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逍遥丸的三维高效液相色谱法鉴定和指标成分的定量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用三维高效液相色谱(three dimensional HPLC)法对中成药逍遥丸进行了分析。结果表明该法用于逍遥丸中单味中药鉴定及其指标成分(marker substances)含量测定均得到满意结果。  相似文献   
The sera of well-characterized populations were examined for three markers of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection; HIV antigen (HIV Ag), and antibodies to HIV envelope (gp41) and core (p24) proteins. Of 563 serum samples tested, 251 were from HIV-infected patients diagnosed as having AIDS manifested by opportunistic infections (AIDS-OI), AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma (AIDS-KS), or AIDS-related complex (ARC). One hundred seventy-six specimens tested were from asymptomatic high-risk individuals, and 136 were from heterosexual control subjects or patients with non-AIDS-related disease. None of the 136 control individuals tested had HIV Ag or HIV antibodies to either p24 or gp41. Of the 427 HIV-seropositive individuals, 99% to 100% were positive for gp41 antibodies to HIV. In contrast, the seroprevalence of p24 antibodies to HIV varied from 23% to 83% and appeared to be inversely associated with the severity of the patients' clinical symptoms. When specimens were analyzed for the presence of HIV Ag, in seropositive individuals the prevalence rate for this marker was lowest (1.4%) in asymptomatic individuals and highest (50%) in the AIDS-OI diagnosed group. Also, 240 cases with AIDS-KS, AIDS-OI, and ARC and the group of asymptomatic high-risk individuals were analyzed for T helper/T lymphocytes (T4) cell number and T4/T8 ratio; only one (2.0%) HIV Ag-positive case showed a T4 cell number greater than 400 and a normal T4/T8 ratio. These studies appear to demonstrate a direct correlation between the presence of HIV Ag and the severity of clinical complications of HIV infection.  相似文献   
王捷  全钰珠 《药学学报》1988,23(9):651-655
六氯对二甲苯(HCX)单剂(50-100mg/kg)或多剂(100mg/kg,qd×6d或50mg/kg,qd×14d,ip)均能极显著延长豚鼠戊巴比妥钠催眠时间,HCX 100mg/kg ip使豚鼠血浆戊巴比妥t 1/2 β延长3.2倍,并使豚鼠肝匀浆内戊巴比妥侧链羟化酶和氨基比林N-脱甲基酶活性明显降低。表明HCX是豚鼠肝药酶的抑制剂。而大鼠ip HCX 100mg/kg对其血浆戊巴比妥t 1/2 β确无明显影响。  相似文献   
生物组织膜细胞色素C电极的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以猪肾组织膜偶合氧电极制成了生物组织膜细胞色素C电极,测试了电极的响应特性,在0.01~0.227mg/ml细胞色素C浓度范围内,该电极的动力学响应与细胞色素C浓度的对数间呈线性关系,相关系数为-0.9949。研究了缓冲剂、pH条件、温度、切片厚度和防腐剂等因素对电极性能的影响,并试验了组织膜的有效活性周期,采用动力学方法测定了一些样品的平均回收率为98.8%,标准偏差为3.4%。  相似文献   
An epidemiological survey on neonatal jaundice in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective To provide epidemiological data for revising the diagnostic criteria of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in China. Methods A survey was performed among full-term infants in multiple centers throughout the country. From less than 24 hours after birth, the infants’ bilirubin levels were measured every day until the peak level fell to less than 68.4 μmol/L. Auditory brainstem responses were assessed in 56 infants randomly chosen from those with serum bilirubin levels of higher than 220.5 μmol/L. Results Jaundice in most infants was detected at 2-3 days after birth. The bilirubin level usually reached a peak level of 204±54.69 μmol/L at 5 days after birth and then fell. Among the 875 infants, the serum bilirubin levels in 34.4% of neonates were higher than 220.5 μmol/L. The mean serum bilirubin level of the infants during the first week after birth varied with geography (P<0.001) and season (P<0.001). The serum bilirubin level was significantly associated with gestation age (P<0.01), delivery method (P<0.01), weight loss (P<0.001), and PCV elevation (P<0.001) during the first three days after birth. Conclusions The start time of neonatal jaundice was similar to that reported elsewhere, but the mean peak level in our study was higher than the reported. It is suggested that the diagnostic criteria for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in China should be strict.  相似文献   
