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Objective 131Ⅰ is the most effective treatment for thyroidal remnant ablation after thy-roidectomy in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). Ways to improve its therapeutic efficacy have been a major clinical concern. This study was designed to assess the efficacy of thyroid ablation by finding out its leading factors. Methods Eighty cases of post-operative DTC patients who had undergone first 131Ⅰ remnant ablation therapy were retrospectively reviewed. The efficacy of the therapy was assessed by a diagnostic 131Ⅰ whole body follow-up scan 3- 6 months later. The ablation therapy was considered to be suc-cessful only if no conceivable radioactivity was detected in the thyroidectomy bed. The χ2 test and multi-vari-ance Binary Logistic regression were used to analyze 9 variances which might affect the therapeutic efficacy, including gender, age (<45 years and ≥45 years), type of pathology (papillary or follicular carcinoma), metastasis, residual thyroid weight (low, median, high), 24 h radioiodine uptake ratio (< 10%, 10%-20%, >20%), thyroglobulin (Tg, negative or positive), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH, <30 mU/L, 30-60 mU/L, >60 mU/L), and radioiodine dose (<1850 MBq,1850-3700 MBq, >3700 MBq). Results 131Ⅰ remnant ablation therapy was successful in 58 of 80 DTC patients (72.5%). Three variances were found to have affected the therapeutic efficacy: residual thyroid weight, 24 h radioiodine uptake ratio and 131Ⅰ dose. The corresponding intra-groups statistical difference of those 3 variances was significant by χ2 test (χ2 = 8.892, 9.528, 15.085, P = 0.012, 0.009, 0. 001), while the intra-group statistical differences of the remaining variances were insignificant (χ2 =0.486, 0. 051, 0. 322, 0. 010, 0. 006, 2. 575, all P > 0. 05). All 9 variances were analyzed by the multi-variance Binary Logistic regression model through for-ward stepwise. The variance of residual thyroid weight (X1) and 131Ⅰ dose (X2) were finally selected as the 2 key parameters in the formula, P=e(-0.865-0.868X1+1.677X2)/[1-e(-0.865-0.868X1+1.677X2)] , by the Binary Logistic regression analysis (Wald values were 3.752 and9. 130, P=0.049, 0.003). Conclusions The efficacy of 131Ⅰ ablation of thyroidal remnant in post-operative DTC patients was mainly determined by the re-sidual thyroid weight and the therapeutic 131Ⅰ dose. The other 7 factors included in this study were not found to be statistically significant.  相似文献   
