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Because of the limited number of case reports on the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in adolescent psychiatric patients, we retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 20 young patients who underwent ECT. They constituted all the patients =18 years of age who had received ECT at our institution from 1983 through 1991. We also reviewed the literature. In our series of adolescents, ECT reduced or eliminated symptoms in patients with bipolar disorder, major depression, and schizophreniform disorder. It was less effective in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder and produced no response in those with personality disorders. Treatments elicited no recorded adverse effects, even in patients with concomitant systemic problems, including a seizure disorder, a renal transplant, and a septum pellucidum cyst. We found ECT to be safe and effective in adolescents with severe and medication-resistant mental illnesses. 相似文献
It has been reported that cannabidiol (CBD) antagonizes the effects of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on operant behavior in rats and pigeons. We have replicated this finding with rhesus monkeys. Four rhesus monkeys were trained to lever press on a fixedinterval 5-min schedule of food presentation with a 1-min limited hold and 1-min time out between successive intervals. The effects of 0.3 and 1.0 mg/kg THC alone were determined three times during the experiment; before the CBD-THC interaction, after the CBD-THC interaction and once with the CBD vehicle. A dose of 30 mg/kg CBD, which alone resulted in a 24% reduction in responding, completely antagonized the response rate reduction produced by 0.3 mg/kg THC. The effects of THC revealed a rate-dependent effect that did not conform to the log-linear rate-dependency plots described for most other drugs.This research was reported at the FASEB Meeting in Atlantic City, NJ in 1978 [Fed. Proc. 37: 739 (Abs.) 1978] 相似文献
The purpose of this research was to determine whether increasing the knowledge of prepubescent girls concerning emotional and physiological changes would result in a more positive self-image. Eleven Junior Girl Scouts comprised the sample. The procedure consisted of pretesting with the "How I See Myself Scale" and the "Sex Knowledge Test," teaching a four-session Body Awareness Course and posttesting with pretest instruments. Body awareness of the participants was significantly increased following the course. Self-image was improved, although not significantly. Each participant indicated a strong interest in body awareness and her developing sexuality. This study demonstrates that prepubescent females need and desire factual information about their physical and emotional concerns. 相似文献
Jeffrey B. Hargis James R. Anderson Kathleen J. Propert Mark R. Green David A. Van Echo 《Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology》1992,30(4):291-296
Summary Assessment of renal function prior to cisplatin chemotherapy has long been based on measurement of creatinine clearance by 24-hour urine collection (CrC
meas). Estimated creatinine clearance (CrC
est) as calculated from the patient's age, weight, and serum creatinine level has been suggested as an adequate surrogate for CrC
meas, as it provides advantages of improved convenience, decreased cost, and possibly increased accuracy. We studied 847 patients receiving cisplatin-based chemotherapy on Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) protocols to determine whether the CrC
meas, CrC
est, or serum creatinine value or the age of the patient would predict the subsequent genitourinary (GU) toxicity. Both CrC
meas (P=0.001) and CrC
est (P=0.02) were predictive of subsequent grade 2+GU toxicity, with CrC
meas being a slightly better predictor. Patient age also influenced subsequent GU toxicity, with the risk increasing with age (P=0.0008). When patients were classified by age group and by CrC
meas, distinct subgroups were identified, with differences in the risk for grade 2+GU toxicity ranging from 14% to 32%. Using a logistic model to assess the probability of grade 2+GU toxicity, we found that an age of60 years (P=0.005), a CrC
meas value of <75 ml/min (P=0.004), and the risk characteristics of the individual cisplatin trial were important, whereas CrC
est was not. Furthermore, CrC
est proved to be a poor predictor of a CrC
meas value of <75 ml/min, misclassifying nearly half of the patients to a lower-risk subgroup. In summary, both CrC
meas and the patient's age independently provided predictive information concerning cisplatin GU toxicity. Our data support the continued clinical usefulness of determining the CrC
meas value prior to the administration of cisplatin-based chemotherapy to most patients.This study is supported by the following NIH grants: CA 26806, CA 33601, CA 11789, CA 31983, USAThe opinions or assertations contained herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense of the United States of America 相似文献
Brainstem maturation after antenatal steroids exposure in premature infants as evaluated by auditory brainstem-evoked response. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Sanjiv B Amin Mark S Orlando Larry E Dalzell Kathleen S Merle Ronnie Guillet 《Journal of perinatology》2003,23(4):307-311
