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PURPOSE: The purposes of the study were to measure the tensile bond strength of composite resin to human enamel specimens that had been either etched or air-abraded, and to compare the quality of the marginal seal, through the assessment of microleakage, of composite resin to human enamel specimens that had been either etched or air-abraded. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty mandibular molar teeth were decoronated and sectioned mesio-distally to produce six groups, each containing ten specimens that were embedded in acrylic resin using a jig. In each of the four treatment groups, the specimen surfaces were treated by either abrasion with 27 or 50 microm alumina at 4 mm or 20 mm distance, and a composite resin was bonded to the treated surfaces in a standardized manner. In the two control groups the specimens were treated with 15 seconds exposure to 36% phosphoric acid gel and then similarly treated before being stored in sterile water for 1 week. All specimens were then subjected to tensile bond strength testing at either 1 or 5 mm/min crosshead speed. For the microleakage study, the degree of dye penetration was measured 32 times for each treatment group, using a neutral methylene blue dye at the interface between composite and either 27 or 50 microm air-abraded tooth structure or etched enamel surfaces. RESULTS: The mean bond strength values recorded for Group 1 (phosphoric acid etch, 5 mm/min crosshead speed) was 25.4 MPa; Group 2 (phosphoric acid etch, 1 mm/min), 22.2 MPa; Group 3 (27 microm alumina at 4 mm distance), 16.8 MPa; Group 4 (50 microm alumina at 4 mm distance), 16.9 MPa; Group 5 (27 microm alumina at 20 mm distance), 4.2 MPa; and for Group 6 (50 microm alumina at 20 mm distance) 3.4 MPa. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) demonstrated significant differences among the groups, and a multiple comparison test (Tukey) demonstrated that conventionally etched specimens had a greater bond strength than air-abraded specimen groups. No significant difference in dye penetration could be demonstrated among the groups (p= 0.58). CONCLUSIONS: Composite resin applied to enamel surfaces prepared using an acid etch procedure exhibited higher bond strengths than those prepared with air abrasion technology. The abrasion particle size did not affect the bond strength produced, but the latter was adversely affected by the distance of the air abrasion nozzle from the enamel surface. The crosshead speed of the bond testing apparatus had no effect on the bond strengths recorded. The marginal seal of composite to prepared enamel was unaffected by the method of enamel preparation.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of selected disinfectants incorporated in the liquid of dental stones on material strength properties with the aim of developing a material with acceptable mechanical properties. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two types of dental stone (types III and V) were mixed with aqueous solutions of 0.525% sodium hypochlorite, 0.1% and 10% povidone-iodine, and 2% glutaraldehyde, and with water as a control. The liquid/powder ratios recommended by the manufacturer were used. These materials were subjected to further modification by adding a mixture of 1.0% gum arabic and 0.132% calcium hydroxide to the hemihydrate powders before mixing with the disinfectant solutions at 2 different liquid/powder ratios for each. Both the regular and the modified materials were tested for compressive and diametral tensile strength after 1 hour and 1 week from the start of the mix. The structure of set materials was determined by scanning electron microscopy examination of fracture surfaces. RESULTS: The disinfectants often reduced the strength of both types of dental stone. However, using either 0.1% povidone-iodine or 0.525% sodium hypochlorite resulted in strength values comparable with that of the control. The addition of gum arabic and calcium hydroxide helped reduce the mixing liquid/powder ratios, improving the strength properties of the disinfected materials. CONCLUSIONS: Chemical disinfectants reduce the strength of dental gypsum when used as mixing water substitutes. Gum arabic and calcium hydroxide additives permit a lower liquid/powder ratio and can help offset this weakening.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a change in the lateral anterior guidance pathway on the lateral border movement pathway of mandible. The results showed that altered occlusal guidance reproducibly and reversibly changed (increased) the lateral border movement area in two subjects who had unilaterally restricted lateral border movements.  相似文献   
Implant-supported rehabilitation in the posterior maxillary region presents a series of challenges because of the possibility of increased pneumatization of the maxillary sinus after dental loss. In cases where significant maxillary bone resorption has occurred, efforts center on maximizing the use of the remaining bone to afford primary stability to the implants. This clinical report describes a patient with extreme maxillary atrophy for whom fixed rehabilitation supported on 8 implants was accomplished. A zygomatic implant, a pterygomaxillary implant, and 2 implants mesial and distal to both canine eminences were placed. This rehabilitation was accomplished with a less invasive technique and in a much shorter time period compared to a sinus lift procedure. One year after prosthetic loading, the clinical and radiological results remain satisfactory.  相似文献   
Growth and development is the net result of environmental modulation of genetic inheritance. Mesenchymal cells differentiate into chondrogenic, osteogenic, and fibrogenic cells: the first 2 are chiefly responsible for endochondral ossification, and the last 2 for sutural growth. Cells are influenced by genes and environmental cues to migrate, proliferate, differentiate, and synthesize extracellular matrix in specific directions and magnitudes, ultimately resulting in macroscopic shapes such as the nose and the chin. Mechanical forces, the most studied environmental cues, readily modulate bone and cartilage growth. Recent experimental evidence demonstrates that cyclic forces evoke greater anabolic responses of not only craniofacial sutures, but also cranial base cartilage. Mechanical forces are transmitted as tissue-borne and cell-borne mechanical strain that in turn regulates gene expression, cell proliferation, differentiation, maturation, and matrix synthesis, the totality of which is growth and development. Thus, hereditary and mechanical modulations of growth and development share a common pathway via genes. Combined approaches using genetics, bioengineering, and quantitative biology are expected to bring new insight into growth and development, and might lead to innovative therapies for craniofacial skeletal dysplasia including malocclusion, dentofacial deformities, and craniofacial anomalies such as cleft palate and craniosynostosis, as well as disorders associated with the temporomandibular joint.  相似文献   
