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Objectives: The therapy of advanced, relapsed or refractory primary cutaneous lymphomas is often unsatisfactory. Recent data indicate a favourable pharmacokynetic, pharmacodynamic and toxicity profile of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (Peg‐Doxo) in primary cutaneous T‐cell lymphomas, while in primary cutaneous B‐cell lymphomas (PCBCLs), the drug efficacy has never been assessed so far. Methods: We performed a prospective phase II pilot clinical trial of Peg‐Doxo monotherapy (20 mg/m2) in PCBCLs. One patient had a marginal zone B‐cell lymphoma and four were affected by diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma‐leg type, all with widespread nodular lesions. Results: All the patients achieved a complete response (CR = 100%) in a short period of time (median 3 months), even when pretreated with radio‐chemotherapy. Two experienced a relapse. At follow‐up, one patient died for progressive disease; four are in CR after 5, 52, 63 and 69 months. As concerning the toxicity profile, the treatment was well‐tolerated, no one decreased or delayed the dose. The haematological toxicity was mild with only one case of grade III neutropenia; a patient showed a grade I neurotoxicity. Dermatological toxicity, in particular the palmar–plantar erythrodysesthesia, did not occurred, probably because of both the low dosages of Peg‐Doxo monotherapy and the oral prophylaxis with pyridoxine. Conclusions: In spite of the small number of patients, it emerges that monochemotherapy with Peg‐Doxo has a significantly high clinical activity and a good safety profile in PCBCLs, even in aggressive forms, compared with other therapeutic regimens, which are completely reviewed. It suggests the need of further investigations in this field.  相似文献   
Maintenance therapy was explored in multiple myeloma (MM) patients after conventional thalidomide, dexamethasone and pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (ThaDD). Patients with newly or relapsed MM obtaining at least minor response after 6 ThaDD courses, were randomised to receive α-interferon (IFN) 3 MU 3 times a week or thalidomide 100 mg daily until relapse. Both groups also received pulsed dexamethasone 20 mg 4 d a month. Fifty-one patients were randomized in the IFN-dexamethasone (ID) arm and 52 in the thalidomide-dexamethasone (TD) arm. The characteristics of two groups were similar. A significantly better 2-years progression-free survival (PFS; 63% vs. 32%; P  = 0·024) and overall survival (84% vs. 68%; P  = 0·030) was observed in the thalidomide arm. In high-risk patients and in those achieving less than very good partial response after induction, TD fared better in term of PFS. Main side effects were peripheral neuropathy and constipation in TD group, fatigue, anorexia and haematological toxicity in ID arm. There was a 21% probability of discontinuation at 3 years in the thalidomide arm and 44% in the IFN arm ( P  = 0·014). Low-dose thalidomide plus pulsed low-dose dexamethasone after conventional thalidomide combination-based therapy was also feasible in the long term, enabling significantly better residual disease control if compared with a standard maintenance therapy.  相似文献   
Diabetes is a well known risk factor for the development of congestive heart failure. Epidemiological evidence in the community underscores the prevalence of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in diabetic patients as 2-fold with respect to non-diabetic ones, with half of them completely asymptomatic. Diastolic dysfunction in diabetic hearts, in comparison with non-diabetic, is even more frequent. The high prevalence has been explained by the frequent coexistence of an underlying diabetic cardiomyopathy, hypertension and ischemic heart disease. In these patients, the diabetic metabolic derangement, together with the early activation of sympathetic nervous system, induce a decrease of myocardial function. The activation of renin-angiotensin system results in an unfavorable cardiac remodeling. The progression from myocardial damage to overt dysfunction and heart failure is often asymptomatic for a long time and frequently undiagnosed and untreated. Currently, the widespread availability of echocardiography and possibly the use of cardiac natriuretic peptides, may allow for an earlier recognition of most of such patients. In heart failure, diabetic patients have a worse prognosis than non-diabetics. The available pharmacological treatments, such as ACE-inhibitors, beta-blockers and possibly angiotensin receptor blockers, togheter with a tight glycemic control, may be effective to reverse the remodeling process and prevent cardiovascular events. In order to identify most of the diabetic patients at risk of development of left ventricular dysfunction and to prevent its progression to overt heart failure, it seems important to elaborate a screening strategy in order to diagnose and treat most of diabetic patients with myocardial damage.  相似文献   
Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a rare neurovascular disorder generally caused by the presence of a cervical rib or hypertrophic scalene anterior muscle that can compress the brachial plexus and/or subclavian vessels. In the vascular form, the symptoms are caused by the compression of the artery and/or the subclavian vein. In the first case, the compression is caused by the cervical rib and leads to hypo-perfusion with cooling and cyanosis of the upper limb, while in the second case, the compression is caused by the anterior scalene muscle and leads to congestion, cyanosis, swelling and pain in the higher limb. In this paper, we describe a case with the simultaneous presence of a bilateral cervical rib and bilateral hypertrophy of the anterior scalene muscle. TOS diagnosis is based on neurological, clinical and instrumental tests, such as chest radiography and color Doppler ultrasonography. The treatment of these patients can be surgical or conservative.  相似文献   
In hepatitis B virus (HBV) cirrhosis patients on long-term lamivudine (LAM), the relationships between HBV suppression, development of viral resistance and disease outcome are unclear. We analysed the dynamic of serum HBV-DNA and its relationship with the clinical course of 59 patients (52 males, mean age 51.4 +/- 8.4 years, 12 HBeAg positive and 47 HBeAg negative, and 57 genotype D and two genotype A) with cirrhosis (45 in Child-Turcotte-Pugh class A) and high levels of serum HBV-DNA (median 14.7 x 10(7) genomes/ml) treated with LAM [median (range): 44 (15-78) months]. A total of 50 patient (84.7%) achieved a virological response (serum HBV-DNA negative by PCR) during the first 6 months of therapy, and nine (13.3%) achieved a reduction in viral load of > 3 log10. Mutations in the YMDD motif of HBV polymerase were documented in 26 patients [median (range) 18: (7-42) months]. At the time of the emergence of mutants, 22 patients had HBV-DNA < 10(5) genomes/ml and normal alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels. The appearance of virological resistance was followed by an increase of HBV-DNA to > 10(5) genomes/ml and of ALT values in 19 out of 26 patients [median (range): 8 (3-19) months]. Event-free survival was significantly longer (P = 0.001) in patients who maintained virological suppression than in those who did not have a complete virological response or suffered a breakthrough. Patients with advanced cirrhosis were more likely to develop liver failure after the emergence of YMDD mutants. The risk of development of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with compensated cirrhosis and YMDD mutations was maintained, regardless of HBV-DNA serum levels. Profound and maintained HBV-DNA suppression correlates with a better outcome. Early identification of LAM resistance mutations allows switching to other antivirals before liver decompensation or hepatocellular carcinoma development.  相似文献   


