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Background: Impairments in executive functions (EF) are consistently associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and to a lesser extent, with disruptive behavior disorder (DBD), that is, oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder, in school‐aged children. Recently, larger numbers of children with these disorders are diagnosed earlier in development, yet knowledge about impairments in clinically diagnosed preschool children and the role of comorbidity is limited. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to examine EF in clinically referred preschool children with a clinical diagnosis of ADHD, DBD and ADHD + DBD. Method: Participants were 202 children aged 3.5–5.5 years, 61 with ADHD only, 33 with DBD only, 52 with comorbid ADHD + DBD and 56 typically developing children. Five EF tasks were administered. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the two‐factor model (inhibition and working memory) fit the data better than a one‐factor model in this clinical sample. Preschoolers with ADHD displayed inhibition deficits, also after controlling for IQ. Likewise, preschoolers with DBD displayed impaired inhibition, but when IQ was controlled differences were carried mostly by the effect on the task where motivational demands were high (i.e. when tangible rewards were used). This pattern was also found in the interaction between ADHD and DBD; impaired inhibition in the comorbid group, however, was more severe than in the DBD group. Regarding working memory, few group differences were found. Conclusions: Clinically diagnosed preschool children with ADHD showed robust inhibition deficits, whereas preschool children with DBD showed impaired inhibition especially where motivational incentives were prominent. Severity of inhibition impairment in the comorbid group was similar to the ADHD group.  相似文献   


Previous studies have shown that prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine is associated with an increased risk for several psychiatric disorders. Variation in personality characteristics and in stress appraisal may underlie mental disorders.


To investigate whether prenatal famine exposure is associated with personality characteristics and stress appraisal.

Study design

Cohort study.


Participants included a total of 572 men and women, born as term singletons in a local hospital in Amsterdam around the time of the 1944–1945 Dutch famine.

Outcome measures

Scores on the Big Five Inventory and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS).


There were no statistically significant differences in the personality traits openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism or in PSS scores between those unexposed and those exposed to famine during early, mid or late gestation. However, there were statistically significant (P = 0.01) and borderline significant interactions (P = 0.07) respectively between exposure to famine during early gestation and sex on conscientiousness and agreeableness. Subsequent analyses showed that men exposed to famine during early gestation had lower conscientiousness scores and women exposed during early gestation had higher agreeableness scores.


