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A new route for the synthesis of high glass transition temperature, thermally stable polymer foams has been developed, using compositionally asymmetric microphase-separated block copolymers where the minor component (poly(propylene oxide)) is thermally labile and the major component (polyimide) is thermally stable. The minor component decomposes to low molecular weight species upon heating, and the decomposition products diffuse out of the film, leaving behind pores embedded in a matrix of the thermally stable component. In this study, the polyimide block was crosslinked with ethynyl functionalities to obtain a stable porous structure. The decomposition of the propylene oxide in the block copolymer was studied by thermogravimetric, dynamic mechanical and thermomechanical analyses. Mild conditions were required to avoid rapid depolymerization of the propylene oxide and plasticization of the polyimide matrix. The foams showed pore sizes with diameters up to a micrometer in size as well as the expected reduction in the mass density.  相似文献   
Brain electrical source analysis (BESA) of the scalp electroencephalographic activity is well adapted to distinguish neighbouring cerebral generators precisely. Therefore, we performed dipolar source modelling in scalp medium nerve somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) recorded at 1.5-Hz stimulation rate, where all the early components should be identifiable. We built a four-dipole model, which was issued from the grand average, and applied it also to recordings from single individuals. Our model included a dipole at the base of the skull and three other perirolandic dipoles. The first of the latter dipoles was tangentially oriented and was active at the same latencies as the N20/P20 potential and, with opposite polarity, the P24/N24 response. The second perirolandic dipole showed an initial peak of activity slightly earlier than that of the N20/P20 dipolar source and, later, it was active at the same latency as the central P22 potential. Lastly, the third perirolandic dipole exaplaining the fronto-central N30 potential scalp distribution was constantly more posterior than the first one. In order to evaluate the effect of an increasing repetition frequency on the activity of SEP dipolar sources, we applied the model built from 1.5-Hz SEPs to traces recorded at 3-Hz and 10-Hz repetition rates. We found that the 10-Hz stimulus frequency reduced selectively the later of the two activity phases of the first perirolandic dipole. The decrement in strength of this dipolar source can be explained if we assume that: (a) the later activity of the first perirolandic dipole can represent the inhibitory phase of a “primary response”; (b) two different clusters of cells generate the opposite activities of the tangential perirolandic dipole. An additional finding in our model was that two different perirolandic dipoles contribute to the centro-parietal N20 potential generation. Received: 5 August 1997 / Accepted: 26 November 1997  相似文献   
We describe a large inbred Sicilian family that includes four 46, XX (SRY-) brothers. Palmoplantar hyperkeratosis (PPK) and an associated predisposition to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin, segregates as a recessive trait within the family. Interestingly, all the PPK-affected members of the family are phenotypic males (46,XY or 46,XX) while seven XX sibs are healthy phenotypic females with no signs of PPK. We propose that homozygosity for a single mutational event, possibly including contiguous genes, may cause PPK/SCC in both XY or XX individuals and sex reversal in XX individuals. The family is informative for linkage analysis for the PPK trait and allows linkage exclusion for the sex reversal trait. Here we show that 15 loci involved in PPK etiology, skin differentiation, function or malignancy, and nine loci involved in sex determination/differentiation are not implicated in the phenotype of this family.  相似文献   
Although the haemagglutination inhibition assay is considered the "gold standard" for antigenic characterisation of influenza viruses, some limitations of this technique are well known. A new microneutralisation assay, as a tool for antigenic characterisation of influenza B viruses, has been standardised and its performance evaluated in comparison with the haemagglutination inhibition test in the light of molecular characterisation of the haemagglutinin. Twelve B viruses belonging to the two lineages and the four sub-lineages discriminated by phylogenetic analysis of HA were tested. The microneutralisation assay clearly distinguishes viruses belonging to different lineages and, in addition, discriminates strains belonging to different sub-lineages that are poorly or not discriminated using the haemagglutination inhibition test. This new microneutralisation assay could provide a useful tool for antigenic characterisation of circulating influenza viruses and contribute, together with the haemagglutination inhibition test and sequence analysis of the haemagglutinin and neuraminidase, in the choice of the strain for use in vaccine composition.  相似文献   