目的 :评价血清HTg和 13 1I全身显像联合检查对分化型甲状腺癌 (differentiat edthyvoidcarcinoma ,DTC)患者 13 1I治疗后随访的临床意义。方法 :85例DTC患者停服甲状腺激素 4~ 6周并忌碘饮食 3 0d后 ,双抗体法测定血清HTg ,同时口服 13 1I 185~3 70MBq 2 4h后 ,和 (或 )口服治疗剂量 13 1I 4~ 7d后做全身显像。结果 :61例经临床证实有复发或转移的DTC患者中 ,3 8例(62 3 0 % )HTg高于正常 ,有肺或 (和 )骨转移者 ,血清HTg升高更加明显 ,极端甚至 >2 0 0 μg/L。2 2例肺转移及肺 (骨 )转移患者 ,其血清HTg水平随 13 1I治疗剂量的增加而呈降低趋势。 5 3例 (86 88% ) 13 1I全身显像结果和 (或 )血清HTg有阳性表现 ,只有49 18% (3 0 /61)的患者同时出现 13 1I全身显像有异常浓聚和血清HTg异常升高。 结论 :DTC术后及 13 1I治疗后 ,常规进行血清HTg测定和 13 1I全身显像检查 ,对早期发现复发或有无转移灶、13 1I治疗方案的选择以及评估 13 1I疗效具有重要的临床价值。  相似文献   
Objective 131Ⅰ is the most effective treatment for thyroidal remnant ablation after thy-roidectomy in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). Ways to improve its therapeutic efficacy have been a major clinical concern. This study was designed to assess the efficacy of thyroid ablation by finding out its leading factors. Methods Eighty cases of post-operative DTC patients who had undergone first 131Ⅰ remnant ablation therapy were retrospectively reviewed. The efficacy of the therapy was assessed by a diagnostic 131Ⅰ whole body follow-up scan 3- 6 months later. The ablation therapy was considered to be suc-cessful only if no conceivable radioactivity was detected in the thyroidectomy bed. The χ2 test and multi-vari-ance Binary Logistic regression were used to analyze 9 variances which might affect the therapeutic efficacy, including gender, age (<45 years and ≥45 years), type of pathology (papillary or follicular carcinoma), metastasis, residual thyroid weight (low, median, high), 24 h radioiodine uptake ratio (< 10%, 10%-20%, >20%), thyroglobulin (Tg, negative or positive), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH, <30 mU/L, 30-60 mU/L, >60 mU/L), and radioiodine dose (<1850 MBq,1850-3700 MBq, >3700 MBq). Results 131Ⅰ remnant ablation therapy was successful in 58 of 80 DTC patients (72.5%). Three variances were found to have affected the therapeutic efficacy: residual thyroid weight, 24 h radioiodine uptake ratio and 131Ⅰ dose. The corresponding intra-groups statistical difference of those 3 variances was significant by χ2 test (χ2 = 8.892, 9.528, 15.085, P = 0.012, 0.009, 0. 001), while the intra-group statistical differences of the remaining variances were insignificant (χ2 =0.486, 0. 051, 0. 322, 0. 010, 0. 006, 2. 575, all P > 0. 05). All 9 variances were analyzed by the multi-variance Binary Logistic regression model through for-ward stepwise. The variance of residual thyroid weight (X1) and 131Ⅰ dose (X2) were finally selected as the 2 key parameters in the formula, P=e(-0.865-0.868X1+1.677X2)/[1-e(-0.865-0.868X1+1.677X2)] , by the Binary Logistic regression analysis (Wald values were 3.752 and9. 