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The association of menstrual migraine with the premenstrual syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To investigate the comorbidity of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menstrual migraine, the Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ) was prospectively administered for two consecutive menstrual cycles to 22 patients with menstrual migraine, 12 cases with migraine without aura and 15 patients with PMS. MDQ scores varied throughout the menstrual cycle in each patient group, the wider changes being shown by patients with PMS. Fourteen menstrual migraine patients and 4 migraine without aura patients achieved diagnostic criteria for PMS over two menstrual cycles. In these patients MDQ scores did not differ from PMS sufferers at any stage of the menstrual cycle. The premenstrual increase of each cluster of PMS symptoms was identical in menstrual migraine and PMS subjects with the exception of negative affect. We suggest that PMS symptoms should be taken into account in the IHS diagnostic criteria for menstrual migraine.  相似文献   
Cholangiocarcinoma: imaging by MR   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Dooms  GC; Kerlan  RK  Jr; Hricak  H; Wall  SD; Margulis  AR 《Radiology》1986,159(1):89-94
Magnetic resonance (MR) images and computed tomographic (CT) scans of nine patients with histologically proved cholangiocarcinoma were compared retrospectively to assess the potential of MR imaging in the detection and staging of the disease. Cholangiocarcinomas were demonstrated as soft-tissue masses by both techniques in seven of the nine patients. In three patients, the masses were more apparent with MR because of a greater degree of contrast between the tumor and the surrounding tissues. In all four patients with the scirrhous subtype of cholangiocarcinoma, the soft-tissue masses showed decreased signal intensity on the second spin-echo image (echo time = 56 msec). Displacement or encasement of the adjacent vessels was well demonstrated by MR. Distal extension of the tumor (hepatic metastases, regional lymphadenopathy) appeared on both MR images and CT scans but was more apparent with MR. Both MR and CT demonstrated intrahepatic bile duct dilatation, but CT demonstrated it more readily. MR appears to be an effective modality for the detection and staging of cholangiocarcinoma.  相似文献   
Dynamic, rapid sequence, axial computed tomography (CT) was employed to evaluate the extracranial common and internal carotid arteries in 17 patients with clinical histories suggesting recent or remote ischemia in the territory supplied by the internal carotid artery. The CT findings were correlated with arteriographic observations and with gross and histologic evaluations of endarterectomy specimens. Areas of arterial wall thickening were evaluated on CT scans with regard to both degree of thickening and radiographic density (attenuation). The degree of vessel wall thickening secondary to atheromatous plaque demonstrated on CT scans corresponded closely to the severity of luminal compromise seen on arteriograms. Isodense or mildly hypodense focal mural thickening noted on CT scans of seven endarterectomy specimens proved to be primarily fibrotic (simple) atheromatous plaque on gross and histologic examination. Areas of markedly lucent focal mural thickening on CT scans of 11 specimens all demonstrated varying amounts of subintimal hemorrhage within loosely arranged and rather acellular (complex) atheromatous plaques on pathologic examination. While arteriography provides information regarding the status of the arterial lumen, CT offers the potential of accurate characterization of pathologic changes in the wall of the extracranial carotid arteries in patients with symptoms of cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   


Few studies have described morphological deviations in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients on two-dimensional (2D) lateral cephalograms, and the reliability of 2D radiographs has been discussed. The objective is to describe the morphology of the cervical vertebral column on cone beam CT (CBCT) in adult patients with OSA and to compare 2D lateral cephalograms with three-dimensional (3D) CBCT images.


For all 57 OSA patients, the cervical vertebral column morphology was evaluated on lateral cephalograms and CBCT images and compared according to fusion anomalies and posterior arch deficiency.


The CBCT assessment showed that 21.1% had fusion anomalies of the cervical column, i.e. fusion between two cervical vertebrae (10.5%), block fusions (8.8%) or occipitalization (1.8%). Posterior arch deficiency occurred in 14% as partial cleft of C1 and in 3.5% in combination with block fusions. The agreement between the occurrence of morphological deviations in the cervical vertebral column between lateral cephalograms and CBCT images showed good agreement (κ = 0.64).


Prevalence and pattern in the cervical column morphology have now been confirmed on CBCT. The occurrence of morphological deviations in the cervical vertebral column showed good agreement between lateral cephalograms and CBCT images. This indicates that 2D lateral cephalograms (already available after indication in connection with, e.g. treatment planning) are sufficient for identifying morphological deviations in the cervical vertebral column. For a more accurate diagnosis and location of the deviations, CBCT is required. New 3D methods will suggest a need for new detailed characterization and division of deviations in cervical vertebral column morphology.  相似文献   
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