级联失调密切相关。作为先天性免疫系统的一部分,补体系统在维持人体内环境稳态中起到了重要作用,补体过度激活将打破这一平衡,促进年龄相关性黄斑变性的进展。基于此,针对补体激活途径的潜在靶点包括C1q、C3、C5、CFB、CFD、CFH、CFI和膜攻击复合物,依据药物形式又可分为生物大分子药物、化学小分子药物及基因治疗药物。目前已有多种治疗AMD所致GA的药物进入临床试验,本文总结了GA的补体疗法的临床试验进展,以评估其安全性和有效性。  相似文献   
<正>很多人大量饮酒后会用蜂蜜冲水喝来解酒,认为蜂蜜可以缓解饮酒后的不适症状。但是你知道吗?蜂蜜中有一种甜甜的毒药——果糖。果糖作为一种单糖,主要存在于水果、蜂蜜和一些植物中。果糖在天然糖分中的甜度最高,大约是蔗糖甜度的1.8倍。且其价格低廉,被广泛使用于食品、饮品的制作。超过70%的甜饮料和甜味食品  相似文献   
目的:探讨营养支持联合睡眠干预对消化道恶性肿瘤患者生命质量的影响。方法:选取2016年11月至2018年1月河北工程大学附属医院收治的消化道恶性肿瘤患者183例,按随机数表法将其分为观察组和对照组。其中,观察组给予营养支持联合睡眠干预治疗方法;对照组患者给予常规干预治疗方法。观察2组患者手术后的肝功能指标、白蛋白、前白蛋白、总蛋白、血红蛋白、住院时间、胃肠道恢复时间、排气情况及生命质量指标。结果:2组患者经过干预后,观察组肝功能指标比较于对照组明显改善,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。2组患者经过干预后,观察组的白蛋白(33.9±1.8)g/L、前白蛋白(28.6±1.8)g/L、总蛋白(64.3±3.1)g/L、血红蛋白(107.3±7.1)g/L较对照组(31.2±1.6 g/L、26.9±5.2 g/L、60.6±1.4 g/L、103.6±7.4 g/L)明显改善,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。2组患者经过干预后,观察组在住院时间(7.3±2.3)d、胃肠道恢复时间(14.5±3.1)d及排气时间(45.8±5.6)h方面均少于对照组(11.6±3.3 d、21.4±4.3 d、75.5±6.5 h),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。观察组在生理功能(75.1±8.2)、生理职能(65.5±9.7)、精神健康(67.6±10.3)、总体健康(67.4±8.5)、活力(60.6±10.2)方面得分均大于对照组(70.2±7.3、53.6±7.8、61.3±8.3、66.4±9.1、53.7±8.3),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:营养支持联合睡眠干预治疗的方法能够明显改善消化道恶性肿瘤患者手术后的肝功能指标、白蛋白、前白蛋白、总蛋白、血红蛋白、住院时间、胃肠道恢复时间、排气情况和生命质量,具有一定的临床参考价值。  相似文献   
中国在抗击新冠肺炎疫情的斗争中取得重大战略成果,彰显了红医精神深刻而丰富的时代价值,既为新时期医学生培养赋予了崇高的职业责任和历史使命,也提供了价值引领和行动指南。基于新冠疫情防控的成功经验及特殊的时代背景,以社会和高校对医学人才的需求为导向设定培养目标,结合当前医学生的思想实际,通过强化思想政治理论课的实效性;推进课程思政建设;发挥各类实践活动的育人功能;利用环境渗透法让红色文化“活起来”等多重渠道,积极开展对医学生的爱国主义教育、心理健康教育、职业道德教育、科学精神教育,以期培养政治坚定、医术精湛、甘于奉献、德才兼备、能够堪当大任,助力健康中国建设。  相似文献   
瘢痕是机体创伤修复后的必然产物.创伤愈合时创面上成纤维细胞大量甚至过度增殖,创面局部胶原大量沉积,细胞外基质成分形成、降解失衡导致病理性瘢痕.如何有效抑制瘢痕增生一直是整形科、烧伤科和皮肤科等临床科室积极研究的热点问题.近年来,自体脂肪移植用于促进创面愈合、抑制瘢痕增生取得了良好的临床效果,其机制的研究一直是临床学者们...  相似文献   
由中华医学会肝病学分会肝炎学组、中华肝脏病杂志编辑委员会主办的第三届慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)抗病毒治疗难点和热点学术会议,于2011年11月25-27日在桂林召开,庄辉院士、中华医学会肝病学分会候任主任委员魏来教授及副主任委员任红教授与陈成伟教授、中华医学会感染病学分会候任主任委员侯金林教授等国内著名专家及来自全国各地的294位代表参加了会议.  相似文献   
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