130, P=0.049, 0.003). Conclusions The efficacy of 131Ⅰ ablation of thyroidal remnant in post-operative DTC patients was mainly determined by the re-sidual thyroid weight and the therapeutic 131Ⅰ dose. The other 7 factors included in this study were not found to be statistically significant.  相似文献   
脂肪吸收不良是常见的病症,但确诊较困难.胆盐缺乏、小肠粘膜受损及胰腺外分泌功能不全均可导致脂肪吸收不良,相互鉴别更是不易.用无创伤性、无放射性的~(13)CO_2呼气试验不但能简便、可靠地诊断脂肪吸收不良,而且还能有效地作出胰源性与胰外性脂肪吸收不良的鉴别诊断.  相似文献   
该文综述了正电子、单光子核素肿瘤示踪剂的发展、肿瘤细胞摄取的分子学基础以及今后的研究方向.随着正电子核素标记物的广泛应用,对价格低、适应我国国情的符合电路SPECT和高档次PET/CT的发展作了比较.在临床应用中,重点介绍18F-FDG显像在甲状腺癌、肺癌、淋巴瘤以及乳腺癌的早期诊断、分期、疗效、预后以及在今后放射治疗中的应用.  相似文献   
目的 探讨重组真核表达质粒pcDNA3.1/人TSH受体(hTSHR)体外转染TSHR表达下降的低分化滤泡状甲状腺癌细胞株后,细胞摄取放射性碘功能以及甲状腺癌相关基因mRNA表达 的变化.方法 pcDNA3.1/hTSHR转化DH5a感受态菌,进行扩增、酶切,再以核苷酸测序方法鉴定.体外转染pcDNA3.1/hTSHR,通过免疫荧光检测TSHR表达产物,井型γ计数仪检测摄碘率,相对定量实时荧光PCR验证其表达的TSHR蛋白功能和特性.采用SPSS 13.0软件,对计量资料行t检验.结果pcDNA3.1/hTSHR经PCR扩增hTSHR-cDNA片段约113 kb,Kpn Ⅰ和Xha Ⅰ双酶切:hTSHR-cDNA的片段约2.3 kb,pcDNA3.1(+)的片段约5.5 kb,均同预期片段大小相符;核苷酸测序方法鉴定测序结果与GenBank中收录的hTSHR全长序列一致,表明真核表达质粒构建正确.在hTSH刺激下,转染pcDNA3.1/hTSHR细胞与转染pcDNA3.1(+)细胞比较:(1)在甲状腺肿瘤细胞胞质、胞膜有增强的绿色荧光,(2)前者125 I摄取率是后者的2.9倍(t=28.63,P<0.01),(3)甲状腺碘摄取相关基因TSHR、钠碘转运体(NIS)、甲状腺过氧化物酶(TPO)、Tg的mRNA的表达分别升高1.74倍(t=5.959,P<0.01)、7.2倍(t=3.807,P<0.05)、2.88倍(t=4.769,P<0.01)和2.67倍(t=6.388,P<0.01).结论 pcDNA3.1/hTSHR体外转染甲状腺癌肿瘤细胞后,可有效提高碘的摄取;这可为放射性碘治疗失分化甲状腺癌提供新的实验依据.  相似文献   
甲状腺疾病是临床上一种常见的内分泌疾病,各年龄均可发生.Graves病是临床上最常见的甲状腺疾病,尤以女性多发,男女之比为1:4~6[1].人血清促甲状腺素受体抗体(TRAb)是自身免疫性甲状腺疾病患者体内存在的影响甲状腺滤泡功能和生长的自身抗体,在Graves病中起重要作用.  相似文献   
光剥舌患者总体蛋白更新速度及其临床意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :了解光剥舌患者蛋白质代谢变化的总体特征。方法 :用稳定同位素15N标记的氨基酸作示踪剂 ,测定 30例光剥舌苔患者和 15例正常人总体蛋白更新速度。结果 :光剥舌苔患者总体蛋白质代谢速率加快 ,分解速率大于合成速率 (P <0 .0 1) ,蛋白质代谢处于负平衡。结论 :光剥舌患者蛋白质代谢的变化可能与体内交感神经活动的变化有关。在临床治疗除要提供高能量、富含必需氨基酸、蛋白质的饮食、药物及维生素B6以外 ,更应抓紧治疗原发病及补肾养阴治疗  相似文献   
目的 探讨提高分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)复发灶或转移灶检出率的最优化核素显像方法 .方法 对89例DTC患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.核素显像方法 包括血清甲状腺球蛋白(Tg)检查结合放射性碘(131Ⅰ)治疗剂量全身显像、99mTc-MIBI肿瘤显像和18F-FDG带符合线路的SPECT/CT全身显像,对三种核素显像的结果 进行对比分析.结果 131Ⅰ治疗剂量全身显像、99mTc-MIBI 肿瘤显像和18F-FDG带符合线路的SPECT/CT全身显像的灵敏度分别为83.05%、79.66%和16.95%.结论 99mTc-MIBI肿瘤显像和18F-FDG带符合线路的SPECT/CT全身显像作为补充检查手段,可弥补血清Tg检查结合131Ⅰ全身显像的局限性,对DTC患者复发灶或转移灶的检出、疗效评估及进一步治疗方案的制定具有重要意义.  相似文献   
目的:探讨胃癌组织β-catenin(β-cat)和P53蛋白异常表达与螺旋CT征象异常的关系。方法:采用免疫组化法(两步法)检测胃癌手术切除的109例标本中β-cat和P53蛋白的表达。结果:胃癌β-cat阳性表达率为56.9%(62/109),且阳性表达与螺旋CT提示的淋巴结转移相关(P  相似文献   
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