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Modulation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in a tumor could be exploited for nanotherapeutic benefits. We investigate the antitumor effect in Walker-256 carcinosarcoma of magnetic nanodots composed of doxorubicin-loaded Fe3O4 nanoparticles combined with electromagnetic fields. Treatment using the magnetic nanodot with the largest hysteresis loop area (3402 erg/g) had the greatest antitumor effect with the minimum growth factor 0.49 ± 0.02 day–1 (compared to 0.58 ± 0.02 day–1 for conventional doxorubicin). Electron spin resonance spectra of Walker-256 carcinosarcoma treated with the nanodots, indicate an increase of 2.7 times of free iron (that promotes the formation of highly reactive oxygen species), using the nanodot with the largest hysteresis loop area, compared to conventional doxorubicin treatment as well as increases in ubisemiquinone, lactoferrin, NO-FeS-proteins. Hence, we provide evidence that the designed magnetic nanodots can modulate the tumor redox state. We discuss the implications of these results for cancer nanotherapy.  相似文献   
Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease of the neuromuscular junction. Most patients have pathogenic autoantibodies against the acetylcholine receptor (AChR). In the last years a novel subpopulation of MG patients has been described that harbors antibodies against low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 (Lrp4), another postsynaptic neuromuscular antigen. In early-onset AChR MG (EOMG), the thymus plays an important role in immunopathogenesis, and early thymectomy is beneficial. It is still unknown if the thymus plays any role in Lrp4-MG. In this pilot study, we compared thymus samples from four patients with Lrp4-MG (one pre-treated with immunosuppressive drugs), four non-MG controls and five EOMG patients (not pretreated with immunosuppressive drugs). Immunohistochemistry of the Lrp4-MG thymi revealed normal architecture, with normal numbers and distribution of B-cells, lymphoid follicles and Hassall's corpuscles. Primary CD23+ lymphoid follicles were similarly infrequent in Lrp4-MG and control thymic sections. In none of the control or Lrp4-MG thymi did we find secondary follicles with CD10+ germinal centers. These were evident in 2 of the 5 EOMG thymi, where primary lymphoid follicles were also more frequent on average, thus showing considerable heterogeneity between patients. Even if characteristic pathological thymic changes were not observed in the Lrp4 subgroup, we cannot exclude a role for the thymus in Lrp4-MG pathogenesis, since one Lrp4-MG patient went into clinical remission after thymectomy alone (at one year follow-up) and one more improved after thymectomy in combination with immunosuppressive therapy.  相似文献   
T cell replete HLA-mismatched haploidentical transplantation (HIDT) with post-transplant cyclophosphamide is increasingly becoming an acceptable treatment approach for patients lacking timely access to a suitably matched related donor transplant (MRDT) or matched unrelated donor transplant (MUDT). Multiple recent registry and single-center studies have shown comparable overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) rates among HIDT, MRDT, and MUDT with a significantly lower risk of acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) among HIDT recipients. Candidates for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) often have access to multiple donor sources, and a relevant question is whether outcomes can be improved with a younger HLA-mismatched haploidentical donor (≤35 years) rather than an older matched related donor (≥35 years) or matched unrelated donor (≥35 years). We analyzed 406 consecutive allogenic HSCT recipients, with a median age of 54 years (range, 19 to 77), after a MRDT with a donor age of ≥35 years (n = 222), MUDT with a donor age of ≥35 years (n = 91), and HIDT with a donor age of ≤35 years (n = 93). Median follow-up time for survivors was 51.5 months. Compared with MRDT and MUDT, HIDT recipients had a similar median age at time of HSCT, hematopoietic cell transplant comorbidity index, disease risk index distribution, and donor recipient sex matching. The survival estimates and relapse incidence at 3 years post-HSCT were OS (64% for MRDT, 54% for MUDT, and 62% for HIDT), DFS (55% for MRDT, 44% for MUDT, and 58% for HIDT), Transplant related mortality (TRM) (19% for MRDT, 16% for MUDT, and 18% for HIDT), and relapse (26% for MRDT, 37% for MUDT, and 24% for HIDT). HIDT recipients had better 3-year relapse rates compared with MUDT recipients (24% versus 37%, P= .048), with similar DFS and OS in a univariate analysis. MRDT recipients had a better relapse rate (26% versus 37%, P = .042) compared with MUDT recipients. Recipients of HIDT also had significantly lower rates of moderate to severe chronic GVHD compared with MRDT and MUDT recipients (P = .01). Multivariable analysis showed no effect of donor on OS, DFS, relapse, and TRM. Recipients of HIDT from a young donor ≤35 years had similar OS, lower rates of chronic GVHD, and better chronic GVHD-free, relapse-free survival compared with patients undergoing transplantation with an MRD or a MUD donor ≥35 years. This study suggests that given a situation where a choice between a young haploidentical relative and an older matched unrelated donor is to be made, one can achieve similar survival with a haploidentical donor and significantly lower rates of chronic GVHD.  相似文献   
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