We conclude that conscientiousness and agreeableness may differ between men and women unexposed and exposed to famine during early gestation. As evidence was not very robust, future research should confirm the present findings.  相似文献   
Helicobacter pylori must be motile or display chemotaxis to be able to fully infect mammals, but it is not known how this chemotaxis is directed. We disrupted two genes encoding predicted chemoreceptors, tlpA and tlpC. H. pylori mutants lacking either of these genes are fully motile and chemotactic in vitro and are as able as the wild type to infect mice when they are the sole infecting strains. In contrast, when mice are coinfected with the H. pylori SS1 tlpA or tlpC mutant and the wild type, we find more wild type than mutant after 2 weeks of colonization. Neither strain has an in vitro growth defect. These results suggest that the tlpA- and tlpC-encoded proteins assist colonization of the stomach environment.  相似文献   
The design and feasibility of genetic studies of complex diseases are critically dependent on the extent and distribution of linkage disequilibrium (LD) across the genome and between different populations. We have examined genomewide and region-specific LD in a young genetically isolated population identified in the Netherlands by genotyping approximately 800 Short Tandem Repeat markers distributed genomewide across 58 individuals. Several regions were analyzed further using a denser marker map. The permutation-corrected measure of LD was used for analysis. A significant (P<0.0004) relation between LD and genetic distance on a genomewide scale was found. Distance explained 4% of the total LD variation. For fine-mapping data, distance accounted for a larger proportion of LD variation (up to 39%). A notable similarity in the genomewide distribution of LD was revealed between this population and other young genetically isolated populations from Micronesia and Costa Rica. Our study population and experiment was simulated in silico to confirm our knowledge of the history of the population. High agreement was observed between results of analysis of simulated and empirical data. We conclude that our population shows a high level of LD similar to that demonstrated previously in other young genetic isolates. In Europe, there may be a large number of young genetically isolated populations that are similar in history to ours. In these populations, a similar degree of LD is expected and thus they may be effectively used for linkage or LD mapping.  相似文献   
We retrospectively reviewed 74 fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cases of presumptive non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). All the cases had cytology and core-needle biopsy and 53 cases had concurrent flow cytometric analysis. FNA (cytology and flow cytometry) and core-needle biopsy were evaluated independently. FNA was diagnostic of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBL) in 25% (13/53) of cases and small B-cell NHL in 15% (8/53) of cases, whereas core-needle biopsy was diagnostic of DLBL in 37% (27/74) of cases and small B-cell NHL in 8% (6/74) of cases. Subclassification of small B-cell NHL was reached in 3/6 cases by core-needle biopsy. Insufficient cases were observed in both FNA (47%; 25/53) and core-needle biopsy (28%; 21/74) groups. With the combination of FNA and core-needle biopsy, diagnostic cases of DLBL increased to 43% (32/74) and insufficient samples were reduced to 16% (12/74). There was no clear advantage in the diagnosis and classification of small B-cell NHL by adding core-needle biopsy to FNA (14%; 10/74). We conclude that core-needle biopsy is a useful adjunct to FNA in the diagnosis of DLBL and shall be encouraged. In small B-cell NHL, core-needle biopsy does not add to the diagnostic ability of FNA. Cases insufficient for diagnosis may be seen in both core-needle biopsy and FNA. A combined approach reduces the number of insufficient cases and is recommended in routine FNA practice.  相似文献   
These analyses examined the association between blood pressure reactions to acute psychological stress and subsequent hypertension status in a substantial Dutch cohort. Blood pressure was recorded during a resting baseline and during three acute stress tasks, Stroop colour word, mirror tracing and speech. Five years later, diagnosed hypertension status was determined by questionnaire. Participants were 453 (237 women) members of the Dutch Famine Birth Cohort. In analysis adjusting for a number of potential confounders, systolic blood pressure reactivity was positively related to future hypertension. This was the case irrespective of whether reactivity was calculated as the peak or the average response to the stress tasks. The association was strongest for reactions to the speech and Stroop tasks. Diastolic blood pressure reactivity was not significantly associated with hypertension. The results provide support for the reactivity hypothesis.  相似文献   
We present a method to include robustness in a multi-criteria optimization (MCO) framework for intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT). The approach allows one to simultaneously explore the trade-off between different objectives as well as the trade-off between robustness and nominal plan quality. In MCO, a database of plans each emphasizing different treatment planning objectives, is pre-computed to approximate the Pareto surface. An IMPT treatment plan that strikes the best balance between the different objectives can be selected by navigating on the Pareto surface. In our approach, robustness is integrated into MCO by adding robustified objectives and constraints to the MCO problem. Uncertainties (or errors) of the robust problem are modeled by pre-calculated dose-influence matrices for a nominal scenario and a number of pre-defined error scenarios (shifted patient positions, proton beam undershoot and overshoot). Objectives and constraints can be defined for the nominal scenario, thus characterizing nominal plan quality. A robustified objective represents the worst objective function value that can be realized for any of the error scenarios and thus provides a measure of plan robustness. The optimization method is based on a linear projection solver and is capable of handling large problem sizes resulting from a fine dose grid resolution, many scenarios, and a large number of proton pencil beams. A base-of-skull case is used to demonstrate the robust optimization method. It is demonstrated that the robust optimization method reduces the sensitivity of the treatment plan to setup and range errors to a degree that is not achieved by a safety margin approach. A chordoma case is analyzed in more detail to demonstrate the involved trade-offs between target underdose and brainstem sparing as well as robustness and nominal plan quality. The latter illustrates the advantage of MCO in the context of robust planning. For all cases examined, the robust optimization for each Pareto optimal plan takes less than 5 min on a standard computer, making a computationally friendly interface possible to the planner. In conclusion, the uncertainty pertinent to the IMPT procedure can be reduced during treatment planning by optimizing plans that emphasize different treatment objectives, including robustness, and then interactively seeking for a most-preferred one from the solution Pareto surface.  相似文献   
Glioblastomas and brain metastases demonstrate avid uptake of 2‐[18F]fluoro‐2‐deoxyglucose by positron emission tomography and display perturbations of intracellular metabolite pools by 1H MRS. These observations suggest that metabolic reprogramming contributes to brain tumor growth in vivo. The Warburg effect, excess metabolism of glucose to lactate in the presence of oxygen, is a hallmark of cancer cells in culture. 2‐[18F]Fluoro‐2‐deoxyglucose‐positive tumors are assumed to metabolize glucose in a similar manner, with high rates of lactate formation relative to mitochondrial glucose oxidation, but few studies have specifically examined the metabolic fates of glucose in vivo. In particular, the capacity of human brain cancers to oxidize glucose in the tricarboxylic acid cycle is unknown. Here, we studied the metabolism of human brain tumors in situ. [U‐13 C]Glucose (uniformly labeled glucose, i.e. d ‐glucose labeled with 13 C in all six carbons) was infused during surgical resection, and tumor samples were subsequently subjected to 13C NMR spectroscopy. The analysis of tumor metabolites revealed lactate production, as expected. We also determined that pyruvate dehydrogenase, turnover of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, anaplerosis and de novo glutamine and glycine synthesis contributed significantly to the ultimate disposition of glucose carbon. Surprisingly, less than 50% of the acetyl‐coenzyme A pool was derived from blood‐borne glucose, suggesting that additional substrates contribute to tumor bioenergetics. This study illustrates a convenient approach that capitalizes on the high information content of 13C NMR spectroscopy and enables the analysis of intermediary metabolism in diverse cancers growing in their native microenvironment. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The present analyses examined genetic influences on alcohol metabolism and their possible relationship to risk of alcohol dependence. Subjects were 206 Australian twin pairs who participated in an alcohol challenge protocol in 1979–1981, in which they were given a 0.75 g/kg dose of alcohol; blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) measured at five times over a 3-hr period after alcohol ingestion were examined. Structural equation modeling, fitting a combined autoregressive and common factor model, indicated significant heritabilities for both men and women (h 2 range = 0.19–0.71), with significant parameter heterogeneity as a function of gender. In 1992–1993, both twins from 159 of the alcohol challenge pairs completed a telephone-administered psychiatric diagnostic interview. Repeated-measures MANOVAs were used to examine whether respondent's or cotwin's DSM-III-R alcohol dependence status, or parental history of alcohol problems, was associated with variation in alcohol metabolism. There was some evidence that individuals at increased genetic risk of alcohol dependence [with either a paternal history of alcohol problems (women) or an MZ male cotwin who reported a history of alcohol dependence by 1992–1993] showed lower initial BACs than other groups. However, this effect was not seen in those who themselves had a history of alcohol dependence by interview follow-up, perhaps because this relationship was already masked by a history of excessive drinking at baseline.  相似文献   
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