There is a J-shaped relationship between body mass index (BMI) and cardiovascular outcomes in elderly patients (obesity paradox). Whether low BMI correlates with aortic calcification (AC) and whether this association is accounted for by bone demineralization is uncertain.


Presence of AC was evaluated in 687 community-dwelling individuals (49% male, mean age 67 ± 13 years) using CT images of the thoracic, upper and lower abdominal aorta, and scored from 0 to 3 according to number of sites that showed any calcification. Whole-body bone mineral density (BMD) was evaluated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Predictors of AC were assessed by logistic regression, and the role of BMD using mediation analysis.


Age and cardiovascular risk factors were positively associated while both BMI (r = −0.11, p < 0.01) and BMD (r = −0.17, p < 0.0001) were negatively associated with AC severity. In multivariate models, lower BMI (OR 0.96, 95%CI 0.92–0.99, p = 0.01), older age, higher systolic blood pressure, use of lipid-lowering drugs and smoking were independent predictors of AC. A nonlinear relationship between BMI and AC was noticed (p = 0.03), with decreased AC severity among overweight participants. After adjusting for BMD, the coefficient relating BMI to AC was reduced by 14% and was no longer significant, whereas BMD remained negatively associated with AC (OR 0.82, 95%CI 0.069–0.96, p = 0.01), with a trend for a stronger relationship in older participants.


