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婴幼儿缺铁是一常见营养缺乏性疾病,除了可导致贫血外,缺铁本身可引起一系列中枢神经系统功能的紊乱。发育早期的缺铁更能导致婴幼儿长期持续的行为改变,包括运动、认知、学习和情绪等多个方面,且这些行为上的变化不能被后期的补铁治疗所完全纠正。大量动物实验证实,发育早期缺铁能导致中枢神经系统多巴胺功能的变化,并且在脑铁水平恢复正常后这些变化在一定脑区中仍存在。该文对发育早期缺铁对脑内不同区域多巴胺功能的影响及与行为变化的关系作一综述。 相似文献
和谐价值取向推动社会、医院、患者和谐共进 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
医患纠纷和冲突已越来越成为社会的焦点问题,严重地影响着和谐社会的建设与卫生事业的健康发展。本文在分析医患矛盾产生原因的基础上提出了不同的价值取向是其产生的又一重要原因,分析了医、患、社会三方构建和谐价值取向的基础,初步探索了现阶段三者取得和谐的理念要义以及在此基础上的认识调整和做法,为构建和谐的医患关系提供重要的指导意义。 相似文献
张洪梅 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》2002,6(22):3463
Background:Blocking of cervical nerve ganglion is an effective method in treatment of cervical spondylopathy.Health education before and after operation could solve many nursing problems. 相似文献
假性甲状旁腺功能减退症1例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
患儿,男,5个月,因呼吸不畅5d,门诊以先天性喉喘鸣收入院。5d前出现呼吸不畅,咽喉部有痰鸣,故入院。查体:圆脸、下颏短,前囟2.5cm×2.5cm,平坦,枕秃( ),乒乓球感( ),咽稍红,双肺呼吸音可闻及喉鸣音,未闻及干湿啰性音,心脏、腹部及神经系统未见异常。血钙1.75mmol/L,血磷1.81mmol 相似文献
Objective To study on adsorption effect of cadusafos and atropine sulfate by hemoperfusion.Method Hemoperfusions were performed for sheep blood samples with cadusafos and atropineby through imitated extracorporeal closed circulating perfusion apparatus.Residual cadusafos was determined by gas chromatography and residual atropine was determined by high performance liquid chromatography.Result Dose of adsorption agent was 0.5,1.0 and 1.5 g,respectively.Two hours after hemoperfusion with membrane coated activated charcoal,clearance rate of cadusafos in 3 groups all exceeded 90%.and clearance rate of atropine sulfate was 61.9%,84.9%,88.9%,respectively.One and a half hours after hemoperfusion with HA230 absorption resin,clearance rate of eadusafos in 3 groups all exceeded 90%,and clearance rate of atropine sulfate was 88.0%,97.2%,98.4%,respectively.Three hours after hemoperfusion with membrane coated activated charcoal,The concentration ratio of cadusafos and atropine sulfate in blood promoted to 10.1 times,and the ratio was 6.7 times after hemoperfusion with HA230 absorption resin.Conclusion It suggested that cadusafos were mostly removed from blood after 1.5~2.0hours hemoperfusion with membrane activated charcoal or HA230 absorption resin.The concentration ratio of cadusafos and atropine sulfate in blood will increased after hemoperfusion. 相似文献
为了实现医学可视化的网络应用,提出一种基于小波描述子的表面渲染数据渐进传输方法.首先针对用于表面重建的序列平面轮廓为周期序列的特点,提出数字轮廓小波描述子的概念.基于小波描述子进行渐进传输的基本思想是,在发送端将轮廓采用小波描述子表示,然后对这些小波描述子系数序列渐进发送.在接收端,利用陆续收到的描述子系数序列重构轮廓,进行表面重建与渲染,重建精度和渲染效果随着不断收到‘细节'部分数据而得到改善并最终达到发送端的效果.该方法可以在数据无损传输的情况下,降低对传输网络带宽的要求,文中实验研究表明了方法的可行性. 相似文献
医学图书馆通过在PubMed中提供馆藏链接、设立MyNCBI共享账号以及为用户提供PubMed使用培训和检索咨询服务,从而实现PubMed的本地化服务。 相似文献
Preparation of Aminated Macroporous Polyvinyl Alcohol Resins and Evaluation for Bilirubin Adsorption
WANG Wei-chao ZHANG Sheng-nan HU Yue-han XIE Hui OU Lai-liang YU Yao-ting KONG De-ling GU Han-qing 《中国生物医学工程学报(英文版)》2008,17(3)
In the present study we prepared macroporous polyvinyl alcohol beads. A series of bilirubin adsorbents were generated by immobilization of eight amine agents to the beads as ligands. The adsorption of bilirubin was evaluated by in vitro static and dynamic adsorption tests. The results show that these adsorbents have excellent adsorption efficiency and capacity. Among the eight ligands, trimethylamine (TMA), triethylamine (TEA) and 1,6- hexanediamine(HDA) showed the highest adsorption capacity. The adsorption equilibrium can be achieved in half an hour, and the adsorption percentage of bilirubin was up to 80%. Static electricity and hydrophobic interaction played the main role in bilirubin adsorption, and the adsorption was found to match the monolayer model. The excellent adsorption of these adsorbents indicates their potential in clinical treatment. 相似文献
窦性起搏对心室肌纤维自发节律位相重置性质的数值研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文应用Beeler-Reuter模型,选取损伤电流I=23μA,产生自发振荡,施加不同程度的电流脉冲刺激,研究窦性起搏对心室肌纤维自节律位相重置的过程,结果表明:当外加电流脉冲强度小于14时,体现位相奇重置,反之,体现位相偶重置,并给出位相重置函数。 相似文献