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Epidural spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is currently proposed to treat intractable neuropathic pain. Since the 1970s, isolated cases and small cohorts of patients suffering from dystonia, tremor, painful leg and moving toes (PLMT), or Parkinson’s disease were also treated with SCS in the context of exploratory clinical studies. Despite the safety profile of SCS observed in these various types of movement disorders, the degree of improvement of abnormal movements following SCS has been heterogeneous among patients and across centers in open-label trials, stressing the need for larger, randomized, double-blind studies. This article provides a comprehensive review of both experimental and clinical studies of SCS application in movement disorders.  相似文献   
Extranodal thyroid lymphomatous involvement is rare in childhood. We report here 2 children, 1 with vertical transmission-acquired human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), presenting with lymphomatous infiltration of the thyroid gland at diagnosis. One child had infra-clinical endocrine impairment and both responded well to chemotherapy. Although the cases are too scarce to be affirmative, thyroid gland involvement doesn't seem to alter the good prognosis of childhood Burkitt's lymphoma. The third child's cancer in frequency is Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas. Presenting as the initial AIDS event in 1 patient, this case report also highlights the need to systematically propose antiretroviral therapy in vertically HIV infected children.  相似文献   
Link between maternal body mass index (BMI) and pregnancy outcome is not clear. OBJECTIVE: To appreciate the impact of prepregnancy maternal BMI on very preterm birth (22-32 gestation's weeks). SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: To assess how maternal BMI does explain the mechanism of very preterm birth among live births. METHODS: Population-based study, including each mother with a live or stillborn baby was included in a geographically defined (Poitou-Charentes and Franche-comté, France) case-control study in 2004 to 2006. Leanness (BMI<18.5kg/m(2)) and overweight and obesity (BMI> or =25kg/m(2)) were defined according to World Health Organization's standards. Statistical analysis consisted in a polynomial regression on 832 mothers of very preterm babies and 431 mothers of full-term babies, taking account for confounders as maternal age, birth country, educational level, maternal work and smoking during the pregnancy. RESULTS: Leanness is a risk factor for very preterm live birth (aOR=1.73 [1.12-2.68]), overweight is a risk factor for stillbirth. (aOR=1.71 [1.03-2.84]). Among mothers of live born babies, leanness is a risk factor for spontaneous preterm birth (aOR=2.12 [1.20-3.74]), whereas overweight is a risk factor for very preterm birth on medical decision due to gestational hypertension (aOR=2.85 [1.80-4.52]). CONCLUSION: Morbid maternal stoutness before pregnancy is a complex risk factor for very preterm delivery. Women and couples should be informed and practitioners should be aware in order to prevent and manage this pathological status.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The propensity to arouse from sleep is an integrative part of the sleep structure and can have direct implications in various clinical conditions. This study was conducted to evaluate the maturation of spontaneous arousals during the first year of life in healthy infants. DESIGN: Nineteen infants were studied with nighttime polysomnography on 3 occasions: aged 2 to 3 months, 5 to 6 months, and 8 to 9 months. Ten infants with a median age of 3 weeks were added to the main study to assess the maturation of arousals from birth. The infants were born full-term, were healthy at the time of study, and had no history of apnea. Sleep-state and cardiorespiratory parameters were scored according to recommended criteria. Arousals were differentiated into subcortical activations or cortical arousals, according to the presence of autonomic and/or electroencephalographic changes. Frequencies of subcortical activations and cortical arousals were studied at different ages in both rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. RESULTS: During sleep time, the frequency of total arousals, cortical arousals, and subcortical activations decreased with age. The maturation of the arousal events differed according to sleep states and types of arousals. With age, cortical arousals increased in REM sleep (P = 0.006) and decreased in NREM sleep (P = 0.01). Subcortical activations decreased with age in REM (P < 0.001) and NREM sleep (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: During total sleep time, the frequency of cortical arousals and subcortical activations decreased with maturation. However, the maturation process was different between cortical arousals and subcortical activations. This finding suggests a difference in the maturational sequence of the different brain centers regulating arousals.  相似文献   
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