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OBJECTIVE: Poor obstetric care in low income countries has been attributed to a wide range of factors. We conducted a perinatal care needs assessment in Dar es Salaam health institutions to assess the factors underlying the present poor perinatal outcome. METHODS: A cross sectional study was conducted in 2005 in all four public hospitals and all five public health centres purposively selected, and in six dispensaries selected using simple random sampling method. WHO Safe Motherhood needs assessment instruments were used to assess structural, systemic and process needs for quality perinatal care. Health care providers, administrators and clients were interviewed about perinatal care services in their respective health institutions. RESULTS: The majority (72%) of all deliveries in Dar es Salaam took place in the four available public hospitals. The potential coverage of comprehensive and basic emergency obstetric care (EmOC) services were 360% and 350% of the United Nations minimum recommended health institution categories per 500,000 population respectively. The coverage for health centres and dispensaries based on Tanzanian standards were 20% and 24% respectively. Two of the hospitals did not provide theatre and blood transfusion services for 24 hours per day. Two public health centres did not provide delivery services at all and 83% of the dispensaries had poorly established obstetric services. There was only one public neonatal unit that served as a referral institution for all sick newborns delivered in public health institutions in the region. CONCLUSION: This paper reveals the state of inadequate infrastructure, equipments and supplies for perinatal care in Dar es Salaam public health institutions. A major investment is needed to establish new public infrastructure for maternal and neonatal care, upgrade and optimize use of the existing ones, and improve supply of essential material resources in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals set for maternal and child survivals by 2015.  相似文献   
Using a community representative sample of 1,505 adults we examined interpretations of rape situations in order to establish attitudes toward rape. We assessed their intentions to express negative social reactions (NSRs) toward rape survivors. We then determined effects of attitudinal and sociodemographic characteristics in logistic regression models assessing the odds of expressing NSRs. Being old, male, and Muslim, and failing to interpret the legal circumstances of rape increased their risks of expressing NSRs. The degree of interpretation of lack of consent as rape affected their intentions to express NSRs, but not how they responded to survivors of different social status.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To assess the need for post-abortion contraception and to determine if women who had an unsafe abortion will use a contraceptive method to avoid repeated unwanted pregnancies and STDs/HIV. METHOD: Women attending Temeke Municipal Hospital, Dar es Salaam, after an unsafe abortion or an induced abortion performed at the hospital (n=788) were counselled about contraception and the risk of contracting STDs/HIV. A free ward-based contraceptive service was offered and the women were asked to return for follow-up. RESULTS: Participants (90%) accepted the post-abortion contraceptive service. Of these, 86% stated they were still using contraception 1-6 months after discharge. Initially, 55% of the women accepted to use condoms either alone or as part of double protection. After 1-6 months this proportion had dropped to 18%. Single women were significantly more likely to use condoms. CONCLUSION: High-quality contraceptive service counselling can induce women to use contraception after having had an unsafe abortion. The results of our study are encouraging and should be used to convince policy makers of the need to implement such services at municipal level to reduce the number of repeated unsafe abortions.  相似文献   
In healthy cot-nursed Tanzanian neonates ( n = 92, gestation 26–42 weeks) measurements of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and weight change were performed during the first 24 h after birth at an average ambient humidity of 70% and an environmental temperature of 32°C. Urine production on day 1 (ml/kg per 24h) was documented for a subgroup of 13 preterm and 8 term infants. In a limited group of preterm infants ( n = 5) TEWL measurements, weight and 24 h urine volume measurements were repeated daily for 7 days. Maximum weight loss was determined in 7 preterm (gestational age 30–36 weeks) and 6 term infants. TEWL was estimated by measuring the evaporation rate at three sites of the body using the water vapour pressure gradient method. On day 1, TEWL was highest in the most preterm infants, whereas TEWL and urine production were higher in large for gestational age infants as compared to appropriate for gestational age (AGA) infants of the same gestational age (31–36 weeks). For the whole group, weight loss on day 1 was correlated with TEWL ( r = 0.49, p <0.05). At follow-up TEWL in preterm infants remained almost constant during the first 4 days and decreased after the fourth day, at which time weight gain commenced. Preterm AGA infants (gestational age 24–37 weeks) showed a mean postnatal weight loss of 4.4% of the birth weight, while in term infants this loss was only 2.6%. A reduced postnatal weight loss as compared to Caucasian infants may be explained by a lower water loss during the first days after birth, through both skin evaporation and urine excretion.