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Four cases of baclofen intoxication are reported, with a review of 33 cases from the literature. Analysis of these 37 cases suggests that there are two types of baclofen intoxication syndrome. Patients with acute intoxication present with four major clinical manifestations: encephalopathy (disturbance of consciousness and/or seizure), respiratory depression, muscular hypotonia, and generalized hyporeflexia. Patients with chronic intoxication present with hallucinosis, impaired memory, catatonia, or acute mania. The acute intoxication syndrome has a faster onset, shorter duration, more severe clinical manifestations, and higher incidence of seizures than the chronic intoxication syndrome. Baclofen intoxication, although it may cause grave encephalopathic manifestations and electroencephalographic findings, has a benign outcome if actively managed.  相似文献   
本文综述本校传染病学教研室1955~1995年间所取得的科研成果。内容包括10余种传染病与寄生虫病的临床和基础研究,其中以华支睾吸虫病、恙虫病等有广东特色的传染病以及伤寒、痢疾、病毒性肝炎等影响人民健康最普遍的传染病为重点。反映了建国以来各个时期本教研室对防治这些传染病所作的贡献。所取得的成果,相当一部分通过多年来的验证,已获得广大传染病工作者所认同或列为常规,部分已获得部委级奖励。现在重温这些成果,可能起承前启后的意义。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: In the geriatric population, the reliability of pure-tone threshold (PTT) is sometimes poorer than that in young adults because of various reasons. This study assessed the relationship between Mandarin speech reception thresholds (SRTs) and PTTs in the aged and developed SRT as a measure for corroborating PTT. METHODS: This prospective study enrolled 46 consecutive subjects over 60 years of age. The results of SRT and PTT were collected from one ear randomly selected from each subject. Simple linear and multiple regressions were used to determine the correlation and linear regression coefficients between SRTs and PTTs at various frequencies. RESULTS: In the simple regression analysis, the correlation coefficient was highest at 1000 Hz (r = 0.949) and 500 Hz (r = 0.922), followed by 250 Hz (r = 0.850) and 2000 Hz (r = 0.792). In the multiple regression model with SRT as the dependent variable and PTTs as predictor variables, the resultant multiple correlation coefficient R was 0.967, while R2 was 0.936. In this model, PTTs at the frequencies of 500 Hz and 1000 Hz contributed significantly to the variance in SRTs with p values of 0.029 and < 0.001, respectively. These results demonstrated that the Mandarin SRT is strongly associated with PTTs at the frequencies of 500 Hz and 1000 Hz. CONCLUSION: This study established the agreement between Mandarin SRTs and PTTs in the low tone area of speech frequencies in the geriatric population. In clinical settings, SRT test can be rapidly and easily performed and is relatively inexpensive. It is a vital indicator of the accuracy of PTT measurement.  相似文献   
猕猴桃中药复方制剂对血清SOD及MDA含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
猕猴桃中药复方制剂系采用猕猴桃汁为基质,配加绞股蓝、丹参等中药的有效成分制成。为了研究它的保健作用,在63例50岁以上、无急性疾病的中、老年人,36例30~49岁健康的青年,32例14~17岁健康的少年中进行试验,10ml每日2次连续服用30天后,中老年人血液SOD显著增高,70岁以上老人平均增高2.8倍,血清MDA明显下降,70岁以上平均下降87.5%。  相似文献   
报道64例各类血液病患血清唾液酸(SA)值的测定,并与84例健康对照组进行比较。结果经统计学分析:病例组(631.5±130.3μg/ml),病例组中的ANLL(672.6±98.38μg/ml),ALL(630.8±29.3μg/ml),CML-A(617.5±122.7μg/ml),MM(606.0±138.7μg/ml四组与对照组比较,差异有极显意义(P<0.01);各病型组SA阳性率明显高于健康对照组,表明SA值的测定对恶性血液病的诊断有一定的临床意义。  相似文献   
R Yang 《中西医结合杂志》1990,10(3):134-6, 140, 130
From 1974 to 1988, 418 cases of Wilson's disease were treated with TCM-WM in our hospital. 147 cases were of Wilson's type; 149 cases were of pseudosclerosis type; 40 cases were of abdominal and hepatocerebral type; 21 cases were of choreoathetosis type and 21 cases of other types. After a course of treatment for 3 to 6 months, 103 patients showed marked improvement and 286 made some improvement, but no effect was found in 22 patients and 7 deaths were observed. The results were as follows: (1) The mortality in the severe and moderate groups were significantly higher than the mild (P less than 0.05) and the marked effective rate was less than the latter (P less than 0.01). (2) The marked effective rate was lower in abdominal and hepatocerebral type, and no significant difference was found in recovery rate between Wilson's type and pseudosclerosis type.  相似文献   
To study the epilepsy heredity, routine EEG tracings of 120 epileptic families and 57 normal control families were carried out. The results suggest that epilepsy shows an obvious tendency to be inherited.  相似文献   
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