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Many clinically used drugs and their metabolites as well as a variety of environmental toxins are organic cations at physiologic pH. Secretion in the renal proximal tubule constitutes a major pathway in the elimination of organic cations. In this report, the results of studies recently performed in this laboratory are presented. First, the molecular cloning of a novel splice variant of organic cation transporter from rat kidney (rOCTIA) is described. The functional characteristics of the transporter are discussed along with the implications of RNA splicing in enhancing transporter diversity. Second, the molecular cloning of the first human organic cation transporter (hOCTI) is described. Distinct interspecies differences in the tissue distribution and function of this transporter is presented. These studies have paved the way for elucidating molecular structure function relationships of organic cation transporters and for determining their physiologic role in drug absorption and elimination. The cloned transporters can be used in mammalian expression systems for screening candidate compounds identified during drug discovery and development and in the in vivo prediction of the pharmacokinetics of therapeutic agents.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: The purpose of this article is to describe measured visual field extent in very young children in response to variation in peripheral stimulus flicker rate. METHODS: Binocular visual field extent was measured using a black, double-arc perimeter and an LED static perimetry procedure in 120 11-month-old, 120 17-month-old, and 120 30-month-old children and 40 adults. Each subject was tested with one of four flicker rates: 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 20 Hz, or 40 Hz. An interpolated estimate of the eccentricity at which 50% of subjects detected the peripheral stimulus and the mean of the farthest eccentricity at which subjects detected the peripheral stimulus were calculated for each flicker rate for each age group. RESULTS: In 11-, 17-, and 30-month-old children, but not in adults, measured visual field extent (eccentricity at which the stimulus was detected) varied significantly with rate of stimulus flicker. The largest measured visual field extent was produced by a 10-Hz stimulus and the smallest was produced by 1-Hz and 40-Hz stimuli. Measured visual field extent in children was similar to that of adults for 10-Hz flicker, but smaller than that of adults for 1-Hz, 20-Hz, and 40-Hz flicker. CONCLUSIONS: These results underscore the importance of standardizing stimulus parameters when developing tests for clinical assessment of visual fields in children. Furthermore, for longitudinal assessment of young patients, use of a 10-Hz flicker rate, in combination with the other parameters used in the present study, would help to avoid difficulties in interpretation that could arise from an interaction between age-related and disease-related changes that might occur if other stimulus flicker rates were used.  相似文献   
Monosomy for the X chromosome is the most frequent cause of Turner's syndrome, a common clinical syndrome associated with particular physical and neurobehavioral features. The results from comprehensive assessment of prepubertal monozygotic female twins discordant for X monosomy are presented. Zygosity was established with DNA Fingerprinting and no evidence of chromosomal mosaicism was seen in either child. Physical features in the affected twin were relatively mild with respect to the full spectrum of physical malformations and disabilities associated with Turner's syndrome. The neurobehavioral phenotypes of the twins were compared. Although both sisters scored in the superior range of intelligence, the affected twin's Performance IQ was 18 points less than her sister, whereas Verbal IQ showed only a 3-point difference between the sisters. Other relative differences were noted within the executive, visuospatial, and visuomotor domains of function. Behavioral evaluation indicated greater problems with attention, hyperactivity, and anxiety in the affected twin. Quantitative analysis of brain anatomy revealed evidence of both general and regional effects of X monosomy on neurodevelopment. Cerebrospinal fluid volume was increased by 25% in the affected twin compared with her sister with a corresponding decrease in gray matter volume. The right frontal, right parietal–occipital, and left parietal-perisylvian regions showed the greatest discrepancy between the sisters with respect to increased cerebrospinal fluid and decreased gray matter volumes in the twin with X monosomy. Differences in the posterior fossa were also noted with a 50% relative increase in the volumes of the fourth ventricle and cisterna magna and a 10 to 15% relative reduction in size of the cerebellar vermis, pons, and medulla in the affected twin. The association between the neurobehavioral and neuroanatomical findings in the affected twin is discussed. The unique nature of the naturally occurring genetic phenomenon seen in this twin pair provides an opportunity to more fully elucidate the neurobehavioral phenotype associated with X monosomy and Turner's syndrome.  相似文献   
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