The pterion is one of the most interesting bone meeting points in craniofacial osteology and its complex morphology derives from the fact that is the contact point of the facial skeletal elements, skull base and calvarium. Knowledge of its peculiar morphology is mandatory for the pterional approach used in microsurgery and surgery. The Authors studied 506 adult, human skulls where the pterion was accurately reconstructed on polyethylene sheets. They report their data on the morphological analysis and classify the forms. They focussed their attention on the presence of wormian bones at the level of the sphenoparietal suture, on the peculiar existing morphology and reviewed the literature on these classifications. The Authors also evaluated the length of the sphenoparietal suture, the minimum gap between the frontal and temporal, the influence of pteric bones on pterion variability and any correlations between measurements and cranial indexes.  相似文献   
A questionnaire-based retrospective clinical and immunological survey was conducted in 73 males with a definite diagnosis of X-linked agammaglobulinemia based on BTK sequence analysis. Forty-four were sporadic and 29 familial cases. At December 2000, the patients' ages ranged from 2 to 33 years; mean age at diagnosis and mean duration of follow-up were 3.5 and 10 years respectively. After the mid-1980s all but 2 were on intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) substitution therapy, with residual IgG >500 mg/dl in 94% of the patients at the time of enrollment. Respiratory infections were the most frequent manifestation both prior to diagnosis and over follow-up. Chronic lung disease (CLD) was present in 24 patients, in 15 already at diagnosis and in 9 more by 2000. The cumulative risk to present at diagnosis with CLD increased from 0.17 to 0.40 and 0.78 when the diagnosis was made at the ages of 5, 10, and 15 years respectively. For the 9 patients who developed CLD during follow-up, the duration of follow-up, rather than age at diagnosis; previous administration of intramuscular immunoglobulin; and residual IgG levels had a significant effect on the development of CLD. Chronic sinusitis was present in 35 patients (48%), in 15 already at diagnosis and in 20 by 2000. Sistemic infections such as sepsis and meningitis/meningoencephalitis decreased over follow-up, probably due to optimal protection provided by high circulating IgG levels reached with IVIG.  相似文献   
Fanconi anemia (FA) is a cancer-predisposition syndrome characterized by hypersensitivity to interstrand-cross-link (ICL) inducers. FA hypersensitivity to ICL has been correlated with alterations in homologous recombination, non-homologous end-joining, telomere maintenance, DNA-damage assessment and checkpoint regulation, processes in which the components of the RAD50/MRE11/NBS1 (RMN) complex are involved. To better characterize the mechanisms by which ICL are processed in human cells and to gain insight into their toxicity in FA, we examined (i). the RMN complex assembling in response to the ICL inducers mitomycin C (MMC) and photoactivated 8-methoxypsoralen and (ii). the proficiency of FA cells to perform RMN activation in response to ICL inducers. We show here that ICL activates the assembly of the RMN proteins into subnuclear foci, and that their formation proceeds independently of ICL incision, a step mainly dependent on XP-F/ERCC1 heterodimer activity. Interestingly, FA cells were unable to form RMN foci in response to either ICL inducer. Analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and single-cell gel electrophoresis of MMC-treated cells showed that FA cells from complementation group C (FA-C cells, defective in the FANCC gene) form double-strand breaks and unhook MMC-induced ICL similarly to FANCC wild-type cells. These observations imply that the absence of RMN assembly in FA-C cells is not simply due to the absence of DNA ends produced as intermediates of ICL processing, and indicates a direct role for FANCC in RMN focus assembly in response to ICL inducers. Moreover, we show that the formation of foci, including BRCA1 and/or RAD51 proteins, is significantly delayed in FA cells. These alterations in the assembly of DNA-repair proteins in FA provide an interpretation for the DNA-damage processing anomalies observed in FA cells and for the genetic instability and the cancer predisposition of the syndrome.  相似文献   
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