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Studies reveal a higher occurrence of bulimia nervosa (BN) in patients with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) compared to controls. Due to this high degree of comorbidity, some clinicians have used psychostimulants in this population. The goal of this article is to describe five patients with comorbid BN and ADHD and their responses to a course of psychostimulants. After medication initiation, all five patients experienced a decrease in binge/purging and an improvement in ADHD symptoms. Overall, the medications were well tolerated. Possible mechanisms underlying the relationship between ADHD and BN, and words of caution are discussed. The need for clinical trials to further evaluate the efficacy of psychostimulants in this population is warranted.  相似文献   
Cyclosporin nephrotoxicity in heart and lung transplant patients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-two patients with heart, lung or heart and lung transplants maintained on cyclosporin for periods ranging from 3 months to 10 years developed renal insufficiency which was investigated by renal biopsy. The histopathological changes were: (i) severe vascular and glomerular damage due to thrombotic microangiopathy (TM); (ii) a form of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS); (iii) glomerular ischaemia. Rather than being separate entities, these changes appeared to represent a spectrum of pathology, some biopsies showing all three forms of glomerular injury. In all cases the glomerular changes were accompanied by arteriolar and arterial pathology, and we identified novel ultrastructural changes in the arteriolar endothelial basal lamina. Tubular atrophy was a consistent feature, the severity of which reflected the severity of the glomerular sclerosis, and which appeared to be a consequence of glomerular loss. Our findings are consistent with the nephrotoxic effects of cyclosporin being mediated chiefly via damage to preglomerular vessels and glomerular capillary endothelium. From an analysis of the clinical aspects of these cases, the effects of cyclosporin appear to be to some extent idiosyncratic, and therefore not entirely preventable, but strict monitoring of blood cyclosporin levels is essential to minimize the risk of permanent renal damage. Monitoring urinary protein in addition to plasma creatinine may detect the onset of FSGS, as proteinuria precedes creatinine elevation.   相似文献   
The authors analyze their experience with video-capsular enteroscopy and balloon-assisted enteroscopy in 184 patients. High diagnostic significance of enteroscopy and the possibility to perform minimally invasive operations are shown.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA codes for enzymes involved in the cellular energetic pathway. The polymorphism of this genome has been extensively analyzed for disease associations, but can also be used to characterize anthropological distances between populations. This study presents the results of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation for a population sample of 50 unrelated individuals originating from western Algeria. The samples were studied with the recently developed long PCR technique followed by RFLP analysis using six restriction endonucleases: HpaI, BamHI, HaeII, MspI, AvaII and HincII. One new morph for HpaI (named HpaI-9Alg) was detected, and was found to be derived from the combination of the already known morphs 3 and 4. mtDNA restriction endonuclease fragment patterns were analyzed for potential site gain or loss and classified into 18 mtDNA types by the sequence-comparison method. Three mtDNA types (97Alg; 2-1-7-1-1, 98Alg; 2-1-1-8-37 and 99Alg; 9Alg-1-1-1-3) were detected for the first time. Another mtDNA marker--the presence of the 9 bp deletion in the COII/tRNA(Lys) region--was also studied in the Algerian sample. No deletions were observed. Our results indicate that the Algerians are genetically related to the Israeli-Arab population, with certain characteristics found in southern Europeans and others found in sub-Saharan Africans.  相似文献   
The role of thyroid hormones in predisposition to cataleptic reaction was investigated. GC rats with genetic predisposition to catalepsy were characterized by decreased serum thyroxin content in comparison with Wistar rats. Thyroidectomy even more reduced the blood concentration of thyroxin in GC rats 30 days postoperation and augmented predisposition to catalepsy in both rat strains.  相似文献   
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine - The ultrastructure of nephrocytes of the proximal and distal convoluted tubules, podocytes, mesangial cells, and macrophages of the interstitial...  相似文献   
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