Objective To prepare rat heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) mutants and to determine the activity and inhibition of this mutated enzyme. Methods pcDNA3HO1 containing truncated native rat HO-1 cDNA and pcDNA3HO1Δ25 carrying mutated rat HO-1 cDNA (His25Ala) were constructed, respectively. COS-1 cells transfected with pcDNA3HO1 and pcDNA3HO1Δ25 were collected and their activities were analyzed. Results Native rat HO-1 was highly expressed in transfected cells and its activity was 13?688-15?600 U/mg protein per hour. However, the enzyme activity of mutated HO-1 declined and the value was 1948-2160 U/mg protein per hour. When an equal amount of mutant was added to the enzyme reaction system, the level of bilirubin decreased by 42%. Conclusion The His25Ala mutant reduced the formation of bilirubin, suggesting that the mutant could competely bind the heme with native enzyme.  相似文献   
脊柱滑脱症的手术治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙银中  李明全  罗卓荆  雷伟 《医学争鸣》2001,22(11):964-964
0 引言 近年来随着手术及内固定技术的进步 ,腰椎滑脱的治疗进一步得到了发展 ,人们更重视术后生活质量的提高 .对于腰椎滑脱症手术是否需要复位固定争议较多 ,我们通过对我院 1997- 0 1/ 2 0 0 0 - 0 1间治疗的 112例 度~ 度腰椎滑脱症患者进行随访 ,并对内固定问题进行讨论分析 .1 对象和方法1.1 对象 本组 112 (男 42 ,女 70 )例 .年龄 31~ 6 4(平均47.5 4)岁 .病程 4mo~ 8a,平均 4a 2 m o.按滑脱性质分类 ,退行性脊柱滑脱 9例 ,峡部崩裂性脊柱滑脱 10 3例 .按部位分类 ,L32例 ,L45 0例 ,L5 6 0例 .按滑脱程度分类 (Meyerdin…  相似文献   
焦凯  侯锐  牛丽娜  刘岩正  倪峰  赵晋龙 《医学争鸣》2005,26(15):1439-1439
0引言可谱诺(盐酸氯普鲁卡因)是一种短效局麻药,被广泛用于局部浸润麻醉和神经阻滞麻醉.但关于其在口腔颌面外科拔牙术中的应用情况国内外相关报道甚少.本研究对需拔除下颌牙的患者采用可谱诺进行下牙槽神经麻醉,临床效果较佳.  相似文献   
Proteinase 3 is present in high concentration in the primary granules of acute and chronic myeloid leukemia blasts, and may represent a potential T-cell target antigen. We screened proteinase 3 against the binding motif of HLA-A2.1. Based on its high predicted binding, a 9-mer peptide, "PR-1," was synthesized and tested for binding to HLA-A2.1 using the T2 cell line. PR-1 at 100 micrograms/mL significantly increased expression of HLA-A2.1, with median channel of fluorescence increasing from 22 to 294. Binding half-life was determined to be 1,460 minutes by I125-labeled beta 2-microglobulin incorporation. HLA-A2.1+ peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a normal donor were used to generate a T-cell line specific for PR-1. The line demonstrated 85% PR- 1-specific lysis at an E:T ratio of 50:1, compared with 20% lysis without PR-1, using T2 cells as targets. It also showed 79% specific lysis to fresh chronic myelogenous leukemia blasts, 54% to fresh acute myelogenous leukemia blasts, and only background lysis (< 20%) to HLA- A2.1+ normal allogeneic marrow cells. The amount of lysis of HLA-A2.1+ myeloid cells was proportional to cytoplasmic proteinase 3 expression. Thus, HLA-A2.1-restricted cytotoxic T cells, raised against a peptide contained in proteinase 3, preferentially lysed fresh human leukemic cells.  相似文献   
目的:从学习技术、学习计划、应试方法、听课方法、读书和记笔记方法5个方面调查中学生学习认知适应及其影响因素。方法:调查于2004-09/2006-02在汕头完成。调查对象的选择主要考虑以下几个维度:①重点与非重点学校。②性别。③年级。采用整群随机取样,以班级为样本,共计20个班,1186人,其中男生584人,女生602人。对参与者进行学习认知因素测验,分析其学习认知适应及其影响因素。学习认知因素测验,该测验共50道题,包括学习技术、学习计划、应试方法、听课方法、读书和记笔记方法5个分测验。以班级为单位进行集体测试。采用统一的记分方法,如:1~36题凡奇数题为正向题,选“a”计3分,选“b”计2分,选“c”计1分;凡偶数题为负向题,选“a”计1分,选“b”计2分,选“c”计3分。自编程序对结果进行统计,算出每个学生测试的原始分,再将原始分按常模换算表换算成标准分,再按常模等级表确定属于哪一个等级,进而转换成等级分。包括5个等级,“1”为差等,“2”为中下,“3”为中等,“4”为中上,“5”为优等。结果:1186名中学生参加测试,收回有效问卷1142份,占总数96.29%。①学习技术、学习计划、应试方法、听课方法4个维度在3分以下,4个因素与均值之间的差异有显著性意义(P>0.05);仅有读书和记笔记方法1个因素在中等以上。②学校级别(区级、市级、省级)和年级差异(初一、初二、高一、高二)对中学生学习认知适应各维度影响差异均有显著性意义(P=0.001)。③男女中学生学习认知适应的影响集中在学习计划、读书和记笔记方法2个方面(2.70±0.84,2.83±0.86;2.92±1.05,3.19±0.92,P<0.01)。结论:中学生学习认知适应状态不佳,学校级别、年级和性别对中学生学习认知适应有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   
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