OBJECTIVE: Antenatal steroids result in fetal lung maturation, but may retard brain development. Auditory brainstem-evoked response (ABR) is a noninvasive assessment of brainstem maturation. The objective of this study was to determine if antenatal steroids affect brainstem maturation in infants =32 weeks gestational age (GA). DESIGN/METHODS: Bilateral monaural ABR were performed within the first 24 hours using 80 db nHL unfiltered click stimuli at a repetition rate of 39.9/seconds. ABR waveforms were categorized into Response Types based on response replicability and peak identification. Absolute wave latencies and interpeak latencies were measured when applicable. Data were collected for antenatal steroid exposure, mode of delivery, chorioamnionitis in utero, exposure to illicit drugs, exposure to magnesium sulfate, mechanical ventilation and 5 minute Apgar score <5 minute. Infants with TORCH infections, unstable conditions, and chromosomal disorders were excluded. RESULTS: Of 186 infants studied, 130 received antenatal steroids. Data were analyzed in 2 week GA intervals. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) in race (29 vs 39% African-American), birth weight (1231 vs 1416 gm) and use of magnesium sulfate (60 vs 32%) among infants who did and did not receive antenatal steroids, respectively. There was no significant difference in the other parameters measured. Even after controlling for confounding variables, there was no difference between absolute wave latencies or interpeak latencies between groups at either 28 to 29 weeks' or 30 to 31 weeks' postmenstrual age. There was no significant difference in frequency distribution of ABR waveform Response Types between groups. CONCLUSIONS: Antenatal steroids have neither a deleterious nor beneficial effect on brainstem maturation as measured by ABR in infants at =32 weeks GA. 相似文献
Osteopontin but not osteonectin messenger RNA expression is a prognostic marker in curatively resected non-small cell lung cancer. 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Michael Crump Carol A. Sawka Gerrit DeBoer Roger B. Buchanan James N. Ingle John Forbes J. William Meakin Wendy Shelley Kathleen I. Pritchard 《Breast cancer research and treatment》1997,43(3):201-210
Increased dietary fat intake and rate of breastepithelial cell proliferation have each been associated withthe development of breast cancer. The goal ofthis study was to measure the effect ofa low fat, high carbohydrate diet on therate of breast epithelial cell proliferation in womenat high risk for breast cancer. Women wererecruited from the intervention and control groups ofa randomized low fat dietary intervention trial, breastepithelial cells were obtained by fine needle aspiration,and cell proliferation was assessed in these samplesusing immunofluorescent detection of Ki-67 and PCNA. Theeffects of needle size and study group oncell yield and cytologic features of the cellswere also examined. Fifty three women (20 inthe intervention group and 33 in the controlgroup) underwent the biopsy procedure. Slides from 38subjects were stained for Ki-67 and from 14subjects for PCNA. No cell proliferation (fluorescence) wasdetected for either Ki-67 or PCNA in anyof the slides. Epithelial cell yield and numberof stromal fragments were greater with a largerneedle size. Numbers of stromal fragments and bipolarnaked nuclei were greater in the low fatas compared to the control group but nodifferences in epithelial cell yield were observed betweenthe two groups. This study confirms that fineneedle aspiration biopsy is a feasible method ofobtaining epithelial cells from women without discrete breastmasses, but suggests that cell proliferation cannot beassessed using Ki-67 and PCNA in such samples. 相似文献
Kathleen M. Gillespie 《Canadian Medical Association journal》2006,175(2):165-170
Type 1 diabetes results from the autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing β cells in the pancreas. Genetic and, as yet undefined, environmental factors act together to precipitate the disease. The excess mortality associated with the complications of type 1 diabetes and the increasing incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes emphasize the importance of therapeutic strategies to prevent this chronic disorder. Why is it considered that type 1 diabetes might be preventable? Different strands of diabetes research are coming together to suggest therapeutic targets. Islet cell autoantibody assays make it possible to accurately identify people at risk of future disease. In most cases, a long prodrome provides a window of opportunity to reverse the autoimmune process. Although no current “cure” exists, recent genetic data and preliminary trial results suggest T cells as a target for preventive strategies. Another potentially attainable target is induction of tolerance to the β-cell proteins such as insulin that are inappropriately recognized. Other strategies involve β-cell replacement, but currently there are insufficient donor cells available. This may be overcome as the processes controlling the differentiation of pancreatic and nonpancreatic progenitors as well as replication of existing islet β cells are unravelled. 相似文献