In dentistry, the vast majority of studies attempting to predict who is at high risk for getting a disease or condition, or attempting to identify risk factors for a specific disease or condition, have focused either on only one risk factor at a time, or have measured multiple potential risk factors, but analyzed their effects in isolation. Since researchers tend to agree that most dental conditions have a multiple etiology, it is necessary to develop models that consider simultaneously the effect of a number of potential risk factors on the disease or condition of interest if we are to have any understanding of the relative impact of potential risk factors. Many existing statistical techniques will aid dental researchers in identifying risk factors. However, the selection of an appropriate analytic technique depends on a number of conditions. The strategy for this paper is to discuss a wide range of possible statistical techniques that may be applied to the problem of deriving a model for identification of multiple risk factors for dental diseases and conditions. We have approached this task by presenting a number of dental research problems needing an appropriate analytic technique. Next, basic issues that must be considered in choosing an appropriate analytic strategy are discussed. These issues include features of the study design, the data structure of the variables being measured, and the types of assumptions that are applicable to provide valid inferences about the target population of interest. A matrix of possible analytic techniques is presented for various combinations of study-design and data-structure features. After a discussion of each of the techniques, the appropriate statistical techniques for each of the dental examples are described. The issues and examples presented in this paper should be of use to dental researchers who wish to investigate multiple risk factors for a disease or condition of interest.  相似文献   
Measuring Beliefs about Orthodontic Treatment: A Questionnaire Approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Objectives : Few studies have examined what parents and orthodontists expect from and value about orthodontic treatment. In this study, we designed and tested a questionnaire to outline what drives consumer demand for children's orthodontic care. Further, we present data from the questionnaire to illustrate how expectations and values pertaining to orthodontic treatment relate to sociodemographic variables. Methods : Subjects were 220 Pennsylvania orthodontists and 220 parents at a university orthodontic clinic who were administered a questionnaire designed to assess what parents and orthodontists value about and expect from orthodontic treatment. Items for the questionnaire were developed via a qualitative, telephone interview process. Data were analyzed using factor analysis and reliability analysis for scale development, and analysis of variance for preliminary validity assessment. Results : Through factor analysis, the questionnaire was reduced from 84 to 52 items, and eight scales were examined: expected treatment benefits, expected treatment risks (short- and long-term), expected treatment inconveniences, value of treatment benefits, value of risks (short- and long-term), and value of treatment inconveniences. For parents, the reliability for all scales was in the acceptable range. For orthodontists, only the “short-term risks” scale failed to attain an acceptable reliability. Preliminary validity was assessed through examining relationships between demographic variables and subscale scores. For parents, income, father's education level, and sex of respondent were related to treatment expectations and values. For orthodontists, age, sex, and patient volume were related to treatment values. Conclusions : The questionnaire developed in the present study was found to be practical and reliable for use with providers and consumers of orthodontic care and can be used to explore factors affecting the demand for orthodontic care. Implications of possible unrealistic treatment expectations on the part of orthodontists and parents also are discussed.  相似文献   
Purpose Reduced cement film thicknesses can improve crown seating and decrease marginal discrepancies. Improved marginal adaptation has the potential to reduce plaque accumulation, periodontal disease, and cement dissolution. Studies have indicated that dynamic seating methods can reduce seating discrepancies associated with zinc phosphate and resin cements. However, other types of cements and other dynamic techniques have not yet been studied or compared, nor has the mechanism for improved seating been fully explained. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a variety of loading methods on the film thicknesses of current types of crown and fixed partial denture cements compressed between glass plates. Materials and Methods This study investigated the effect of three dynamic loading methods on film thickness of six representative fixed prosthodontic cements. These included zinc phosphate, resin-modified glass ionomer, encapsulated glass ionomer, adhesive composite resin, composite resin, and polycarboxylate. The method was derived from American Dental Association specifications for cement film thickness. In control groups, the cements were placed between two glass plates and statically loaded with a 15-kg weight. The test groups were initially similarly loaded, and then for 30 seconds further subjected to simulated repeated patient opening and closing, vibrations from an electromallet, or an ultrasonic device. Results Mean film thicknesses ranged from 7.4 μm for polycarboxylate/ultrasound up to 40.3 μm for composite resin/static. Two-way analysis of variance revealed that the effects of material type and cementation method and their interaction all significantly affected film thickness (P < .0001). Multiple range analysis showed that dynamic methods were generally superior to static loading and that the ultrasonic method was the best overall. Conclusions The different dynamic loading methods all significantly decreased cement film thicknesses between glass plates. The ultrasonic method was the most effective. The type of cement used also influenced film thickness. Composite resins were more affected than other materials.  相似文献   
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