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自身免疫性葡萄膜炎的口服免疫耐受治疗已引起临床和基础研究的高度关注,现已证实口服免疫耐受在实验性自身免疫性葡萄膜炎动物模型上有一定的治疗效果,并已有临床试验和相关研究的报道,经治疗后患者的临床症状多能得到缓解,且免疫抑制剂的使用量也有所减少,这些研究充分显示口服耐受的新型免疫疗法将会为临床治疗葡萄膜炎带来新的希望。  相似文献   
血府逐瘀胶囊对小鼠免疫功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告了血府逐瘀胶囊对 C57BC/6、TAⅢ两种不同品系小鼠免疫功能的影响,实验结果表明,该药物能促进巨噬细胞的吞噬功能,并拮抗氢化考的松抑制巨噬细胞吞噬功能的作用,使其恢复正常水平,而且还能增加抗体生成细胞的数量和分泌抗体水平及维持时间,考虑血府逐瘀胶囊不仅促进巨噬细胞吞噬功能,也会活化 T、B 细胞功能,并参于一定的免疫应答调节作用。为血府逐瘀胶囊的作用机理提供一部分免疫学指标。  相似文献   
新生儿在生理上有许多方面与成人不同,免疫系统也是同样,如很多报导论述了新生儿B细胞产生抗体或T细胞抑制抗体生成的功能和成人不同,关于天然杀伤细  相似文献   
碘硒对大鼠腹腔巨噬细胞抗原提呈作用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 通过观察碘硒对大鼠腹腔巨噬细胞抗原提呈作用的影响,初步探讨两者对自身免疫性甲状腺疾病发病的影响及其免疫学机制.方法 选用雌性Lewis大鼠20只,根据随机抽样的原则,分为4组:低硒适碘组(LSeN1),低硒高碘组(LSeH1),适硒适碘组(NSeN1),适硒高碘组(NSeH1).各组用人工合成的低硒低碘饲料和饮用含不同浓度硒或碘的去离子水(用K103和Na,SeO3配置)喂养3个月.制备各组大鼠腹腔巨噬细胞及卵白蛋白(OVA)致敏的T细胞,将两者共同培养,进行抗原提呈实验,采用ELISA方法测定上清中IL-2水平;采用RT-PCR方法检测各组脾细胞共刺激分子CD86 mRNA的表达水平.结果 NSeH1组培养上清中IL-2水平为(43.22±3.27)pg/ml明显高于NSeN1组IL-2水平(25.74±2.45)pg/ml.LSeN1组IL-2水平为(15.79±2.13)pg/ml明显低于NSeN1组.NSeH1组大鼠脾细胞CD86mRNA表达水平(CD86/βp-actin:0.52±0.10)明显高于NSeN1组(CDB6/13.actin:0.35±0.04).结论 高碘使巨噬细胞的抗原提呈作用呈现高于正常状态,成为诱发甲状腺自身免疫发生的一个重要的因素.低硒可使大鼠腹腔巨噬细胞对OVA抗原识别和提呈作用减弱,维持免疫自稳机制失调,可能也是构成诱发自身免疫病的一个因素.  相似文献   
目的探讨局部应用雷帕霉素(Rapamycin,RAPA)能否抑制兔高危角膜移植术后免疫排斥反应,比较不同给药方式和不同药物间的效果。方法用119只(119眼)新西兰大白兔制作角膜碱烧伤新生血管模型;分为A、B、C、D、E、F和G7组,每组17只,行穿透性角膜移植术,供体为健康灰色家兔。A组为同源对照组;B组为未治疗组;C组术后空白纳米粒滴眼液每天点眼2次共28天;D组术后1%RAPA滴眼液每天点眼3次共28天;E组术中前房植入RAPA缓释膜;F组术后0.5%RAPA纳米粒滴眼液每天点眼2次共28天;G组术中前房植入环孢素A(Cyclospoirne A,CsA)缓释膜。术后隔天用裂隙灯显微镜观察并记录角膜植片免疫排斥反应发生时间和程度。分别于术后7、14、28天应用高效液相法检查D、E、F组兔房水中RAPA药物浓度;3、14、28及35天行组织病理学及免疫组织化学检查。结果A组(100.0±0.0)d、E组(44.89±8.95)d、F组(45.22±5.52)d、G组(45.89±10.33)d兔角膜植片存活时间较B组(11.11±1.69)d、C组(11.78±3.19)d、D组(17.78±8.41)d明显延长(P<0.01)。房水中RAPA浓度:D组始终为0ng/mL;E组7、14、28天分别为(12.01±0.83)ng/mL、(11.14±1.04)ng/mL、(10.26±0.47)ng/mL;F组7、14、28天分别为(10.41±0.08)ng/mL、(10.87±0.40)ng/mL、(10.92±0.85)ng/mL。组织病理学和免疫组织化学检查:B、C组术后14d,角膜植片聚积了大量CD4 和CD8 T淋巴细胞,并随时间增加而增多;E、F、G组至术后28~35d,角膜植床及植片基质CD4 和CD8 T淋巴细胞数量开始出现并增加。结论RAPA纳米粒滴眼液组房水中RAPA浓度与前房植入RAPA缓释膜组相近且更恒定,能显著延长兔穿透性角膜移植植片的存活时间,与CsA局部应用效果相近;RAPA纳米滴眼液有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the combined effect of topical rapamycin (RAPA) eye drop in nanometer vector and poly (lactic acid) (PLA) wafers of cyclospoirne A(CsA) in the prevention of acute allograft rejection after rabbit corneal transplantation. Methods It was an experimental study. RAPA was incorporated into the nanometer particles and CsA was incorporated into PLA wafers. A was syngeneic control whose both donor and recipient are New Zealand rabbit. Gray donor corneas were implanted into the 102 recipients of New Zealand albino rabbits with corneal neovascularization who were randomly divided into B, C, D, E, F, G 6 groups to receive the different types of therapy: B was no therapy control; C was eye drop of nanometer vector but no RAPA twice a day,28 days; D was PLA wafers in the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes but no drugs; E was 0.5% RAPA eye drop of nanometer vector twice a day,28 days; F was PLA wafers of CsA in the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes; G was PLA wafers of CsA in the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes and 0.5% RAPA eye drop of nanometer vector eye drop twice a day for 28 days together. Postoperative evaluation included slit-lamp biomicroscopy, histopathology and immunohistoiogy, Cytokines related with neovascularization and immunosuppression in the corneal tissue by RT-PCR. The graft survival was assessed by One-Way ANOVA and q test. Results Corneal allograft survival time: A (100.00±0.00), B ( 8.44±1.24), C (8.89±2.57), D (8.56±2.30), E (43.11±5.58), F (43.67±9.54), G (72.00±15.34)d. Group G led to a statistically significant prolongation of transplant survival and was superior than group E and F which was a statistical prolongation compared with group B, C and D (qGE=11.42, qGF=11.24,qEB=13.64, qEC=13.38, q<=13.46, qFB=13. 