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Research in children with language problems has focussed on verbal deficits, and we have less understanding of children's deficits with nonverbal sociocognitive skills which have been proposed to be important for language acquisition. This study was designed to investigate elicited nonverbal imitation in children with specific language delay (SLD). It is argued that difficulties in nonverbal imitation, which do not involve the processing of structural aspects of language, may be indicative of sociocognitive deficits. Participants were German-speaking typically developing children (n = 60) and children with SLD (n = 45) aged 2–3½ years. A novel battery of tasks measured their ability to imitate a range of nonverbal target acts that to a greater or lesser extent involve sociocognitive skills (body movements, instrumental acts on objects, pretend acts). Significant group differences were found for all body movement and pretend act tasks, but not for the instrumental act tasks. The poorer imitative performance of the SLD sample was not explained by motor or nonverbal cognitive skills. Thus, it appeared that the nature of the task affected children's imitation performance. It is argued that the ability to establish a sense of connectedness with the demonstrator was at the core of children's imitation difficulty in the SLD sample.  相似文献   
Community Mental Health Journal - This paper explores the subjective experiences of mental health practitioners, people with psychosis and carers, on social isolation and community integration of...  相似文献   


Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) are the most commonly reported complications after esophagectomy. The aim of this study was to examine the effect and feasibility of preoperative inspiratory muscle training-high intensity (IMT-HI), and IMT-endurance (IMT-E) on the incidence of PPCs in patients following esophagectomy for esophageal cancer (EC).


A single-blind, randomized, clinical pilot study was conducted between 2009 and 2012. Forty-five participants were assigned to either IMT-HI or IMT-E. Effectiveness was assessed by analyzing PPCs, length of hospital stay (LOS), duration of mechanical ventilation, stay on the intensive care unit, and number of reintubations. Maximal inspiratory pressure and lung function changes were recorded pre- and post-training. Feasibility was assessed by IMT-related adverse events, training compliance, and patients’ satisfaction.


Thirty-nine patients could be analyzed, 20 patients in the IMT-HI arm and 19 patients in the IMT-E arm. The incidence of PPCs differed significantly between groups and was almost three times lower for the IMT-HI group (4 vs. 11 patients; p = 0.015). Other differences in favor of the IMT-HI group were LOS (13.5 vs. 18 days; p = 0.010) and number of reintubations (0 vs. 4 patients; p = 0.030). Both interventions proved to be equally feasible.


Preoperative IMT-HI showed to be a promising, effective, and feasible intervention to reduce PPCs in EC patients undergoing esophagectomy. Further research with a larger sample size is recommended.  相似文献   
Neighborhood environments have received considerable attention in recent local, state, and national obesity prevention initiatives, with a particular focus on food deserts, or areas with poor access to healthy foods. Yet, there are inconsistencies in the evidence base, suggesting a nuanced association between neighborhood environment, food availability, diet behaviors, and obesity. There is heterogeneity in associations between environmental exposures and health outcomes across race/ethnicity, gender, region, and urbanicity, which results in complexity in the interpretation of findings. There are several limitations in the literature, including a predominance of cross-sectional studies, reliance on commercial business listings, lack of attention to the process by which diet resources are established and expanded within neighborhoods and the potential for individuals to selectively migrate to locate near such facilities, a predominant focus on residential neighborhoods, and lack of information about the decision-making process underlying purchasing patterns. More research is needed to address the complexity of individual-level residential decision making as well as the purposeful placement of food environment resources across social and geographic space using longitudinal data and complex statistical approaches. In addition, improvements in data quality and depth related to food access and availability are needed, including behavioral data on purchase patterns and interactions with the food environment, and greater attention to heterogeneity across subpopulations. As policy changes to the food environment move forward, it is critical that there is rigorous and scientific evaluation of environmental changes and their impact on individual-level diet choices and behaviors, and their further influence on body weight.  相似文献   
The clinical and serologic features and immune status of 39 homosexual men who had seroconversion to human immunodeficiency virus positivity were compared with 26 homosexual men who remained seronegative during a six-month period. An acute clinical illness occurred in 92.3% of seroconverted subjects and 40% of controls. The duration of illness was significantly greater in the seroconverters than the controls (10 + 4.4 days). A general practitioner was consulted by 87.2% of the seroconverters because of the illness, including 12.8% who were admitted to hospital, compared with 20% of controls. The most frequently reported symptoms in the seroconversion group were fever (76.9%); lethargy and malaise (66.7%); anorexia, sore throat, and myalgias (56.4% each); headaches and arthralgias (48.7% each); weight loss (46.2%); swollen glands (43.5%); retro-orbital pain (38.5%); and dehydration and nausea (30.8% each). Lymphadenopathy developed in 75% of seroconverters compared with 4% of controls. Changes in T-cell subsets were not found in controls, but the number of T4+ cells and the T4+/T8+ ratio decreased significantly in seroconverters.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE--To document whether the act of respiration influences pulmonary blood flow in patients after the Fontan operation. DESIGN--Prospective study in which patients acted as their own controls. SETTING--Supraregional paediatric cardiology centre. PATIENTS--Sixteen patients who had undergone atriopulmonary anastomosis (Fontan operation) for the treatment of congenital heart disease. INTERVENTION--Doppler assessment of pulmonary artery flow patterns with a simultaneous respirometer, electrocardiogram and phonocardiogram. RESULTS--Total (mean (1SD) ) forward pulmonary flow was 63.6 (35)% higher during inspiratory cardiac cycles than during expiratory ones. CONCLUSIONS--The act of breathing provides an additional energy supply to pulmonary blood flow in patients after the Fontan operation.  相似文献   
Introduction: We describe the innervation zone (IZ) location in 43 muscles to provide information for appropriate positioning of bipolar electrodes for clinical and research applications. Methods: The IZ was studied in 40 subjects (20 men and 20 women) using multichannel surface electromyography (sEMG). Signal quality was checked visually to identify motor unit action potentials and estimate muscle fiber conduction velocity. Results: Results in 33 muscles were classified as excellent or good, because it was possible to identify an area which is favorable for appropriate positioning of an electrode pair without the need to previously determine the IZ location. Conclusions: Knowledge of IZ location will increase standardization and repeatability of sEMG measures. Muscle Nerve 49 :413–421, 2014  相似文献   
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