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: To assess the extent and degree of anaemia in adolescents in a Tanzanian suburban area, to estimate the contribution of iron deficiency, using serum (S)-ferritin and soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) as markers of iron deficiency. MATERIALS: Consecutive primigravidae at booking for antenatal care (n = 76), primary school boys (n = 101) and postmenarchal girls (n = 130) age >or=12 years were investigated. METHODS: Weight and height were measured; venous blood was drawn for haematological analyses, malaria screening, S-ferritin, sTfR, and C-reactive protein. Stool specimens were analysed for intestinal parasites. RESULTS: Anaemia (Hb <105 g/l) was highly prevalent in adolescent primigravidae (75.5%). Adolescent girls were more anaemic (Hb <120 g/l) than boys (14.5 vs. 7.9%). Iron deficiency and hookworm infestation were predominant in both groups of adolescents, however, malaria contributed more to anaemia in the primigravidae. Nearly 40% of the anaemic primigravidae had indication of infection, and S-ferritin was less useful as a marker of iron deficiency in this group. sTfR identified iron deficiency in both pregnant and non-pregnant adolescents.  相似文献   
We conducted a retrospective analysis of perinatal mortality at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 1999-2003 in order to categorise/classify perinatal deaths as well as to identify key factors in perinatal care that could be improved. Data were retrieved from the MNH obstetric database and causes of early neonatal deaths were traced from the neonatal ward register. The study includes all foetuses weighing =500g. A modified Nordic-Baltic classification was used for classification of perinatal deaths. Over a 5-year period there were 77,815 babies born with a perinatal mortality rate of 124 per 1000 births, 78% of which was labour related stillbirth. The PMR was 913/1000 for singleton births and 723/1000 for multiple births for babies weighing less than 1500 grams and 65/1000 for singleton births and 116/1000 for multiple births for babies weighing 2500 grams or more. Babies weighing less than 1500 grams contributed 26% of PMR, whereas 41% occurred in babies weighing 2500 grams or more. The majority (79%) of neonatal deaths had Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes and the most common causes of neonatal mortality were birth asphyxia (37%) and prematurity (29%). Labour related deaths were more common in multiple pregnancies. The majority of the perinatal deaths should be essentially avoidable through improved quality of intrapartum care. Establishment of perinatal audit at MNH can help identify key actions for improved care.  相似文献   
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) are pesticides that have been widely used and significantly contaminate the environment. Both are found in human blood and have been shown to alter the lytic and binding function of human natural killer (NK) cells. Interferon gamma (IFNγ) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) are pro-inflammatory cytokines, which regulate immune responsiveness to pathogens and tumors. Their levels require very tight control to prevent loss of immune competence or excessive inflammation. Here, we examined the capacity of PCP and DDT to alter the secretion of these critical pro-inflammatory cytokines from increasingly reconstituted (more complex) preparations of human immune cells which included NK cells, monocyte-depleted (MD) peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) (a preparation that is predominantly lymphocytes) and PBMCs (a preparation containing lymphocytes and monocytes). Results indicated that exposure to PCP decreased IFNγ secretion at the highest exposures (2.5 and 5?μM) and increased IFNγ secretion at lower concentrations. These effects were seen irrespective of the complexity of the cell preparation. PCP at 2.5 and 5?μM generally decreased TNFα secretion from NK cells, but had inconsistent effects in MD-PBMCs and PBMCs. Exposure of each of the immune cell preparations to DDT caused increase in IFNγ secretion. DDT (2.5?μM) increased TNFα secretion from MD-PBMCs after either 24?h or 48?h of exposure. The mechanism of PCP-induced increase in IFNγ secretion appears to involve the p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, based on loss of PCP stimulated increase when this pathway was inhibited.  相似文献   
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