Low BMI is associated with increased AC, possibly through calcium mobilization from bone, resulting in low BMD. Prevention of weight loss and bone demineralization with aging may help reducing AC.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Cerebral blood flow tests have increasingly been advocated for the confirmation of brain death (BD). Four-vessel angiography has been considered the most reliable investigation in the diagnosis of BD for >30 yrs, but it is invasive. (99m)Tc-HMPAO SPECT provides noninvasive, multiplanar imaging of brain tissue perfusion. The aim of this study was to check the reliability of SPECT compared with contrast angiography. DESIGN: Prospective, blind study. SETTING: Neurointensive care unit of a university hospital. PATIENTS: Consecutive clinically brain dead patients with flat electroencephalogram. INTERVENTIONS: BD was diagnosed according to Italian law. (99m)Tc-HMPAO SPECT and four-vessel angiography were performed in the same session; the rater of each investigation ignored the results of the other. Blood pressure, Sp(O2), and P(ECO2) were monitored throughout the study: any episode of hypoxia or hypotension caused exclusion of the patient from the study. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Twenty brain dead patients were enrolled. The cause of BD was head injury in seven cases (35%), subarachnoid hemorrhage in seven (30%), spontaneous hemorrhage in one (10%), brain tumors in two (10%), stroke in two (10%), and thrombosis of the sagittal sinus in one (5%). Both angiography and SPECT confirmed BD in 19 of 20 patients: angiography showed the absence of filling of intracranial arteries, while SPECT showed a picture of "empty skull." For the remaining patient, angiography showed slight and late filling of left vertebral, basilar, and posterior cerebral arteries, while SPECT showed faint traces of uptake in the posterior fossa on the right side and on the midline. For this patient, the tests were repeated 48 hrs later, and both showed the arrest of intracranial circulation, thus confirming BD. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm the reliability of SPECT in the diagnosis of BD; because SPECT is noninvasive, it is a good candidate for the "gold standard" of diagnosis.  相似文献   


Cardiac steatosis and myocardial insulin resistance elevate the risk of cardiac complications in obesity and diabetes. We aimed to disentangle the effects of circulating glucose, insulin and NEFA on myocardial triacylglycerol (TG) content and myocardial glucose uptake.


Twenty-two pigs were stratified according to four protocols: low NEFA?+?low insulin (nicotinic acid), high NEFA?+?low insulin (fasting) and high insulin?+?low NEFA?±?high glucose (hyperinsulinaemia–hyperglycaemia or hyperinsulinaemia–euglycaemia). Positron emission tomography, [U-13C]palmitate enrichment techniques and tissue biopsies were used to assess myocardial metabolism. Heart rate and rate–pressure product (RPP) were monitored.


Myocardial glucose extraction was increased by NEFA suppression and was similar in the hyperinsulinaemia–hypergylcaemia, hyperinsulinaemia–euglycaemia and nicotinic acid groups. Hyperglycaemia enhanced myocardial glucose uptake due to a mass action. Myocardial TG content was greatest in the fasting group, whereas hyperinsulinaemia had a mild effect. Heart rate and RPP increased in hyperinsulinaemia–euglycaemia, in which cardiac glycogen content was reduced. Heart rate correlated with myocardial TG and glycogen content.


Elevated NEFA levels represent a powerful, self-sufficient promoter of cardiac TG accumulation and are a downregulator of myocardial glucose uptake, indicating that the focus of treatment should be to ‘normalise’ adipose tissue function to lower the risk of cardiac TG accumulation and myocardial insulin resistance. The observation that hyperinsulinaemia and nicotinic acid led to myocardial fuel deprivation provides a potential explanation for the cardiovascular outcomes reported in recent intensive glucose-lowering and NEFA-lowering clinical trials.  相似文献   
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