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患者女性,48岁,舌体部肿块3年余。患者于2001年偶然发现舌体部正中一6mm×3mm突起,无红、肿、痛,肿块逐渐增大,近半年感间歇性疼痛。查体:舌体正中可见1.2cm×1.2cm×0.5cm半球形肿块。表面灰白,无破溃,有轻度触痛。于2004年2月11日手术完全切除肿块送检。病理检查眼观:送检组织1.5cm×1.5cm×1cm,表面灰白欠光滑,基底见少许灰红色肌肉组织,切面见肿块紧贴黏膜下,直径1cm,灰红色、质嫩,有光泽,界清,无包膜。镜检:瘤组织略呈分叶状,位于舌黏膜下和浅肌层间,由血管及上皮样细胞组成;血管为大小不等的分枝状薄壁血管,内衬正常内皮细胞,管周上皮… 相似文献
The plasminogen-activator system provides proteolytic activity in many biological processes . The regulation of plasminogen activation may occur at many levels in-cluding the synthesis and secretion of plasminogen activators (PA) and the specific in-hibition of PA activity by inhibitors. PA-inhibitor o,pe-1 ( PAI-1) is an efficientinhibitor of tissue-type PA (tPA) and urokinase-type PA (uPA) that may thereforebe instrumental for the control of plasminogen activation . To investigate whethercoordinated regulation of PA an PA inhibitors would take place in vivo in response tophysiological signals, we have examined the regulation of tPA and PAI-1 in the ovaryduring gnnadotropin-induced ovulation. 相似文献