82, qFC=13.56, qFD=13.64; P<0.01). Immunohistopathologically, the grafts were subjected to an immune response contained a dense infiltrate of neutorphils,CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes in the group B ,C and D. This cellular infiltrate was a significant reduction in group E,F,G. RT-PCR showed that the gene expression of IL-2 was inhibited earlier (3 days) in group F, G and VEGF gene expression being suppressed later (14 days) in group E, G. Conclusions Combined therapy with topical application of RAPA eye drop of nanometer vector and CsA PLA wafers can significantly prolong the survival of allograft at high-risk. Moreover, topical combined treatment of them is more effective, lower dosage, less side-effects and cheaper than the treatment with topical individual immunosuppressive drug.  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the combined effect of topical rapamycin (RAPA) eye drop in nanometer vector and poly (lactic acid) (PLA) wafers of cyclospoirne A(CsA) in the prevention of acute allograft rejection after rabbit corneal transplantation. Methods It was an experimental study. RAPA was incorporated into the nanometer particles and CsA was incorporated into PLA wafers. A was syngeneic control whose both donor and recipient are New Zealand rabbit. Gray donor corneas were implanted into the 102 recipients of New Zealand albino rabbits with corneal neovascularization who were randomly divided into B, C, D, E, F, G 6 groups to receive the different types of therapy: B was no therapy control; C was eye drop of nanometer vector but no RAPA twice a day,28 days; D was PLA wafers in the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes but no drugs; E was 0.5% RAPA eye drop of nanometer vector twice a day,28 days; F was PLA wafers of CsA in the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes; G was PLA wafers of CsA in the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes and 0.5% RAPA eye drop of nanometer vector eye drop twice a day for 28 days together. Postoperative evaluation included slit-lamp biomicroscopy, histopathology and immunohistoiogy, Cytokines related with neovascularization and immunosuppression in the corneal tissue by RT-PCR. The graft survival was assessed by One-Way ANOVA and q test. Results Corneal allograft survival time: A (100.00±0.00), B ( 8.44±1.24), C (8.89±2.57), D (8.56±2.30), E (43.11±5.58), F (43.67±9.54), G (72.00±15.34)d. Group G led to a statistically significant prolongation of transplant survival and was superior than group E and F which was a statistical prolongation compared with group B, C and D (qGE=11.42, qGF=11.24,qEB=13.64, qEC=13.38, q<=13.46, qFB=13. 82, qFC=13.56, qFD=13.64; P<0.01). Immunohistopathologically, the grafts were subjected to an immune response contained a dense infiltrate of neutorphils,CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes in the group B ,C and D. This cellular infiltrate was a significant reduction in group E,F,G. RT-PCR showed that the gene expression of IL-2 was inhibited earlier (3 days) in group F, G and VEGF gene expression being suppressed later (14 days) in group E, G. Conclusions Combined therapy with topical application of RAPA eye drop of nanometer vector and CsA PLA wafers can significantly prolong the survival of allograft at high-risk. Moreover, topical combined treatment of them is more effective, lower dosage, less side-effects and cheaper than the treatment with topical individual immunosuppressive drug.  相似文献   
一、发病机制 自身免疫性甲状腺疾病有桥本氏病和巴塞杜氏病,从家族发病率和人类白细胞抗原等检查,可看出这些疾病的发生同其它自身免疫性疾病一样与遗传因素有关。作者提出“平衡理论”(见图1),即病毒感染等外界因子造成机体的免疫监视功能紊乱,在甲状腺发生自身免疫现象。 认为甲状腺上皮细胞膜上的TSH受体的抗体及HTS(人甲状腺刺激素)产生过  相似文献   
测定血清中的补体系统变化,对肾小球肾炎的诊断、治疗、予后和病情观察有其临床实用意义。为此,我们对慢性肾小球肾炎、慢性肾炎肾病型、急性肾小球肾炎及84例正常人进行了血清中总补体活性和补体C_3蛋白含量的测定,并对其中的8例急性肾小球肾炎做了血清总补体活性和补体C_3蛋白含量的动态观察,报告如下:  相似文献   
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